Removing the word from the game will lengthen the time it takes for those toxic people to be banned. So you want them to be around for longer than 4 games? Maybe 100? 1000?
So you think it’s perfectly ok to have that word in the game?
They enable the censor by default. If you manually go in there and disable it, yes.
I suggest you renanable your chat filter.
turns off filter
“I don’t think the system works”
Next he’ll complain about the toxicity in match voice chat in deathmatch. Only a complete masochist would join that channel.
Theres literally no reason why slurs should be allowed to be said in chat. Filter or not…
Theres 0 situation in which you say a word like that and it’s not some form of abusive chat
oh boy
Problem ignored. Problem continues.
Kind of werid given they made a statement about institutionalized racism.
So what is more racist, removing it to stop hate speech, or keeping it in since it has been reclaimed in the afro lexicon?
Don’t turn off profanity filter and then complain that you’re seeing bad words.
Report them enough and they’ll get silenced, suspended, banned, etc. I don’t really see toxicity or the sort suddenly disappearing even if censoring every rude word was enforced rather than simply optional.
Remove it to stop hate speech, if someone wants to use that words as a “joke” with their friends, black or not, blizzard shouldn’t encourage the use of slurs nor should any company.
Keyword being joke
They all should be censored, filter or not. A slur goes beyond profanity.
Also Queer isn’t a slur.
Then crack down harder, increase the punishments, make it more efficient to weed these people out of the community.
Tell that to the gay men who were in the concentration camps. Some modern LGBT people may choose to reclaim it, but it is a slur to many people, especially gay men
At the very least I can agree there, if someone uses a racial slur or abbreviations such as ‘kys’, then the system should treat them more aggressively if they’re reported.
I mean for over a decade now the acronym for the community has included the Q as an umbrella term to refer to the rest of the community and queer wasn’t used especially for gay men, it was used to describe anyone in the community.