Why is Hanzo so much easier than Widowmaker?

“Good” Widowmakers are rare, regardless of ranking. “Good” Hanzos are EVERYWHERE. It’s been like this before the changes. I am among them. A mediocre Widowmaker, but for my rank a rather good Hanzo.



Because his arrows have bigger hitbox.


Hanzo has a stunningly good kit now. AND his arrows got an projectile speed buff making him Extremely easy now.


I think, for some, you’re constantly looking down your scope as Widow, giving you tunnel vision of sorts. Whereas with Hanzo, he’s more open with his peripherals, giving you better chances to anticipate the enemy.


Widow shoot tiny bullets.
Hanzo shoot wooden logs.
Sooo… yeah…


Hanzo also has a good ult- either for zoning or for comboing with other cc ults. Widow’s ult is not as useful and also Hanzo has a form of it as a cooldown skill, so

TBH if the person can aim properly nothing in this game is scarier than Widow. watching 5 people die in matter of seconds to one aroudn you is scary as frick.


Is not as useful? I think you missed the point where its literally a hack, a cheat implemented as a feature. If the widow -As Hotaru said- has good aim you’ll die as soon as you move into her vision.

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I think it’s cause hanzo has more uses? Widow is worthless if she can’t aim. Hanzo…still pretty bad, but he can still hit some things, sometimes, with luck

Hanzo doesn’t need to reload, he has minor wallhacks on a cooldown, he has REALLY GOOD burst damage right now with storm arrows, he can climb walls, and now, lunge. His drawback was that he shot kinda slow projectiles. Still projectiles, no longer slow. :confused:

Widow has mobility less often (i won’t say hers is worse tho, since that’s wrong), along with not really being able to defend herself up close. Her wallhacks are bigger but it’s also her ult. She’s hitscan, so she’s got that going for her.

Both hanzo and widow have their uses for sure. But hanzo seems kind of better right now, since he can break shields pretty fast and kill easily at way closer range than widow.
I tried to ignore ults here but since widow’s is so similar to hanzo’s one ability, i felt like i had to include hers.

Hanzo’s hitboxes are simply too big for the damage they deal (combined with their new speed).

It’s really that simple.

Hanzo’s arrows are tied the smallest projectiles in the game.

The issue is the character hitboxs extend farther than the actual models.

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i can’t agree more to this!!!

Good luck with that ever happening…

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I think the recent changes have really made this more apparent. But in general I think there’s a lot of things at play that add up to him being more effective right now.

Have you heard of people calling his arrows ‘logs’? Well there’s a reason. The arrows are effing huge compared to the thin bullet Widow shoots. Yes it’s hitscan, which I believe is the logic behind giving Hanzo logs for arrows.

I would say for this reason and not needing to scope, which really narrows your field of view, he’s actually pretty good at close range. He’s at least not helpless like Widow probably is. He also now has mobility. Plus, even before the changes, his wallclimb has basically no cooldown compared to Widow’s grapple. I think grapple is better in a lot of ways but wallclimb is certainly more readily available, allowing for more vertical dodge-play, whereas Widow goes up once, and can only come back down. Then she must wait 8 seconds to go back up.

One last thing. Vision arrow. It’s like a cherry on top IMO.

Yeah exactly smallest PROJECTILE hitbox which is still ridiculously huge.

He never has to reload, thus making any missed shot a less of an issue. He has a much higher mobility, allowing him to push or run away with ease, chase down targets etc. As widow if your target runs to cover you mostly just have to pick another one.

He has a spam ability every 8 seconds that almost guarantees good dmg if not a kill. Compared to widow’s kit which is pretty much just there to enhance her ability to land scoped shots.

Hanzo has wall climb and a lunge, Widow only has a grappling hook on a fairly long cool down.

But the real show stopper is Hanzo has one of the best ults in the game. Does a ton of dmg, can wipe out teams and has very little risk to himself to use it. Widow’s Ult is neat, but very rarely a game changer. Again just there to help her land more scoped shots.