Why is no one talking about mercy?

Look guys, shes broken…

Without fail, every game i have played this season, if one team has a mercy and the other doesnt? mercy wins…

1.Rez is still an issue, 5v5 just made it worse. It still has ult status, and its just better to revive a fallen teamate than to pull dragonblade or whip out deadeye, which is unacceptable.

2.GA is INSANE, she is faster than so many heros, and it just doesnt make sense. A good mercy will NEVER come close to dying, unless you kill her whole team, which leads us to the next problem…

3.you cant kill her team, her healing is crazy, especially during valk. which, understandable, shes a healer after all, but when a single mercy can outheal an ult? thats also unacceptable.

4.Damage boost is also busted, as anyone who has it instantly will do better. Not only because the noise is much cleaner when u have it on, making your brain think your doing better, but also because it makes some thresholds break, like ashe can now one shot with mercy pocket. (or near it)

5.Valk, is boring, is annoying, and is way to good as an escape, as save, and an offensive weapon.

6.Glock, shouldnt exist, either give her a gun or damage boost, not both.

Im sorry, some of these may be wrong, but mercy needs a nerf and theres no denying that, any ideas?


You are correct. Let’s replace damage boost and her Glock with a Desert Eagle.


It really is impossible to discuss balance changes when you have such breathtakingly dumb views on balance like the OP in this forum.


I hope this is satire


It’s only satire after the backpedal.


With how often I have to tell my team to even look in the direction of the Mercy (Literally 9/10 games), I think she’s fine, and people are genuinely just stupid.


Rez shouldn’t be in the game.

Most people on the forums won’t agree with you about this though. Or that Mercy is a problem when it comes to the game.


People are…but those ppsts get flagged so quickly and so easily even though they break 0 rules in the TOS.

Mercy Controversy has always been a thing in this game and no one wants to address it. Not the streamers nor the devs and what little gets out in the forums is just shut down.


Because Illari keeps Mercy in check for now

Actually that would be an interesting transition.

All healing done gets charged into a super shot for her pistol, which then can be released on the 1st shot to deal increased damage. That would handle her defense issue, reward her pocketing playstyle, allow for more skillful expression, give Mercy something more to do, and allows her to take duels much easier like the rest of the roster.

Like this can even be a thing for Mercy to be able to control more of the safe soace she needs to rez and do all her other things.

Just right now you really can’t limit a hero’s entire defensive side on spamming a single button.


Why is no one talking about mercy?

We were all talking about Mercy before you came in. :clown_face:

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People are genuinely stupid. At all ranks, specially DPS players.


…because Mercy-clan will ban another my account

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Is this single mercy in the room with us today?


Was there a period where no one was talking about Mercy? I wish I logged on to see that; seems like most posts are about how Mercy is as unhealthy as Anti-nade, Launch Brig, and the like.

What? What ult did she out heal? Sound Barrier? The AOE damage of Earth Shatter?


I do find it weird how the pocket bots greatest pocketing abilities, are how survivable she makes the pockets, and not the damage boost. Maybe she needs a power shift?

Moth meta, crutch hero, no healing downtime, constant healing with no pause for reload adjusying LOS or positioning, REZ not needing direct line of sight and creating a 5v6 scenario.

A single healbot support has more mobility than any hero in the roster with the shortest cooldown…

Like bro. Then we have issues like how Mercy’s headhitbox is blocked by her WINGS when she is attacked from the side.

Having no offense is no problem when you have a hero that has that much defense.


It is also laughable with how many broken abilities she gets away in this time and age where the skill to value ratio of most other heroes has been nerfed significantly.

Lol, and the thread is already flagged to the ground by the mercy mafia.


Ameteratsu showed in a Youtube video how healing beam is more potent than damage boost.

See the video below.


The experiments shown show how pptentially keeping a hero up creates a bigger issue then amplifying their dps. In fact both beams were pitted againsy one another with healing beam winning every time.

It goes on to show that Mercy’s healing tempo is rather unhealthy and how she performs in dealing all her hps is actually problematic since it takes much less effort to maintain then with other supports.

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