In one of her spawn lines, she says she feels dizzy, because “earth has too little oxygen”. Like…she is from Mars, where there is even less oxygen AND she is wearing a helmet, probably fed by some gas. Or maybe the colony on Mars has too much oxygen inside compare to Earth?
Idk, just doesn´t make sense much.
No one breath martian air, its impossible. They breathe artificial air inside their colonies. A little bit more oxygen probably would increase productivity but earth atmosphere will make them sleepy
Yeah I know they don´t go around Mars breathing CO2, I am just not sure, what is she refering to really.
I was wondering that too. Doesnt add up…
Another weird respawning voice line she has is she says “Do I have to go back out there again?”. Is Juno being forced to fight with Overwatch? If so, who is forcing her? Or is it because there is no combat on Mars and thus the whole fighting-dying-respawning cycle of Overwatch on Earth is completely new and is making her uncomfortable?
it is a scientific factor of the amount of oxygen that is included in the air. The air they breathe in space (or produced in space) has nothing to do with the air on Earth. )nfact Juno talks about “oxygen”, not “air”, it is different.
Juno was certainly born and raised in an environment where oxygen was produced through laboratory plants, and in the absence of other natural factors of the earth (such as gases that mix in the earth’s atmosphere) a controlled amount of oxygen results. On the contrary, the Earth lives on a type of air with a certain amount of oxygen, but never actually “only” oxygen, which is why in hospital settings we have oxygen tanks to help patients who are deficient in this element.
I think it’s mostly a reference based on the experience of “going out of a safe area”. You have to imagine that Juno lived on Mars, so every time she goes out it’s like “facing something” for her, let alone in a combat context like this video game.
In any case, if anyone is interested, Juno has multiple factors that make her interesting in the concept of “alien” in small details:
- She has a very squeaky tone of voice, which is actually a very interesting factor in the modulation of sound in space. We on Earth start an “auditory standard” from birth, but we have always commanded ourselves how a creature born on a planet whose sound waves travel differently in space would perceive it. her eardrums born and grown in space may have a different perception of how she is modulating her voice;
- Juno’s large eyes are not an “Asian cartoon stereotype” as many think… but rather an interesting reference to how Juno’s body structure was formed on a planet that has never known the weight of gravity. and this… also applies to the dilation of the eyelids and the posture of the eyeballs. of course it’s just a genetic theory… but it’s ALSO still a great reference to the fact that she is an “alien”.;
- Super important to note that Juno has NEVER known gravity. You have probably heard of astronauts who train every day to keep their muscles and bones in shape, and who when they return to Earth do long sessions of physical therapy to get used to Earth’s gravity again (some cannot even move in the first few weeks). Juno is no exception: if she did not constantly gravitate, it would remain crushed on her own body.
A quick google search told me that in space, they use 100% oxygen in their suits. Compared to the 20% that Earth has, I can imagine Juno feels like she’s suffocating a bit, lol.
I’m really curious to find out whether or not she’s of alien descent - I feel like a lot of her alien features can pass as just weird traits for a human, but at the same time it’s still hard to tell. My uneducated guess is that if she’s human, she was born in a space colony for some experiment and never ended up making it to Earth enough to adapt. Considering the moon gorillas, I think experimentation with babies in space wouldn’t be too shocking.
iirc, she’s also related (either literally or not) to Mei in some capacity, so she’s at least interacting with Earth-people on a regular basis.
Or she’s another omnic, just really well disguised this time, lol.
Well, we can safely say that she wasn’t produced in some weird Matrix-esque tube. She speaks about her father and we already know her mother, so there’s that.
I think theres a possibility that shes a hybrid, half Human, half Alien (or some mixture of both). Could explain why she needs to wear an astronaut suit all the time. But it still doesnt explain OP’s question thou…
Interesting thoughts Mefionir. In that sense, Juno is fully-dependent on her space suit to survive.
she is “semantically” an alien. and better yet, an extraterrestrial from the point of view of the place where she was born. Among the voicelines in the game, when Ramattra defeats Juno, he tells her something like “even if you are an extraterrestrial, you are still human”. this is enough to indicate that Juno was born and raised in the colony of Mars, by humans who lived there after leaving Earth. Juno probably sees the exploration of the Earth as we see the exploration of Mars: she Mars and the space bases would be “home”, the multiple voicelines of Juno make me think so and she behaves as if she were in all aspects living a mission… ‘extraplanetary’ from her point of view: “the earth must be explored, the earth has its dangers, the earth is unknown, the earth is potentially dangerous for me” (not only for the notes on insufficient oxygen compared to that produced in a space base, but also for a weight of gravity that it has never known, temperatures, climatic events, etc.)
she is absolutely a very interesting character, and I hope that even the notes I made about her appearance (more dilated eye sockets and floating boots) make logical sense in the narration of her.
in the photo of Dorado’s spacecraft you can see Mei next to a woman with a hairstyle very similar to Juno’s. but she absolutely cannot be Juno: that woman is taller than Mei, while in the game Juno is very short in stature, and she calls her “auntie”. Juno knows Lucheng.
the most logical theory is the following: Mei knew a collaborator of Licheng Interstellar, Jiayi (mentioned in Mei’s voiceline in Lijiang, Lucheng headquarters). this woman went to colonize Mars and had a daughter: Juno, a technically “Martian” girl but still of the human species. one can speculate that everyone has told her about the land, and that she knows Mei as ‘auntie’ from her mother’s stories. in the Asian context, “auntie” or “uncle” is also used for family friends who are very close to the parents.
It’s still a theory, there are many other details that can be explored in her lore
Clearly, I know that - I even mention that. Education in my country didn´t fail me so far xD Thanks.
she may want to speak with Martian the Manhunter… just some tips and tricks about surviving on earth.