Why is Moira suddenly a Hot Button Issue on the forums?

She’s not OP in the slightest so why is she talked about asking for a nerf and stuff. Are you guys just not happy with a support who can do anything besides healing? Should healers only be heal-bots to you?


? I don’t think she is? I’ve seen like one post and that was rather unpopular.


They already nerfed two “no skill” supports into the ground. Human brains are pretty proficient at discerning patterns.


It’s a race to the bottom with supports and, as of right now, Moira does the most.


She’s a support and she has “auto aim” and is “easy to play”. Therefore, she must be nerfed. At least, that’s what these people think anyway :roll_eyes:


Shes a support with good heal, good damage potential, a “lock-on” infinite ammo primary that heals her and a decent escape tool, of course they think shes too good.

Its going to get worse too, Brigs pick rate and win rate are going to fall, with no brig, we get more tracers and genjis, with more of them we get less Anas and Zens which means more Moira and Mercy.

So Moira will be in their sights and causing them problems more soon.


No one is asking for a nerf. The brig mains are salty that their hero is getting nerfed and so they are saying things like “i guess we should nerf moira too because we cater to flankers” and stuff like that.


We’re running out of things to complain about.


I made up a joke image with each support that’s been reworked/nerfed x-out, implying Moira and Zen are next, with Sym having a ? over her do to her new DPS status, but I just remembered my lv3 was revoked with no explanation. So you’ll just have to imagine how awesome/cringy it would’ve been.

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Because Brig is out and Moira’s the closest to a decently used lower skill floor hero

“Moira to EZ!”
“No brain auto aim”

Sound familiar?


The issue is that her skill floor is in the basement.
Under Plat if you’re playing Moira and don’t have 3+ golds at the end your mouse probably wasn’t hooked up.

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It’s because most people cried that Moira was OP when she came out and only forgot about her because of Brigitte. But now that Brigitte is being nerf into the ground that means Moira is the only one left to put into the ground since both Brigitte and Moira aren’t as easy to kill support.

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Basically, there are people who don’t play Moira who perceive her as a “no skill” character. She’s also able to fight back against Tracer and Genji, somewhat. She’s not overpowered at all, but people who don’t play the character think she has an auto lock beam, and Tracer and Genji mains are salty that they got killed by something that isn’t a dps. It’s pretty much the same thing that happened with Brigitte.


If they nerf another support before a certain annoying hero with 150 health, I dont think I will play this game any longer.


Well, no one will dare touch Ana, unless flankers want her to have another damage nerf lol.

Same. The worst part about it is that all of the complaints about Moira come from people who don’t even play her and don’t even actually understand how her kit works. That they actually think that her beam auto locks like Symmetra’s beam used to is a prime example of this. It’s just like it was with Brigitte.


Because Keprhii made this video

And he forgot that most of his followers are kids


It shouldn’t be besides #justiceforMoira

that’s me when someone says moira is op because of damage orb

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Because Deathmatch.

Because Seagull mentioned her amongst the “new heroes that aren’t traditional FPS heroes”.

I’d guess xQc said something as well.

Because this forums are all about witch hunting, they gotta target someone, but now when Brig and DF are dealt with Moira unfortunately becoming an easy target since she can be really annoying to flankers with aim and positioning issues, and most likely destroyed them countless times in FFA.