Why is Bronze to GM so rare?

Still can’t find one of these on PC.

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You have to throw or buy accounts in order to do so

Better off staying rare if you ask me


why would you want this? Unraked to gm isnt really good for the game itself, this is blatant throwing


I think I remember some creators saying something like Blizz wasn’t impressed by them as it’s blatant smurfing.

On a new acc, without having to throw too hard, a gm player can rank high silver/low plat fairly consistently and then smurf away. :slight_smile:

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Because it takes longer than unranked and its really not that interesting.

  • Also, nice to see you again, Nano
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Because it’s against the rules and Blizzard has explicitly said so. They made their stance on it when streamers were deliberately throwing games on stream to get as low as possible for the “challenge”.


that is pc, joystick is the reference to him playing on a controller on pc.

Yet you’ve got Redshell pumping out vids of him trolling bronze games…


Because pepegas in metal ranks gonna cry about “How you get your account to bronze” and other questions that nobody is interested to reply on.

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Unranked to GM and Bronze to GM=account sharing boosting for real money in the most cases.

I mean that’s a legitimate complaint… to describe people as “crying” because you threw down to play up is just bad bro. You don’t get the right to abuse people just being good at a game… the game is directly described as fair matchmaking, this thwarts that.


Being bad at the game doesn’t give them a right to complain. The only thing they need to complain about is their curved hands and unreasonable minds that hold them back, therefore they don’t improve but complain about everything. Ppl really think that in-game ranks are there for them to play at these ranks, instead of making the game replayable with climbing through those ranks. The sense of the game is to climb, not to hardstuck and say “I can’t” and not allow others to use their skill as an option. Never thought that way, didn’t you?

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you should play apex legends or something, ow doesnt do rank resets and throwing to low ranks is definitely against the rules

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This is such an incredibly childish attitude; the complaint in question is about people throwing down to play up. Playing from your natural starting point and exceling is fine and appropriate; throwing down to play up is not. Just admit it. Literally, you are blaming the victim here and acting like some degree of improvement at a game in turn grants you abuse rights. It simply doesn’t. Being “bad” ie weaker a player doesn’t negate their right to provide feedback in cases of unfairness.

Also, your characterizations of weaker players says a lot about your mindset, which frankly is a poor one.

On the point about doing well at the game and improving, it’s a problem in no small part that Blizzard utterly failed at conveying how the game actually works to players so not all the fault is the player’s.


Not everybody wants to improve and climb. What’s wrong with having fair matches? I swear, they should start everyone off in GM just to give people like this a taste of their own ignorance.


i would pay to see that! i love the ones who say “i should be gm” but are gold/plat and yet when someone in that rank goes into an aim trainer (an ow one) they are hitting body shots on the bots jumping or missing entirely, and yet t500/gm and headshotting everyone


disabled guy playing on xbox pretending to be a gm

I’ve never seen a GM tank player lose so many bronze games, wow. But to be fair, he was using a controller. But with how he initially was getting really unfair games which then became more and more fair the more games he played aligns with the kind of games I get.

If I hadn’t been playing for a while or queue for ranked during odd hours, I tend to get put in some really unfair matches. But if I had been playing dozens of ranked matches prior and play during peak hours, the matches tend to be more balanced.

What does their level of skill in the game have to do with reporting a reportable offense? At what SR does a person earn the “right” to report repeated thrown games?

This appears to be an emotional rant devoid of logic.


Why do you think that is?

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