Why is Mercy in every game?

You were unimpressed by her voiceline spam, so no rez for you.

You don’t need a caveat but maybe explain your situation/experience better in the first place hah.

It comes down to situational personal judgement I guess
I have opted to not rez:

  • my 76/ball/Sombra etc because they’re fast and can get back into the fight
  • when a mate dies right outside of spawn
  • when a mate isn’t providing value and it’s better to save it for someone who is
  • out of pettiness because they’ve been annoying all game with healing calls and toxicity
  • because I’m saving it for the tank
  • because if I stop healing the tank they’ll die and then we’ll lose the entire fight

and prolly a bunch of other reasons.

I play Mercy because it’s fun the fly around honestly. Yea she’s easy to be effective especially in lower ranks - that might be why you see so much of her (not meant to be a dig at your rank)