Why is gold so hard? What am I doing wrong?

I’ve been streaming, and no matter what I keep losing.

It’s making me go crazy, feel like im being gang stalked. What am i doing wrong? Why are gold players so freaking good all of a sudden?

Cryosin - Twitch


It’s very much a possibility that your games are being rigged


Blizzard thinks im crazy and ignores me.


Well played on that Oasis game by the way.

I definitely think you should be gold at the very least.


I am gold, but barely. It feels too hard in gold. I was almost 3000 on DPS at one point, but only playing soldier. I cant play solider anymore cuz doomfist.


this game has been out for 5 years or so…and since silver/gold are where the vast majority of players are, if you arent moving ahead of the curve that means there is a disconnect between your mechanical skill and game sense / knowledge. if you focus on one of those, your games will get better because YOU will be better.

no, no it isnt. if you arent progressing ahead of the curve then you will fall behind…


Just had someone on my team leave again.

Uhh this ranking system doesn’t work.


Im seeing this same thing, normaly can get to low plat and hover there, there seems to be a few factors that have changed things.

1 over time smurfs and throwers have changed the skill gap in each rank so much that its imposible to reach (for example season 1 u could get gold if u got lets say 20 kills a game but current season due to smurfs hanging out in gold for fun they can put up 60+ kills a game, so now to reach high gold u have to get those kinds of kills instead cuz that is the new skill ceiling)

2 throwers have changed the lower gold requirment to be so low u are now getting true bronze/silver players in gold for similar reasons as number 1 above.

3 the match maker cant account for all the alt accts, throwers, smurfs, cheaters, and leavers. So it dosnt know what to do anymore

4 nee buff to heros like s76 has put players that dont belong in a high rank in a higher rank (why u think s76 is in nearly every game u play lately? He over tuned so people are abusing this. They did the same with brig and many others before/after her)(side note: i said over tuned not over powered they are 2 very difrent things)

Those are a few things that have changed and are affecting everyones ranking unless ur diamond or higher (they are not affected by pbsr like us normie’s cuz bliz considers anyone under that to be lesser humans i guess)

Im conclusion, play like a gm and u will get to plat horray and good luck with that…or u could just enjoy the game cuz u dont get paid for it anyways so why not play to have fun dont worry about rank so much. :slight_smile:


i get $0.07 every time i stream! i think im pro now?


Oh careful u might have some big taxs on that income, might have to sepend 6.99 on a dicast toy lambo to add to ur expenses for the year :stuck_out_tongue:

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im an accountant, i can hide that income!


Well, streaming will probably make you play worse, due to the extra toll your computer has to take to send video out and managing streaming resources, etc. You should be playing ranked with as many advantages as you can; IE: low settings, disabling or exiting non-essential programs, freeing up RAM, using an SSD, etc.

The other part is… Gold and below are absolutely filled with smurfs and alt accounts. You’re not facing strictly gold players. All ranks are filled with garbage, even Top500 is filled with a ton of pros and their alts, so Top500 is really like Top50. So no, Gold players aren’t good all of a sudden. You’re playing with and against a mash of some gold players and some smurfs, and the odd aimbot thrown in because Blizzard has zero control over their game.


I watched some of the Junkertown match starting at 1:25:00 where you were playing Lucio. I am a GM Lucio so I will be able to easily point out a lot of things you need to work on. Take them step by step, if you have any questions let me know!

Things you did right:

  • You played Lucio and tried your best to stay with your team

Things you did wrong:
I will give a brief overview of the bad things you did in the match and then give a couple of examples for each category.

  • Sat on heals pretty much the whole game and only amped heals for your team, except when you respawned and speed yourself back to the fight…
  • You spent the vast majority of your time walking on the ground instead of utilizing the walls around you to make yourself both harder to hit AND faster movement.
  • Your movement is incredibly stiff and slow, no crouching as well.
  • You wallride in straight lines without jumping WHILE on heals…
  • Beat usage was terrible and got you absolutely no value. You ended up feeding the enemy team more Ult charge by using beat.
  • You put absolutely no pressure on the enemy team, you are Lucio which is one of the best movement heroes in the entire game. You need to work on your duelling and wallriding skills.

After seeing your gameplay, I would definitely rate you a Silver Lucio, you are just barely better than the 100% Healbot Lucios of Bronze, but not good enough to be a Gold Lucio

Beat usage:

First beat was an absolute throw. Why are you beating WAY after the enemy capped point (which you could easily have contested) and while half your team is dead? It was an absolute waste and just fed the enemy ult charge + staggered your team further.

Second beat wasted in a similar matter to the first one.


Literally played Ground Healbot lucio the whole time and barely touched a wall. You were chasing after your Ball while sitting on heals and amping while walking on the ground even when he was still far away.
You need to switch to Speed and walljump more

This is a great example of why your movement is stiff, you stand still while you are shooting at this mccree, if you did this against any better play, you would have instantly died.
You need to include strafing and crouching in your movement, as well as use speed when duelling, ESPECIALLY when you are at full HP.

Ability usage (Song choices and amp usage):

The only time you used Speed efficiently, was speeding yourself out of spawn, but after that you literally sat on heals the whole game.
If you want to only heal there are better healers to do that on.

In general: Always be on Speed mode except if you or teammates need a lot of heals. If teammates are less than 50% HP or are in danger of recieving a lot of damage, then do Amp heals.

You are using your amp off cooldown even when there is 0 value in doing so, good example of that is 1:29:46 where you are amping heals INFRONT of your team while everybody including you, are full HP.


I’d recommend working on your aim with Zen, you were missing a lot of your shots.

Also, you almost never used his right click, don’t be afraid to use it it’s pretty good at bursting down opponents.


Damn, this is so biased… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m telling you folks, it’s event time. Your going to get the casuals that haven’t even played in months/years.


Reminds me of Redshell

“Oh pog they’re playing Lucio, they’re throwing”



If this already bothers you, I wonder what you’ll think with OW2 coming out generating an influx of new players.


I’m still waiting on the structural announcements. So far it’s only been the balance team.

What are you hoping to hear?