Why is Ana allowed to be OP?

Idk, mercy was picked quite a bit in season 5. So many mercy mains got boosted that season and the one before, climbing from like gold to gm with under 50% win rate cuz of broken performance based sr at the time. The meta was also against mercy, mass rez mercy was bad against dive that looked for her hiding.

This is a couple months into season 5.

PS: Late season 5 ana did pass mercy in pick rates by a tiny bit.

Because Ana requires skiiiiiiii[10^1500 "i"s]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:.

PoInT-aNd-ClIcK iS HaRdEr ThAn EvErYtHiNg In ThIs GaMe, M8 :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:.


High pickrate doesn’t mean necessary op. Rein had high pickrate too. This game needs ana though, its the best designed support hands down. At least there is no issue filling the support slots.


Because she’s garbage in low elo

Same boat as widow

I hate saying this, but she’s benefiting from the two dominant metas that trickled down to lower ranks (outside of GM).

First it was GOATS, which on ladder, Ana was good at since she could burst heals.

Now it’s turning into bunker, with Orisa. She’s an easy target, and there’s no tanks that effectively negate Ana’s kit (i.e. her healing darts and bionade).

I think her bionade could use some toning down in the anti-heal effects. Just make it last a tad shorter duration.

sHe ReQuIrEs SkIlL (to use her OP nade)


Hero: is viable and sees a pickrate higher than 5%

Forum: MuSt PiCk


Both burst healing and burst damage need to be toned down. Nerfing only one would make the other much stronger. This means Widow and Hanzo would also have to be nerfed along with the burst healing and other burst damage.

If they nerf burst healing but leave the damage, healing and tanking will feel much worse and the ttk will become even shorter than it is now. Good luck finding tanks when the healers can’t ever keep them alive, the game would really turn into DPSwatch which would then devolve further into Sniperwatch.

Because the majority of the people that had a problem with Ana being OP quit playing.

Games are meant to be fun. If most of players have more fun if character x is op then you’ll frequently leave them OP.

Overwatch’s main healers are generally considered Ana, Moira, Mercy, and Baptiste.

If Moira is meta people will complain endlessly about how she is no skill.

If Mercy is meta people will complain endlessly about how she is low skill and about res and possibly super jump.

If Baptiste is meta you’ll likely hit complaints endlessly about his ult and immortality field.

Additionally, Ana is not universally OP at least relative to the other supports. She’s probably picked more than she should be for maximizing win chances at most ranks and she’s not showing the greatest winrate. I would not be surprised if she is only overpowered for maybe the top 20% of the game and she might actually be underpowered for a larger section.


Well with Ana being ‘‘meta’’ we hear nonstop complaints about Anti heals

moral of the story is everyone dies complains


Ana’s been meta since October/November.

The forums have maybe had one complaint a day if that.

That’s below average for the forums when compared to other metas of similar lengths.

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true support complaints are pretty low in general unless you’re Mercy or Brig I guess

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She’s popular because she’s well designed and fun to play with a good skill ceiling, not because she’s op.

If you’re having trouble you should counter her, like with Doomfist or something.


Maybe I’m just confused… But being a “must pick” for 6 months? This has been the span of me taking a break so this is kind of second hand knowledge and probably wrong so I don’t mind being corrected, but wasn’t this the time when GOATS (With Zen/Lucio/Brig being the main healers and Ana and Moira getting booted from the roster real fast) was prevalent in the highest tiers?

I also didn’t think Ana was a part of Bunker, something that I’ve read was popular on ladder right now?

Or on ladder are people using Ana in these two comps and replacing a healer?

I dont feel like ana is a must pick

She is the best healer for sure but thats cuz mercy ,moira and bapiste just cant compete

Anti is just too strong


Well goats is mainly pretty rare arround ladder they just dont have the coordination to make it work

In between this and before bunker started rising in popularity you had the classic Zarya / Rein / Ana beeing good in the high ranks (im pretty sure seeing as rein / ana were super high, mainly speculation tho, since rein always comes with Zarya just like orisa does with roadhog)

Its less about ana beeing OP and there just not beeing enough competition, the value a 6 second anti brings is too much

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That makes a lot of sense.

I was genuinely confused

It is 4 seconds. Kinda surprised you didnt know that.

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Because “Muh aim hero!!! Skill!!! AIMING!!”

That’s the only reason she’s allowed to be busted.


She has a sniper, and having a sniper makes her automatically the most skilled supporter, right ? :rofl: