Why is everyone complaining about anti-nade now?

Dont think its “everyone” but you know, theres people looking for things to rage about and just opens overbuff, looks at pickrates and goes:
“Hmm , this hero is on top on this rank in this specific timeframe … it means its OP!”

And thats basically it.
The equivalent of going into the highway, seeing white cars with normal speed and some red cars going faster and claiming Red Cars are faster.


Using her anti nade removed all self healing for her, and in the chaos of ranked where nobody groups up it very rarely hits any more than 2 people at a time. Completely overrated ablite.


You do understand that you will have to contend with the other 5 people with ana right? it only takes 1 person dying on your team to lose a point in a flash. And that 1 person will be a support 9 times out of 10.

Not to mention that you just burned you defensive’s on a single aoe ability lol

McCree got caught off caught, got Anti-naded. Mercy can’t heal him. OMG what do we do! Zarya Bubble, Mercy heals. How about use that defensive option on people endangered more.

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To be fair, people have been complaining about it for years. In the past, you didn’t see Ana in nearly every game you play. It’s always had complaints about it since she’s been out.

I’m inclined to agree, but there’s something that feels deeply wrong about taking an effect that used to be a standard ability and moving it to their ultimate. It’s just too harsh.

Ana’s sleep dart knocks a hero down like Rein’s Earthshatter but the difference is sleep dart only targets one hero.

Someone else said anti-heal should only be applied if the bionade directly hits an enemy and I agree that’s just the sort of moderation this ability needs. It requires a new skill of Ana as currently she has no reason to attempt a direct hit on enemies with bionade.

People have been complaining about it for years. All the way back during Triple Tank people complained about it.

But then Blizz nerfed a different part of her and made her trash tier for a long while. Now that the nerf’s been partially reverted on top of giving her a handy buff, Ana’s back on her feet and Bio-Nade is still a problem that’s never been addressed.

It’s just not fun being completely useless as a Support because the enemy pressed E. At least if it were a 50% reduction or something I could still do something. If they’re not going to change it, then we need a cleansing hero to directly counter it just like Anti directly counters all healers.

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People have been complaining about it forever for various reasons, this is nothing new.

I don’t know but I have always hated the ability. I guess lately it has just won far too many team fights on its own.

Even 75% feels a bit high. It could work for squishes but I don’t think tanks would get healed fast enough.

I have to reply to this, Mercy is so far from auto-pilot it’s not even funny.

Here’s a bad visual of how I think this really is:

Forums perceived amount of skill gap between Mercy and Ana

Mercy|-----------HUUUUGE SKILL GAP--------------------| Ana

When in actuality I think it’s more this
Mercy |----------| Ana

There is a difference, but not as much as people like to make it out to be.

That’s the entire point of anti-nade you dumb-dumb. The ability doesn’t work if you can just heal your team back up. Reducing the effectiveness the even 75% would make it absolutely useless.

You’re joking, right? 15% of 75 is only 11.25 and 15% of 50 is 7.5. Mercy would only heal 7.5 hps with a 75% healing decrease

What I mean is that someone at super low hp shouldn’t just be bound to die. Tanks don’t need to be fully healed, but at least somewhat sustained. Anti nade in its current state makes it far too likely that whoever it hits will die.

But you aren’t bound to die. The only time anti-nade is a death sentence is if you have bad positioning . It really only screws people when they are solo flanking or are ahead of the shield/dva/zarya. The really fat anti-nades really only accompany an ultimate like grav. I rarely get them otherwise because nade’s radius isn’t that big. At most it will hit 2 people. Most of the time it hits none

And if you take a nade and are at super low hp, then so what if you die? Then good job to ana for securing a kill for her team. That’s the point of the ability. Are you going to complain about flashbang and call for nerfs to that too? Because that is even more of a death sentence for squishies than anti-nade ever will be. Are you going to complain about junkrat trap too? That’s also a death sentence if you are low-hp.


I know they’re both support heroes but their mechanics are so different that it’s just too hard to compare them.

I hate the phrase apples and oranges but there’s more to the heroes than just looking at the mechanics of their main healing ability. Mercy is all about maximising the amount of time she is getting out healing while Moira is inherently limited in how often she can heal and due to the free healing she gets with after heal it can mean she may want to heal some targets less so the last 65hp of healing is done with afterheal.

This makes comparisons extremely hard.

I guess you must think Zen is beyond broken too then?

I mean you don’t even lose anything to use Discord, and EVERYONE does 25% extra damage to the target


Zen’s healing is different, it’s not just 30hps, it’s 30hps with far longer range, persists for 3 seconds after LoS is broken and doesn’t occupy Zen’s time. Zen can keep shooting the enemy simultaneously with healing.

It’s like a better version of Mercy’s damage boost. And Zen doesn’t simultaneously input a ton of healing while denying the enemy any healing at all.

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How often do you hit more than 1-2 people with Anti-heal while ALSO healing teammates?

What OWL team signed you up? :o


I never said that. I meant that you anti’d the enemy while still healing with primary.

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