Why is it so hard for Mercy players to accept this?

Your hero is good in the lower ranks and struggles a bit more in the higher ranks.

Same notion for Junkrat except people accept it. Why is it unacceptable for Mercy? :thinking:


She’s a very likable hero and a lot of people main her. Also, her kit is pretty easy and comfortable. It seems like people get upset when there’s a situation where she isn’t viable. I feel she’s good as is. Most of my Valk uses are killing multiple people. There’s no buffing Mercy without taking some of that away in my opinion.

It makes me cringe every time I see Mercy posts talking about mass rez. It’s not coming back. No matter the argument, if mass rez ever came back, people would hide and rez. Period. Not saying that would happen all the time, but it would still happen.


Most of us play the game with a goal of improving and climbing in rank.

Really sucks when the better you do the worse your character gets. Not rewarding at all.


Sounds like your skill level stopped going up. Not the Hero.


Because she is like one small buff away from being viable at all ranks? What kind of question


this forum is basically death to dps mains and long live healers.

These kind of things are just a part of how things are here. Tracer generally has lower winrate and a significantly lower pickrate overall, in comparison to mercy in comp now. Yet bring up a buff to her and people here will lose their minds.


Mercy just got a particular following tbh.

Mass Rez was super unique, and now that it’s gone, they can’t find that sort of feel in other heroes etc. Then you get the Mercy main rep you have on these forums, which is no joke.

Mercy just super popular and for a while there had a REALLY unique ability to influence games. Genji is similar, appealing aesthetic and “concept” design, people identify strongly with, and run it even if it’s not ideal etc.

Tbh, if Genji had Dragonblade changed, you’d probably have a similar “#revertgenji” movement going on. Maybe not as strong, but it’d be there.

The Mass Rez Mercy movement is surprisingly organized and established around here.


Ehh, Mercy’s skill-ceiling is actually just pathetically low. Though, it was always like that.


I wasn’t aware Junkrat had similar changes and had his ULT max capped at two kills only, or had his primary skill have a two second delay holding him in place, or dozen other nerfs.


Yo the conversation doesn’t benefit from hyperbole and stuff like that. Chill. Comparing rat tire to mass rez ain’t fair. They’re different in a lot of ways.


And genji is so viable because he is pretty broken not for been a skilled hero. People outside GM play Genji without hands and still get outputs from him.


This literally doesn’t change anything I said.

Why is it different for Mercy?


Here’s my perception of the Mercy issues.
They are reasonable goals.

I just think they are going about it the wrong way.

Generally the posts are pretty negative. Read like walls of text. And are obsessively focused on multirez or removing rez.

  • Lacking in clutch saves on teammates below 75hp
  • Tanks heals get boring
  • Lack of decisions, interactivity
  • Lack of “hero moment”, feeling like you can individually have a strong solo impact on the overall flow of the match
  • Rez either feels too risky or not rewarding enough for the risk, and the immobility is disliked for similar emotional reasons why Mei freeze is disliked

Idk about other mercys but idc about her ‘viability’, her shift in playstyle is her biggest problem. She’s even more reliant on her teammates now more than ever (her ideal playstyle now is pocketing rather than juggling. Rez is also extremely situation either your enemies suck chasing you or your team is good at protecting you). Plus i still have my peeve about valk ‘doing’ the work for you (except when going battle valk i guess)

Personally i think it s a misconception that mercy players want mercy to be more viable. Or at least viable to the degree that people would think mercy players want her to be meta again. Because they dont. They just want mercy to have impact based on her own gameplay, and not her teammates. (Mercy is still impactful but the reason why i think it relies on more on her teammates is basically the previous paragraph)

Tbh i could careless about mass rez. I want cd rez to get gone so she can get back to 60hps so her ideal playstyle goes back to juggling not pocketing. Valk could use tweaks to so it makes it more engaging and not the whole press m1/m2 with little to no reason to change targets playstyle she has now outside of battle valk.


Yeah exactly. DPS ULTS can still instantly teamwipe or kill 1-5 players with potg fun and no matter how skill or hard you try with Mercy to resurrection
you are literally stuck at one to counter


Yes, why the double standard come to nerfs or changes?


You can’t compare Mass Rez to DPS ults. It’s not that simple. I know it seems like that. But it really isn’t.


Many posts seem to have shifted to how Mercy feels to play, not overall viability across ranks

A lot of posters even state that they would be willing to accept a less than viable replacement if it was fun for them to play.


That’s just ridiculous and makes no sense, they’d probably still play her when it’s not viable.


Mass Rez was a hard counter to DPS ULT spam though for balance. Then it got water down to two instant resurrection, then none for Mercy ULT. OP wants to compare Mercy to Junkrat, and I’m pointing out some of the obvious double standards when it comes to nerfs or changes. If you hard nerf any dps ULT to, two max skills only, or their primary with two second delay being froze in place. Would other players be okay with this, feel it’s fun, or useful? Probably not.

Junkrat role is a reliable shield breaker, spam aoe, area of denial type class.

Mercy was suppose to be reliable solo healer, and hard counter to ULT spam with strong resurrection. Mercy currently isn’t a good solo healer, and a unreliable counter to DPS ULTS from all the nerfs. Yet Junkrat maintains their role strong and reliable spam shield breaker. If you apply the similar excessive nerf from Mercy to any other class, it would ruin that character.