Why is “good balance” always tied to a certain clique of heroes?

that literally isnt true lmao, she got released into dive, which she wasnt able to do anything in, then after that she was used in deathball with mercy, and after that she was used in slambulance, then she was used in early forms of goats, then she was used in double shield with a brief intermission of her being B-S tier during bunker

similar to baptiste, he got released during goats, his kit doesnt play into goats, so he didnt have an impact on the meta, but then immediately after goats, bunker, with bap being a must pick, then double shield 2, with bap being a must pick

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‘‘This hero doesnt take more skill! She just requires more skill to get value out of’’.

Do you even hear yourself.

She has never been a ‘‘pubstomper izi brainless hero’’. Not even in bronze. Not even when had the ‘‘so OP’’ lock-on beam she was more that a specialist made of glass. She is just even more glassy now.

Even at her highest Sym was a B- tier hero at best. She went from 1.2% to 3% pickrate and good winrate. The clip you linked shows basically no context other that Sym somehow managing to go unfocused, and still not breaking any shield at all. Because she is actually a pretty mediocre shield breaker, her damage is painfully low for how hard it is to charge her beam without exploding to whoever is behind the shield.

??? Are you on drugs? Sym is quite literally a bottom tier hero right now, and it has never been her damage what makes her unbalanceable. Even at the apex of double shield, people just picked Mei over her. She is unbalanceable because team TP is absurdly overpowered or completly useless.

Sym was never a meta pick, and she is the most glassy hero in the game that even with her perfect meta was never above ‘‘good without being called a thrower for using her’’.

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early double shield, she was a meta pick for a very short period, then she got nerfed, i said that already

im not gonna reply to the rest, waste of time

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I’ve never heard of deathball being ran with Mercy-Moira, do you have any source to enlighten me on this? I did miss out on the early GOATS reiteration with Moira so good point. However, it was immediately replaced by Zen-GOATS because Discord and Transcendence trump anything Moira could offer.

Moira was a well known trash pick, the fact that prior to Sigma’s release, devs were even planning to buff her fade because she was struggling was a clear sign. It was a common belief at the time that past Diamond, Moira was useless because Ana was just better and good DVas eat her orbs like breakfast.

You keep harping on these heroes for being meta for like 2 months at max when heroes like Rein, Ana are meta for years, yet you’re okay with it?


Yea well I’m not most people, it’s not about aim for me it’s about your knowledge for map control, reading people, baiting others into making bad decisions, comms, resource control, all of these things are irrelevant a lot of the time because this game is so heavily team focused it’s hard to feel like you’re getting anywhere.

And I say this as someone who played TF2, where you could play Engineer, Spy, and Medic, arguably all classes who didn’t really have a focus on aim and still do something.


Such wholesome words. Seriously thanks.

This still misses the point of my post though. Skill, however we define it is just one part of what makes a hero difficult.

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moira should be useless past diamond, she doesnt exceed a diamond skillcap at all, she plateaus at 2800 tops

i dont want them meta forever, thats why im fine with the ana nerfs coming tomorrow, even though im a genji one trick.

winston is next in rotation for tanks to have a meta

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Yet none of the stats of that time indicate that. She never went above 3-4% pickrate, and had a good winrate at best. And thats because she was still deficient as a dps hero with heavily gated damage, and she is hardcountered by the several times more used and better Mei.

All I got is that you know very little of what Sym can and cant do and yet pretend that her record low damage is what is somehow got her nerfed, despite being both statistically and mathematically wrong.


because no one wanted to play her in high elos lmaoooo

I never indicated that, sym being able to provide a third shield every single fight, (AKA 6 barriers on the field at a time) that completely divided the map was cancer, especially when the mirror syms were able to use it to build charge


Genji and Tracer dominated pro-play for the first 2 years of the game but 2 weeks of Sym being a decent pick is Unforgivable And Anti-Skill, apparently.

Because she’s trash, a close range dps with 200hp, extra slow with 0 mobility or defensive ability.


she wasnt trash then

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Pros and streamers complain about all of those heroes except for Soldier, Ashe, and Cree. During dive, pros complained about Tracer being a must pick. Rein’s initial steadfast buff had people complaining about him being too strong. The complaint about Genji is that he’s horrible 95% of the time and only useful as a nanoblade bot. With Ana, it’s her anti-nade. Widow has been complained about, specifically by pros and streamers, for longer than anyone else on this list.

What are you on about?


Why? So was she meta or no. Stop changing the goalposts. Explain how she was both meta and underplayed at the same time.

So somehow Sym mirror match was the meta with her uhhhh 3% pickrate?

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It’s not being elitist.

Those heroes allow growth. Things that hit 100% of the time are just not fun for players at the top. These are people that want to improve at something, continuously. If there’s a low skill-cap, then they get bored and move on to something with a high skill-cap.

Anything you can get near 100% value out of by holding down buttons lowers a games skill-cap. The Omnic Crisis (Bastion with like 45% armor) is a great example. Just put Bastion in a choke behind shields. No one is getting pass that. In fact most bunker comps are a great example.

Want to see the difference these players are talking about in skill vs no skill? Watch a Moira vs Moira. Then watch an Ana vs Ana.


Risk vs Reward.

Every one of those heroes can be punished incredibly hard if they’re not played optimally.


Are we really pretending the “bugfix” didn’t make both Sym and Zarya wildly consistent and high damage?

I forget the dev quote but the fix increased her and Zarya’s damage by something like 30% when that’s not what they intended. Don’t try to pass that off as player bias.

Edit: This was the quote

Players generally don’t complain about the skill of Reinhardt/Winston/etc? Could it be that the problem is not mechanical skill but actually ease of use compared to reward?


Coming from gold I have an easier time picking off enemies without dying as tracer than playing mind games against enemies to bait them into turret traps or engaging them with sym

She is now.

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