Why is genji oni skin unavailable?

It was a base legendary?

Wow :scream: i cant believe blizzars would did this?

:point_up: :confused:

Probably is going to be released as exclusive promo or twitch drops. It is usually the case with skins that doesn’t have price in the gallery.

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But mccree’s deadlock skin has been unavailable for since launch?!!!

:face_holding_back_tears: :point_up:

My real reaction

Was it a base skin?..my memory is bad…but I could’ve sworn it was a HOTS promo skin

Ye, it was. Then it was added to the default skins. Same with officer d.va.

Yeah, it’s not a base(ic) skin. The OP probably just meant an old, generally available for purchase in OW1 skin.

It was HOTS skin but they complained you couldnt get it on console so you could get it in lootboxes or 1000 credits. I used to have it until OW2 where i lost like 3 skins and now its locked for some reason