Why is my tank gold and the other diamond?

Why is my tank gold and the other diamond? 20 character


Was this competitive?

Ooof damn.

I’d say there’s a couple possibilities.

1: There’s not enough tank players in high ranks. So they have to pull up from the lower ranks just to keep queue times from jumping up to 30 minutes even in Diamond.

2: Both tanks were in a duo. One duo had a gold tank/diamond dps or support. The other duo had a Diamond tank/gold dps or support.

My guess is it was number 1. And we’ll see more and more of this happening as tank players continue falling off the wayside.

Yeah I’m excited to see what Valve is cooking up.

Multiversus coming next week then Marvels and Deadpool are legit competition for Overwatch which will hopefully kill this game.

overwatch will never be good with Blizzard behind it. Best thing to do is hope Blizzard shuts it down and people create an emulator for it and host private servers.

Its been this way for a while despite them claiming to make it so that the ranks within a role mirror eachother.

On an unrelated note, prior to the reset were you in diamond? I’m curious where s8 diamond players ended up.

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Im on my alt which was masters prior to reset.

Idc about ranks more so everyone is on the same level and not just one sided stomps

This company is dog :poop: and the forum reddit mods can be mad all they want. Get a real job

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Eww please no. Not saying Blizzard deserves your money but after what Valve has done to TF2 I wouldn’t give them the time of day. Deadlock deserves a day one review bomb and as few sales as possible.

It looks like CS2 is also going down the toilet.

Even in a duo, the tank should still be matched by role. That’s how it works in ranked… at least that’s what they said.

That’s how it should work. But honestly the systems in this game rarely work as the devs say they should.

The devs talk the talk but they don’t ever walk the walk. IMO.

How long did it take for TF2 to get to the bot ridden state it is in now?

It released in 2007.

It’s time a fresh new game imo and Valve should be able to deliver, even if it lasts 3 good years. That’s good enough for me.

A couple questions. Where you in a wide group or solo? Was it tank role that the other tank was diamond or another role? What time where you playing was it prime or extremely late/early? Just looking for more info to understand the situation.

Multiversus is a joke that is for whatever demented reason following in the footsteps of Blizzard’s worst decision that they already walked back… Like, no.

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Not long enough. If Valve announced they were pulling all support and shut down the store I would at least respect that decision, but they keep stringing people along with more crates full of community-sourced cosmetics. Screw Valve.

It’s time for their fresh game to go down in flames like Artifact and DotA Underlords.

not enough tank players in high enough elo, so for the sake of competitive queues not reaching double digits, they just lump a poor gold tank player into a high elo match