Why is gold so hard? What am I doing wrong?

The game is in a abandon condition, a lot of players left and who remained are the more affectionate (and stronger players), sadly also with alt accounts.

Blizzard did literally nothing to face smufing plague, neither separating solo/premade queue, with the result of smurfs and boosters in almost all games.

As you have probably seen in the forum there are serious doubts about the correctness and sporitiveness of matchmaking, to which blizzard has preferred not to respond over the years; despite having signed a patent in times compatible with the development and release of overwatch. (I fear that your main issue is not reaching a certain sr, but not having fun being always in matches or too easy or too hard)

If I can give you some advice, don’t play right now. Blizzard’s current need is to let the game die by making players abandon it, so as not to cause a scandal.

Overwatch is a buy to play, they earnt what they had to earn, at the moment it is only a source of expenses for blizzard, which wants at all costs to capitalize on cod resources to wage war with apex.


What does this even mean? Do you just look up random words and mash em together?


thank you, make manual translation, give me some mins.

Correction there are an absolute carp ton of new accounts right now. It’s a total toss up in Solo Q as to whether or not you get the smurfs or new players.


It’s hard to keep an account in gold without throwing half your matches as a smurf. Unless you get really unlucky, you should be able to climb regardless of other players with enough practice and dedication.


Likely be back on the forums crying about it as usual


Literally all of it is unintelligible


Because Gold and Plat are smurf havens. It’s where smurfs go to not try as hard but still play with the skills and game sense of higher-ranked players.

Then you get smurfs playing against smurfs, and the mid-tier becomes high-tier, just with more apathy. It’s impossible to climb out of if you don’t queue with a smurf yourself.


Have you tried not streaming? :thinking:


It’s not impossible to climb out via solo q. As I mentioned above, gm and master players can not maintain an account in plat or gold without throwing half of their matches.


plat-diam smurf can throw gold-plat matches as well, to premade with silver friends. Not only masters can buy a second account, thr only requisite is 14$

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“All of a sudden?” It’s been this way for two years.

Ask yourself: are they really “good,” or are they cheating? Is the enemy Rein always blocking your shatter at the last second no matter where you are or what’s happening? Does the enemy Ana always hit sleep dart perfectly and instantly when someone on your team presses Q? Does D.va auto-eat everything dangerous even if it’s not in her FOV? Is Junkrat hitting you in the face despite being out of LoS and you dodging constantly? This all isn’t “good” – it’s cheating. This is what hacks do these days. It’s not just aimbots and wallhacks, it’s automatic ability usage.


That used to be true, but the overwhelming number of high-tier smurfs throws the average off.

OW competitive used to operate on a bell curve, where the majority of players fell in the Gold/Plat/Diamond area, with a minority existing in the lowest and highest tiers. As more high-level smurfs get added to the pool, that curve adjusts, and the average shifts higher. So your previously-average player is now below-average because there are more high-ranked players forcing their way into the SR pool.

Plus, when when you have GM smurfs v GM smurfs in Plat, at what point does that tier no longer function as Plat?


Don’t listen to people telling you you are being targeeted by Blizzard -.-

I’m stuck in gold right now as well, got to 2492 last night haha, it’s because it’s the first real ‘milestone’ in ranking journey. Mixed with the fact that even if you are playing ‘above your rank’ e.g. grouping, correct targets, falling back when needed, most other people aren’t…

It’s just a grind to get out of gold in my experience. Look for people to queue with who also know what they are doing/want to climb and you’ll be out in no time.

Also - the game has been out for 5 years, the average has gone up.


I have to lucio heal to keep the team alive or they all die

Plat and Dia smurf are not going to pubstomp in plat and gold lmao


I agree, they might make an impact in gold but high gold plat? Generally, they don’t make a huge difference unless they are widow/tracer and having a VERY good game.


Lucio’s healing is REALLY weak, any other healer than Lucio and Zen can do tons more healing.

You werent utilizing Lucio’s wallride, speed or boops and just sat on heals.

To climb and win more, you either work on improving you Lucio play to be more on speed and improve your movement + duelling mechanics, or you switch to another healer to healbot if that is the only thing you are interested in. Bap, Moira and Ana do WAY more healing than Lucio can


To spare myself the monotony of typing the same thing again, just know this – it’s likely not you (assuming your ability to gauge your skill level is reasonably objective). Gold is artificially much more difficult than it should be. A number of factors are causing this elevation of the skill floor in lower ranks (and I don’t feel like typing them out again – in a lazy mood today). And these ranks will be harder the next month, and the next month after that – harder still. Enjoy!


A lot of confusing advice in this thread. This is a game, you just have to practice to get better, lol