Why is Mercy in every game?

And why do mine never use Res?

Also, we need an extremely distinctive sound for when her beam detaches from us.


I forgot where I was for a second. Shouldn’t need to caveat, but I play Mercy, I even opted to get her gold weapon. It should be obvious I’m not asking for a Res into an extremely dangerous situation, asking for it when it might be on cooldown, or even asking for it for myself. All I’m asking is why too many Mercys on my team don’t Res when they very obviously and safely can, they just choose not to use a vital part of her kit and it’s bewildering.

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Usually they don’t rez if you die directly in the line of fire at the beginning of a team fight.

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Sometimes healing another teammate is more valuable than rezzing another. Because it means that the other teammate can die during it.

Location is also big, along with how the enemies play.
If the enemy camp your corpse, she can’t rez you.
You die out in the open, she can’t rez you.
You die on a ledge with no other allies, she can’t get to you.

These are all possibilities.

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Or she just doesn’t like you because you flamed her :slight_smile:

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There is sound, maybe not ultra distinct, but it’s there. Also there is more than enough visual indications that you’re being healed or damage boosted by mercy.

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Youre asking for a sound in addition to the visual indication on half your screen? Boooooh, you suck.
Besides, i’m glad about every not-insta-rez mercy i see because most others feed immensely with them. What does flying into 5 enemies and rezzing your genji do when everyone else on your team is dead? What? You gonna survive that and 2v5 or 3v5 them? Really? Youre not just gonna feed 225-800 hp of ult charge to them? Genius move gals keep at it :roll_eyes:

Mercy is in every game because “she is her worst state”, obviously.

Forced winrate just doing its job.

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I havent seen anyone say that since the huge buffs she desperately needed :innocent:

But how long will it take for you people to realize that mercy has and will always be played because her fanbase is immensely loyal? Thats always been a factor next to viability. Look at the amount of mercy content on social media. Shes popular and fun. People force her onto teams all the time. Whenever i see someone instalock mercy when our dps are widow and sombra i know exactly how shes gonna play. THAT is why people keep playing her :slight_smile:

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There was a thread just below this one.

It goes beyond just fanbase. This is purely an excuse.
Other popular heroes doesn’t see the same playtime.

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Sorry, I missed in my post where I said I did this. Can you point it out?

I get it, I don’t mean that. I mean I see situations in which my Mercy players could easily and safely Res and they just… don’t. Which is why I get perplexed. I also play Mercy so it’s not as if I’m expecting a ‘miracle worker’.

I don’t say anything to them! I know better!

There’s specifically a detach sound? Can you describe it? I can slightly hear the staticy sounds while she is healing or boosting, but a strong auditory cue would go a long way.

You know a lot of people are colourblind, right? Regardless, some people respond better to visuals, some to audio cues. I’m a musician, I enjoy my distinct audio cues (like Sombra’s Hack), sorry to not see the world literally the same as you. I think there are also visual effects and screen stuff you can turn up or down, and I assume I have mine down.

Oh, you’re responding in bad faith. Adjust, or move along. I’m not talking about where it’s dangerous for her or me to do it. I don’t want her Ressing me into a lost fight, stagger, or 2v5 (without having something like a Wisnton ult, obviously). I’m talking about when it’s completely safe to do so, I know it’s not on CD, and she just… doesn’t.


Where in the topic or post was this asked? Why are you bringing this up?

I think a lot of mercys save rez for the tank. It’s such an OP play to bring back the tank so why waste it on a DPS?

At low ranks I often get mercy+weaver comps and in those it gets saved for the weaver and weaver saves pulls for mercy so they pretty much never die (and stay dead).

Where tanks usually die isn’t safe for a lot of Mercys, unless her movement is extremely good or the fight get kited elsewhere.

That smells like a skill issue

Read the full thread or the caveat, unless you’re not talking about me.

Rez has a pretty long cooldown, you can’t get a rez every time.

Why is Mercy in every game?

Oh, come on, OP. If you’re going to not-so-innocently ask, “Why is Mercy is in every game?”, then clearly say what you intended to say: you are tired of seeing her everywhere. Because you’re so tired of her in your games, you think she’s over-tuned and therefore in need of a nerf.

But you also know that because it’s Mercyone of the most popular girls in the game—you know it’s going to need to be a crippling nerf to get people off her, so you’re going to need to pull out the most effective tricks. Meaning, it’s best to come off sounding extra dramatic about her to stir up attention and summon the rest of her vocal haters from out of the woodwork.

The tried-and-true best forum strategy is making it sound like you are absolutely losing your mind over her! Having a mental breakdown tends to earn lots of sympathetic likes from your readers, and will draw in Mercy mains who will bash you for the insanity. Next, you play the victim card, and if you do so long enough and do it right, you might draw in some of her chronic haters who will aid you and even stand up for you! Before you know it, you’ll have a full-on heated back-and-forth endless debate over her going on, which may even draw the eyes of the devs and get them talking about her internally again! (Which is the intended goal, right?)

You can trust me. I’ve seen this unfold countless times over the last eight years, and sad to say, it works.

Usually your Mercy-hating peers make a more convincing argument when they say statements that don’t come off sounding like this, “I played the character! I know firsthand that she has a problem!” But like this, “I’m a Mercy main, and even I think she’s busted!”

Nine times out of 10, this is exactly what all these topic creators have in common.

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I can admit to this.

Incorrect logic. She actually needs buffs, and not something useless like +5hps on heal. If you read the thread I said she should at least get her previous movement ability back.

I’m sick of seeing her everywhere while she’s so weak compared to many other supports.

And part of what exacerbates my feelings is when I see Mercys who can Res and just opt not to/save it for their pocket duo.

Are most Mercy MainsTM dramatic, are their haters dramatic, or are they both in a drama arms race?

… maybe everyone needs to calm down a bit…

I have over 100hrs on her across two accounts, and I’ll remind you that nowhere did I say she’s OP. You kind of just decided I meant that.

I'll restate for you, the point of this thread was:

Why do I see Mercy so much (when there’s easier, stronger supports that get value), and what’s the point of playing her if you’re not going to use her strongest ability (Res) when you can?

There is a priority ladder, if it comes to rez.

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Because Mercy is extremely easy to play and requires very little brain power. No focus is needed, which is why she is the popular option upon casuals.

On god I have never met a Mercy player who doesn’t like to rez as often as they can. If anything most new Mercy players want to rez more often than they should, and have to learn to be more judicious.
If your Mercy isn’t rezzing, it’s probably because:

  • They don’t have space because the rez target is out of position.
  • They don’t have space because the rest of her team sucks at holding space.
  • Rez is on cooldown.
  • Other teammates are getting melted and will die in the time it takes her to rez.
  • The fight is going downhill and she doesn’t want to rez you into a lost fight.
  • The rez wouldn’t do anything (eg; we’re waiting for one of the teams to regroup regardless) so she’s saving the cooldown.
  • The team needs a counterswap and Mercy doesn’t want to prevent you from switching heroes.
  • You’re bad and they don’t think you’re worth the rez.