Why is JQ left dumpstered

…since launch. A fun new hero and ahe gets wrecked by almost every comp. She’s needed a buff for months and is still underpowered with no immediate fixes coming.

If she’s so obviously under performing why isn’t there an immediate hot fix planned? Numbers tweak? Anything?

Leaving her dumpstered this long is a slap in the face.


As a support player, I hope she gets a buff to her substain. If I turn my eyes off my queen for one second, she’s usually at crit health. :confused:


There may be changes to her in s3 (we can only hope) but she is far from the weakest tank now especially since hog was nerfed. What she needs imo is a mobility option that’s not on a 13 second cooldown

I think her last set of buffs was a welcome change.
She definitely still isn’t top tier, but she is alright now and if played well can hold her own against most other tanks.

The problem with her has always been the nerfs they gave her between beta 2 and release. in beta 2 she was an absolute beast but the pros found a way to use her in a comp that gave the Devs goats PTSD so they very quickly and heavy handedly knocked her down (I think they forgor they were about to add a hero that could completely negate the main part of her kit with one button press.)

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Shame to, she’s actually fun to play, and she’s almost a throw pick.

I’m noticing a pattern.

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Yep she is literally a throwpick and as squishy as a dps no armor nothing dying within nanoseconds (not really how a low/melee range “BRAWLER” supposed to be) esp. when NOT duo Qing with a support who heals YOU and does nothing else in the game, like Guru does with his GF, then but only then she is fun, if you get a personal suzu & healing bot.

She’s fun to play, but she’s clearly an off tank. Extremely bad designed for 5v5.


I went on a 28 and 1 win when I last played with her a few days ago, she’s fun and you have to know how to deal with her strengths and weaknesses.

Most importantly, keep throwing and hitting your knife immediately when you can.

She’s not that bad imo. The latest updates feel good.

But she has her own playstyle : unlike other tanks, she’s very bad in open areas, she’s more about ambushing. Tbh I like that.

She might still be underpowered but personally, I feel Doomfist is less impactful.

She is not horrible, just HEAVILY kept in check by Kiriko existing.

That and burst damage being the big meta, she go bye bye.

She’s fun as hell in open queue competitive - super easy to get a 3+ axe swing.
Open queue quickplay however is a dps cesspool don’t touch that.
The problem with her is that she is a close range fighter in a world of snipers.


Idk about that… she feels pretty decent now. Maybe she’s not perfect, but she’s not awful either.

Many of her problems are still related to the fact that she doesn’t offer anything amazing as a tank.

Offering a very small speed boost duration and overhealing every 14seconds is not worth it for a team. You can speed boost any team without her as Lucio and more consistently.

Without it she’s just another selfish tank (in the sense all your effects are for yourself) that the other tanks which can do stuff and assist the team are more beneficial. Right now, she clashes too much with Roadhog. He has the better selfsustain without needing support focus. He has the stronger CC ability.

His ult is not as good, but its harder to fully shut down compared to JQ with kiriko in play.

JQ is individually fun to play, but I never pick her under the idea of what can I counterpick? What synergies with my team? JQ is always at the bottom of the list.

His ult is literally a “delete this tank” button wym
All you need is a corner

She was clearly designed as an off tank alternative to Hog but the move to 5v5 left her DOA.

Which tends to be a rather difficult scenario to find generally.

Then you could just use it on a wall in a general direction toward your team.

They’ve tried buffing her multiple times and probably will keep doing so, they just have slow and infrequent balance updates.

At least you’re not doom.

Was the worst hero in season 1, got buffed (in the worst way possible), and then after a week got nerfed into an even worst state than season 1 and is back to being useless.