Ok, so this is another thread like my last “Why are people saying Tanks are getting super buffed” one. Essentially, I’m genuinely confused why people are surprised at healing being nerfed when Blizzard openly said they want people to die faster in OW2? Point for point, blizzard…
Openly nerfed tanks’ ability to tank while buffing tank’s damage.
Openly expressed the want for an even faster TTK; that’s people dying faster.
Added a mode that consists mainly of deathmatch like fighting over one robot for matches that can be played in quick bursts. A mode that looks fun, but lets be honest, its clear that its there to facilitate the twitchy pew pew game they want OW2 to be.
-Openly said healing would be nerfed due to one less player on the field. I don’t think this is a good reason at all, especially with the other support and tank nerfs, but they did tell you guys.
They told us all about this, so why the surprise? I certainly made noise about this before we saw any footage, but people seemed to brush me off. Regardless, we can’t act like we’re too surprised, can we? I mean, I guess no one expected that 25% nerf thing, but I still think something like that SHOULD have been expected.
Every role is going to suffer nerfs to their defenses and gain buffs to their offense. Even if those offensive buffs are inappropriate.