Why is Moira suddenly a Hot Button Issue on the forums?

It’s very odd that people clamor for a Moira nerf in the current meta. Her high rank pick rates and win rates are very low. There’s no good reason to nerf her, and there are good reasons to buff her (by returning the healing through barriers).

Rationally speaking, people should be complaining about Ana instead. Her pick rates indicate that she’s as much a must pick as Mercy ever was. In GM for instance she averages 14.58% pick rate this week. What’s more, despite the fact that some people like playing her, periods where Ana is dominant have always lead to metas that most people dislike. Her kit pushes the game to favor slower moving heavy comps, and long fights that are ended by combos.

The thing is, people are not good at thinking carefully or consistently. They’re not currently applying the same pick rate logic to Ana that they applied to Mercy.
They’re also not applying the same logic from Mercy’s nerf to Moira. Mercy was ostensibly nerfed because her high healing numbers made her irreplaceable. Moira’s healing numbers are higher than Mercy’s ever were, but no one is making the claim that she should be nerfed due to her healing. Instead, people are requesting nerfs based off of Moira’s damage. This is the epitome of silliness. Moira’s damage never has been and never will be a problem.

The bad thing about people’s tendency to be silly is that it sometimes leads the devs to make bad balance decisions based off of knee jerk reactions. The good thing is that irrational silliness is as easily forgotten as it is generated.

Hopefully, they’ll soon move on to another topic. Even more hopefully (though I doubt it will happen), people will realize that the main support sub-class is not currently well balanced. Both Moira and Mercy need some more tweaking upwards (I’m loathe to see an Ana nerf, and hope they don’t go down that route). Moira definitely doesn’t need a nerf.

Because now the main support who beats dps in 1v1 is gone they have turned to the other support who can beat them 1v1.


that’s what I imagine runs through every dps players head sometimes.

It’s because they got Blizzard to cave and nerf Brig. With Brig nerfed they need to continue the witchhunt some how.

They’re doing the same for Sombra.

Leave no support alive.

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Because she is like brig but not as high skill capped.

Her con’s are very low vs her pro’s in terms of value.
She is unbalanced as a hero but her potential skill cap is very low.
This is why you see Moira’s try to flank in lower ranks because its easy for her to get away with.

If you want Moira to be balanced you need to give her con’s to using her kit of a similar value.
If you want Moira to be a high skill cap hero then you need to up her potential output through user input whilst balancing her con values.

You do realize that Moira, as the only support, offers nothing to her team outside of healing? That is where her major drawback lies. She has no team speed boost, no rez, no stuns, no damage amplification, no healing denial or anything else of the sort.

Her ability to fight the enemy better than most supports came at the cost of her offering nothing but healing to her team, healing further limited by a resource meter and cooldowns.

If she is flanking, she aint healing her team. If he is healing her team, she aint attacking you. That is the cons she plays with, she can only heal and she has to choose whether to DPS or heal at any given moment.

But the cons are not against the hero herself only to the team,
and the con value is dropped further by simply having a second healer.

Also the simplicity of how Moira can switch from healing to DPS is too easy to be considered a con.

I can think of ways to improve her balance but id rather keep the discussion about current Moira.


she’s not

really, she isn’t

The people who want nerfs don’t like how hard she is to kill with a small hit box and has a 5 second cool down’ “get out of problem free card.”

Moira WAS a hot button issue when she was released, she no longer is, as evidenced by her pick rate.

It’s a support who can defend herself and can survive sticky situations without relying ENTIRELY on her team. She obviously must be nerfed into more obscurity than she currently is in now. Then maybe Ana will be next. Though I’m not entirely sure. She might not be due to the people who defend any hero that relies on aim.

Which is a common theme I see on these forums. If a hero doesn’t require you to have pinpoint accurate aim and it’s a decent hero pick, it’s immediately considered OP and needs to be nerfed to the ground. Specifically in regards to supports. It’s like no one on the forums wants supports to be able to do anything besides be an underwhelming healbot that follows them around like a lost puppy. Which, here’s a hard pill to swallow, supports can be more than healbots. Sometimes they can and should be useful outside of pocketing something.

The following heroes actually could use buffs


The problem is in order to make them viable in GM you would 100 percent make them full unfun aids cancer and pretty much any degenerative disease you can think of to face in sub plat games.

Moira is pretty much a free ride to gold that is why a good portion of the ladder thinks she is broken.

All you have to do on her is just jump around like a monkey spamming a and d on your keyboard and hold right click no one is going to hit you in lower elo.

Moira isnt the problem. (brig is actually far more “unkillable” than moira is. I would love to see how much the game would change if people couldnt abuse jumping around with infinite stamina. Just put a stamina bar into the game and watch how much easier people die in lower elo.

There is a reason Moira has never had a significant balance change… because she is balanced?

Moira does the most? Most what? And at what ELO?

Too many people use moira as a DPS, if they nerfed her damage that wouldnt be as common. I dont think shes op, i think too many people believe she is and play her like shes a zenyatta lucio or a brig.

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That’s what people are complaining about. She’s too weak and is a heal bot with no utility that can’t do anything else.

Ana can replace her in every comp and be better. Ana does the healing not only to targets in front of her but also to targets on high ground and at long range. Also she provides much much more utility. Moira is bad.

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Can you imagine? A support that can support their team by not just healing!?

True, it’s soft lock on, so you do actually have to have semi-decent tracking.

Also, really, she’s not impossible to kill. I’ve killed Moiras as Mercy so if a Mercy main (with no aim and brain) can do it, then Genijis and Tracers should…
(or you know, learn when to back off).

Moira is like an anti-fps character, I guess is the best way I can explain it. Her moves are insanely easy to use regardless of who is playing her and her blink ability is on a very low cooldown.

Yet. Just give it a moment.

They’re not entirely wrong. Overwatch does cater to their limelight heroes and mostly mascot of the franchise.

Nope, look it up.