Why is hack 6 seconds long when it isn’t a skill shot?

sleep dart leaves you immobilized. Hack just makes you have skill lol.

Yes, because they can be dodged. You can’t outplay an EMP as a tank. You just eat to the face and hope your team can carry you.

you have plenty of things in your favor. and again… exactly how many times are you tapped by widow and then healed? How many times are you aable to just rely on your barrier and abilities to survive as a tank through damage?
Instead of that widow tap, youve just been hacked from 30 meters away. only now you also cant fight back because to compensate for the difficulty, sombra “disengages” all guns. you just got shut down from widow maker distance all because you want to… dodge? instead of melee? Or have a stray bullet tap her?
yeah sure. i know i for sure would quit if that were the case.

Getting chain hacked all game in quickplay as Wreckingball then getting called bad by your team because you didnt feel like playing Winston for them. gg

Me being healed by my team is me outplaying emp? Get freaking real bud.

It could be potentially worse if it were a skill shot.

Right now it’s unusable if she’s taking any damage because it’s channeled and can be interrupted.

A skill shot would imply not only that it now has range, but could be hip fired for a hack no matter what.

what? that’s an Ult. You should ideally, have another ult. That’s the fair equivalent.

Which tank ult prevents emp, tell me.

prevent? it’s a short cast. what tank ult prevents other tanks?
Your logic doesnt follow

This is the real question right here.

If use preemptively, Hammond’s ult can easily stop the opposing team if yours gets EMP’d. You seem to think that her ultimate is the “I Win” button, when in reality it isn’t.

I can counter other ultimates, why not EMP? My logic states that EMP cannot be countered and will inevitably happen and you WILL be hacked.

Mines are shut off from emp, are you aware?

you can counter some. and some can counter her. Rein stun isnt revered by emp. EMP doesnt eliminate the zarya grav. etc. You want to work around emp? So she to you. I think a fat shatter being insta undone by emp would be much more frustrating

There are three problems I see with the responses in this thread:

  • “EMP/hack has no counterplay” - okay, then it needs to do some damage, because having an easier to counter ultimate/ability that requires extensive follow-ups and conditions to be met to fully utilize it is not realistically fair

  • Ana’s sleep dart puts you to sleep for 6 seconds. You are not mobile. You cannot move. You cannot shoot. You cannot do anything but lie there. If you get hacked, you can still move, jump, and shoot. You can fight back. The biggest advantage of this is, you don’t basically lie there waiting to have the enemy team line up combos or one-shots on your head.

  • Ana’s sleep dart is not interrupted by 1 damage (sometimes zero damage) while it’s being cast, and the only people that can interrupt that are the Ana players’ teammates. Hack is interrupted by the enemy. Before it takes effect.

I get it. Being hacked is frustrating. Being EMP'd is frustrating, let alone right after. But to ask for counterplay - to something that requires the follow-up it does - to be on the same level as other heroes who don't require that follow-up to be useful, is basically asking to bury Sombra unless you're willing to significantly buff her everywhere else. Which apparently people don't want.

Let me tell you this my friend:

Sombra hack can only disables enemy abilities and ults, sombra also need skill to hit all of her shots,her translocator doesn’t recover her health unless put it near a health pack, not to mention it can be destroyed.

Her ult is garbage and wasted without communication and teamwork, while she de-cloak she says BeEn HeRe All AlOnG loudly.

So if you let her get close to hack you then you totally deserve it. Besides her hack effect last shorter than her hack cd.

Grav can be eaten, shatter can be blocked. EMP can be what? It can be nothing. Thats the problem.

Except when she’s flying over a void, that’s my favorite time to hack her so I can watch her plummet to her death :smile:

This is a first, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone defend their strawman.

Don’t approach recklessly or solo and keep an eye out for Sombra. Cover each other’s backs and she will have zero impact. If you’re getting hacked in the middle of your team, why does it matter. Also your team is pretty inattentive…

Oh I’m not a fan of EMP, but it’s not a huge problem most of the time. The coordination just isn’t there.

She can hack tanks, which would be much more important if your hacking someone in a group rather than Genji, but this isn’t particularly easy. People aren’t paying attention.

Why is it crazy that Winston/Sombra coordinating together will kill off a widow. If a Genji/Winston did the same thing, she’d still be dead. Hell she’d die even faster because Genji doesn’t rely on a silence, he just does damage… Also, doesn’t mine still trigger for Sombra when invis and she makes a big announcement when she decloaks?

“Im gonna hack X” would actually let them prepare but whatever. Unless it’s some sort of melee brawl she probably shouldn’t be getting the hack off, but if that’s the case someone that actually puts out more serious damage would be more useful anyways. She’s got the lowest winrate in almost every winrate for a reason you know.

because it can inherently be useless. You could just not use your abilities. you can always shoot. EMP can also be stunned btw. And there are 6 block abilities to rein and 5 insta stuns and 1 temp stun (mei) for sombra plus she can be headshot unlike rein even at full health.
by your logic, shatter needs more counters.