Why is it so hard for Mercy players to accept this?

Unfortunately it is bad, for that exact reason. Support ults usually help to fix flaws of your teammates (extra damage, if aim is poor, or extra survivability, if they are not good at avoiding damage).

As long as Valkyrie is healing that low, it will be of little help.

But Valk does just that. :neutral_face:

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For Mercy, yes. For teammates, there is little difference, if you heal them with 50 or 60 hps, as it still won’t be enough. If you want to be last survivor, Valkyrie is great; if you want team to survive, better pick different healer.

It’ll now give your team even more survivability through the 60 HPS buff. It already did through chain heals and damage boost in the first place.

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I respectully disagree with this statement

If you are playing Mercy and evade a Tracer or Doomfist who is coming for you, you’ve made them waste time while you’ve gotten safely to a teammate who you are now healing or boosting

In my opinion, that is most definitely making a difference for your team

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Factually, Mercy has an ult that can be used offensively or defensively, and in an number of additional ways as well. Personally, I like versatility.

In my opinion, her healing is not low; and it is about to get considerably better with the release of the buff announce don 20181023

My own team should in my opinion be happy that I am helping kill the enemy team.

If I was ever “called out” this way (its never happened to me, tho) I’d just reply that I was using the entire kit of the character in order to best ensure a win for my team

Question is why would they come for you? You are unable to reverse their kills.
Before nerfs, it was justified: mass rez/4 single target resurrects with your ult could undo a lot of damage.

If you use Valkyrie, you can be left hovering in the air: 50-60hps are not something, that is hard to kill through.

Personally, find this to be true in every game for every character - I cant win with a bad team, no matter what character I select

As such, i dont see this as an issue specific to Mercy

It is specific, due to nature of her abilities and ult. With Transcendence, for example, your impact is connected to how many teammates are nearby, regardless from their quality: if you keep 5 teammates alive, that’s ultimate well spent.

With single resurrect, if resurrected teammate is low skill, or gets focused and killed as soon, as they come back, your resurrect was a waste of time. End result matters.

Every single support ultimate can be used to make up for your team being bad, either by giving strong buffs to everyone(Transcencence, Sound Barrier, Rally) or buffing key player, usually tank, to same degree(Nanoboost, Coalescence). Valkyrie isn’t providing strong enough buffs in either cases.

In my experience, any character that overextends (with or without a teammate) will most likely end up this way, and as such, i dont see this as specifically a Mercy issue

It’s because a lot of Mercy mains got to high ranks just by playing Mercy, without properly understanding the rest of the game or how other heroes are played.

After she was nerfed, there was only one place for these players to go: down.

Some of them tried to pick up Ana, but they are no good at it.

The reason it’s such a problem is because there were so many boosted Mercy mains in top 500, GM, master and diamond. It’s much harder to lose something than to have never had it to begin with. The Mercy mains were given a taste, and now they want it back.

I have noted a number of posts by Mercy mains that say that they dont have issues with her balance/power, but rather with how she is “unfun” or “not engaging”. So there appears - to me - to be a lot of disagreement among those who are unhappy with Mercy’s current state over what precisely the problem(s) are

Everyone takes damage, so I personally do not see that as a mistake. It is generally understood that damage will occur, and this in turn creates the need for healing and for healers

I respectfully disagree with this statement

I find Mercy’s pistol to be vastly underrated, and I have picked off many enemies with the pistol, even occasionally winning 1v1 duels with full-health DPS characters

I have seen games where the Mercy (much better players than I) have absolutely dominated games with a combination of healing and pistol work

Sure Junkrat struggles a bit more in higher ranks, bit he can still be usefull and because he has a decent skill ceiling, you can see the difference between a bronze junkrat and a GM junkrat but also between a GM Junkrat main and a GM Moira main playing Junkrat.

With Mercy she is absolutely Trash in higher ranks, so much that she is not a main heal anymore but an off-heal - and as an off-heal she is okay but she’s just good at babysitting long range heroes, if you don’t have one in your team you’ll be better off with a good zen or lucio + she has the worst ult in the support class but also one of the worst across the entire roster. It’s only good to damage boost which you can’t do if you try to main heal with her.
Also in higher ranks right now you only have 2 viable main healers --> Ana and Moira. Considering how little this is, of course when they made Mercy an off-heal babysitter in higher ranks people got mad. You have more than 2 dps.
Also she has the lowest skill ceiling in the entire game, it’s super low, and you can see a big difference between Bronze Mercy and GM Mercy but you won’t see that much of a difference between GM Mercy main and GM dps mains playing Mercy because she needs Game sense which is not proper to her but a general thing in the game.

Overall I personnaly don’t care what they want to do with her as long as they DO something. What I mean is, I’d rather have her back as a main heal with stronger heals but remove Rez as an ability because that’s impossible to balanced and that’s the only issue with her.
Or they could decide to go full off-heal with her in which case they should significantly lower her healing output but give her more utility (buff rez in some way, do something with damage boost as a combination with heal or something) and give her a real defensive ultimate.

But right now having a hero in such a weird and bad place in the game that’s reallh not good. And the same goes with other heroes such as Bastion or Reaper (even with his new buff i don’t think he’ll be more viable or more worthy of taking above other dps).

And when they say she is not fun is mostly always because her healing is so bad that you can’t keep anyone alive from an organized ennemy push as you could with Ana or Moira. Sure she couldn’t really do it before either BUT the fact that before you could negate a Winston it would mean the dps taken by your targer would be easier to heal with your off-heal and you could also switch for Damage boost. Right now your healing is denied by Moira, so the damage taken is way more important and you off heal will struggle to keep your target alive. She doesn’t have any burst healing so she needs strong realiable heal which she has not. She had weak reliable healing.

Also the not engaging part is because her ult is just BAD, it’s only good for damage boosting - which as I explained is impossible if you main heal - and even with 60hps it was bad because for an ultimate that’s just really weak. (Still better because right now her healing in ult is the same as Lucio’s AIU 50hps vs 47hps except Lucio’s is wider and has a smaller CD). Also the fact that while ulting you don’t need to do anything, you lose the target priorization aspect of Mercy, ennemies don’t even target you anymore because you can burst through the healing very easily, your rez is such a bad ability to use while in valk, you also lose her “skilled” moves (glide and super jump). So yeah that’s what the community mostly mean by those two words.

Personally, I find restoring a comrade to full health and on the battlefield to be very strong

Never been at high ranks, but she is weak at low ranks too.

One player isn’t enough to make a difference in most situations. Add here not helping your team in the process, and you get ability of questionable use. You literally set team up for snowballing, by trying to resurrect someone.

In my opinion, I find it better to communicate with my teammates to ensure the timing is correct

If I have teammate mostly off mike, I pay attention to when they start their push, and start the Valk then, also to help ensure best effectiveness

In my experience, Valkyrie does get the job done

Player would get same job done with other healers, maybe even better. Between healing DF with Valkyrie and giving one Nanoboost, Nanoboost feels like better option…even Coalescence feels like better way to support one.
