Why is it so hard for Mercy players to accept this?

Players still will manage to not see Mercy.
Translation: if my tunnel vision is unable to find Mercy, she is 100% hiding.

Almost like there is some kind of filter, that filters out anything not aiming at player/capable of dealing direct damage.

You just passed problem to next player, who will have to play support.

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When there s a good Tracer or Doom on the field, it s always almost better to run Mercy. People are just blind to Mercy’s strength and only want to complain about her weakness.

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People just hate being sidekicks, aka pocket healers. First rule in healer book is healing everyone. Besides,

which means it’s not you actually making a difference.

Mercy is being niche seems healthier to the game in general. I can hop on Mercy/Ana/Moira when needed and depend on team comp, looks great to me.

the problem is mercy doesn’t really have a role is she a main healer or off healer, if she’s an off healer give her a defensive impactful ulti, if main give her back 60 hp and scrap rez on e to redistribute the power in her kit. Right now she’s a horribly mixed amalgam of the two and it just doesn’t play well so that’s why she’s niche and only viable when you can pocket a good player but why should a characters sole reason for being viable should have to be depending on others be how she stays it’s just not right.


Correct. Current Mercy combines worst traits of both off- and main healers: low healing + lack of defensive ult.

She never was. We were just forced to play her because of that stupid reset button. It’s for the best that mass rez is gone, and these changes happened. Now I’m not forced to pick Mercy if I ever wanted to play support. Now I actually want to play support.

She’s a healer designed for people who don’t play supports to be able to play a support when they can’t use Ana yet

If you want to be a good healer learn to aim

While I can aim, I dislike playing Ana. Would rather pick Widowmaker instead.


So what about people who are good at aiming but dislike Ana’s playstyle? Or Zen’s? Or Moira’s? Or Brig’s?


It’s like “if you want to be DPS, you should be sniper”. Except not everyone enjoys being far away from action, sniping targets.


Use mercys pistol more to fuel your ego when they start calling you out for being a violent Mercy

Just gonna… ignore my point then?

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Because people used to climb to very high ranks with her but after the nerf she isn’t as good because in higher ranks you have DPS who can just kill her while she is ulting or focus her while rezing, making her less useful.

It would be less sad, if they actually had to do it to succeed. But she isn’t in position to stop DPS now, even with her ult.

Mercy before: “Kill her, or she resurrects everyone!”
Mercy now: “Just let her pointlessly fly in the air, while we kill everyone else. Save her for later.”

DPS always could kill Mercy at higher tiers, but now they don’t have to.


“When you want to be a good healer learn to aim”

Are you implying that aim is a crucial mechanic to healing? Because this only applies to Ana and Moira. Lucio, Zen, and Brig do not require aim to heal allies, you just need to be in AoE/LoS.

Mercy should not be excluded from the higher elo scene JUST because you don’t have to aim with her. There’s no such thing as a “tutorial character”, if you will, in this game. All heroes should have the potential to be played in all ranks. It’s the individual player themselves who will bring the skill and exploit their kits to get high value.__


True, she’s not as valuable and she used to be.

I’d barely call Moira aiming, Brigs has a range restriction, and Lucios can do a lot of damage to someone if you burst them in the head

It’s more about her lacking any impact of her own now. Now every single aspect of her, including her ult, depends from how good your teammates are.

You can resurrect teammate, but if said teammate is bad, your resurrect was for nothing. You can heal whole team with Valkyrie, but it won’t help, if your team isn’t good at surviving already.

See, you’re talking about aiming for DPS, not for healing. We are talking about the claim that “if you want to be a good HEALER, learn to aim”.