Why is it so hard for people to learn to use natural cover?

You get two tanks that for whatever reason want to both play off tanks and refuse to switch. So you still stand out in the open as if they have a shield then complain when you keep dying… It’s called a wall. Use it!



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Because as a support I have to move into open space instead of where I want to for healing.


It’s very difficult to push through many chokes without a barrier if the other team has one. Cover isn’t going to do squat to get you on that point.


Because this game was obviously not made with it in mind. Theres no slide mechanic, no wall hug mechanic, no peek mechanic, etc.

Most maps are open space and there is no heal overtime so you have to find a health pack or a support has to heal you, making natural cover delay the inevitable instead of a viable strategy.


hmm, Ana doesn’t, Zen doesn’t, Brig doesn’t, even if she does she has a shield.
Bap doesn’t, Moira can throw Orb so we’ll say doesn’t.
So that leaves Mercy and Lucio who isn’t healing anyway. So just Mercy, don’t play mercy and you are fine.

problem with this mindset: LOS matters lmao.


LOS to your teammate doesn’t always require you to leave cover.
Besides if you can’t heal them from cover, their fault. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Natural cover isn’t an option in a game where you cant work around with it in mind.

As someone mentioned - literally only genji and Hanzo have a mechanic that works with natural cover and no one else in the game does.

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Depends on angles your team is playing sure you can sit behind walls do nothing and blame your tanks for feeding but you still lose so what’s the point. Not really that simple


If you can’t heal from cover and therefore two roles aren’t functioning as well as they could be, you’re going to lose the game.


This is some Bronze as hell post bruh

just use the wall 4Head

the game isnt that simple. every game is different and never one note.

Oh I know but if your tanks don’t understand a sniper dictates a shield, you really did not have a chance to begin with.

A 1600hp shield is like having 4 extra teammates. If that alone doesn’t convince your tanks to play a shield tank, then you weren’t winning.

I tend to use natural cover a lot, but in some maps you’re forced to leave covers to reach the objective (example payload map, kings row last corner is a hell, because 8/10 there’s a widow on the last roof with her eyes on the walls lol

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But they do because of LOS. Natural cover doesn’t work in this game like at all as an actual strategy.

Brig literally needs to be beating the enemy to heal, Mercy and Zen have to have LOS on their teammates meaning that they can’t stay behind cover otherwise the team isn’t pushing. Moira needs to be dealing damaging so she can’t be staying behind cover. Bap and Ana both need to shoot at their team to heal and assuming that the team is pushing, they need to be in the open TOO. Lúcio needs to stay with his team at all times to heal or boost.

Natural cover doesn’t work with this because your team can’t do anything from natural cover. You have to move into the open to get anything done


I know kinda offtopic but It will be funny (NOT THAT I ASK, I JUST THINK WILL BE A FUNNY THING) to see a ‘‘buff’’ where Rein charge destroy walls (like honor and glory cinematic when he save the two soldiers on the last seconds).

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overwatch does a very good job at hiding or even enabling bad playstyles, so things like over peeking, standing in the open etc are habits that can be so reinforced that they’re hard to forget

being told to stand behind the shield, when the main tank is nowhere near somewhere safe to retreat to, is something i see a lot especially in plat/diamond even!


You would be surprised how many people play this game and something as simple as stepping out of damage does not occur to them. People have gotten used to being over healed and have bad habits.
Yes cover in this game is not as important as in say Apex…but it still works maybe just not as effectively noticeable as in other games.

As for the shield convo…I never play tank without a shield tank even if it means me coming off DVa to do it. And if I am not on tank and we have two lesser players who insist on not playing a shield, I can switch to a more mobile hero and make it work.
The key is you can’t have 2 offtanks because that is feeder central. But if you run Winston or Ball, you should be able to swap to a more mobile comp and make it work.

Not only that, but you’re more likely to get picked off without a shield, from a random stray bullet or bomb, just from trying to cross a hallway and push forward with your team.

Yes we should learn to play without barriers and use wall covers, but the other team (using shields) has massive advantage because they can take open space, and ground advantage (if they are defending.) So against an enemy who can command all of your LOS, you need some of your teammates to over perform over and over to break through, and then you still suffer from time bank disadvantage because you burn more time to set up your clutch plays.