Why is Blizzard hiding everything?

They hide our SR so we cant see our rank and how we are progressing accurately through the ranks

They hide Profiles by default aswell as teammates top played characters

they hide team average ranks aswell as each teammates own ranks

they hide level borders and teammates borders

they even hid our ow1 season stats

theyre trying to make everyone feel equal and not let anyone feel worse in any sort of way and all of this in a COMPETITVE RANKED MODE

they claim its to stop bullying but then added a scoreboard that turned everyone into kd warriors who will farm damage off tanks just to have their kd look better and flame teammates. wtf is the dev team thinking


nowdays people most of them have skin of the thinnest pizza crust hence why these people won’t survive old Xbox games lobby


it just doesnt get through my mind like what is making them want to make RANKED casualized LITERALLY EVERY OTHER GAMEMODE IN THE ALL OF OVERWATCH IS MEANT TO BE CASUAL

because OW1 ranked match is dying and they want their huge casual audience who doesn’t touch ranked mode during OW1 days

its so sad to think about how amazing this game used to be years ago


I lived through the beautiful era where video game companies didn’t try to play mommy and daddy. It was pretty funny to watch people rage!

"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master” - Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri.

They don’t want us to know the state of the game balance so they can dictate the balance themselves.


because people are bullies and they are mean >:(

at least they reveals teammates and the enemy’s stat in scoresboard.

The SR thing makes no sense to me unless they are trying to hide something they don’t want you to see about your W/L progress. I don’t get it.

And none of these players would survive MW2 lobbies.

yea they publicly lied a while along saying the ranked system only takes into account your wins and loss and later revealed it takes way more stuff like how often you play the game and how new your account is, also for some reason qp mmr is bleeding into comp mmr

Private stuff aside its all true and pathetic. People farming tanks? Say what now? I would definitely agree supports to some degree could stats pad as there is no specific “healing received” category. Other than that thou I believe the scoreboard is quite representative.

well bc the more that’s hidden, the fewer data points exist to reveal the rigging. to be honest. simple math. hiding things endlessly made rigging even easier. but it backfired. user base shrinks daily. not expands.

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The 5 wins 20 losses is to encourage people to play comp longer. Since you’ll only get to see your rank updates after 5 wins. But they failed to fix the matchmaker which only got worse with declining playerbase.

Hidden profile by default was due to people being toxic to others based on what hero they played the most IIRC. But I never get it, even if it’s a good change, it should still be public by default since most people can’t be bothered changing the settings.

Because this community can’t handle the truth. Just look at how the devs have to talk about mercy changes. The devs speak like they have daggers to their necks at all times.

And we the players are the ones that make them feel this way. Ask the community to be better not the developers.

It’s because Blizzard has a strange community that doesn’t play other games outside of Blizzard games. They have to protect their little baby birds from the cruel world and the reality that maybe the numbers will not be to their liking