Why I Use a Voice Changer

It’s not “Just to make people think I’m a dude”

Typically, the program I have works well and people never question my gender. However, the other day my voice sounded very static-y and my actual voice started to come through. This made the person I was talking to very confused- he asked why I would mask my voice like that, and I had to explain basically what is in this thread. He ended up being pretty cool with the whole thing and we continued our matches, but I’m making this thread for those who are confused, like he was initially. Also, everything I say here explains why my name is the way it is, too.

I use a voice changer because it’s easier to blend in. I’m not trying to stand out or get recognized or something, because people with a voice like mine are somehow a spectacle in the gaming universe.

I use a voice changer because it prevents most discrimination that usually comes with being myself on the internet. People can argue back and forth forever as to whether or not this ‘actually exists’, but I’ll go ahead and assure you… in my experience, it does.

Anyway, the issues I resolve by using the voice changer aren’t exclusive to Overwatch and I use it in all of my games. I don’t have some grudge against the entire internet, it just feels like something that kinda helps me out.

Now, if you find someone using a voice changer, you know why. Thanks for reading


Girls get a lot of interesting comments on the internet. Yet, somehow men are immune. I get ya.


Literally have never met anyone who uses a voice changer, but if that’s what helps you get through the game, I say go for it, OP!


Are you bloody alien or robot? Stop trying to conquer our world.


Men aren’t immune to criticism or toxicity, but they don’t get criticized simply of for being male. What do you do against people taking a core aspect of your identity and use it as insult? It’s not something that you can argue as false, and if you do it instantly puts you one the defensive.
Insulting someone because they are a girl or gay(when the person is actually gay) isn’t the same as telling someone they are sh*t at the game because how well you are at the game isn’t a important part of your identity.


To be fair, I’m not sure you would exactly know if someone is using one; that’s kind of the point x3


He/she/it is another venom symbiote. Can’t you deduce from the username?



Interesting. Funny enough, today someone said I was too confident to be a girl today because they asked and I said “yeah”. I thought it was funny. Idk how this is really related, buuut
You’re justified to do it if you wanna :woman_shrugging: No shame in the game though I think the guys who use voice changers to sound like girls just for the treatment are a lill… wonky?
I’d probably do something similar if my hide wasn’t so thick. Better than not using comms at all.


I now want a voice changer with darth Vader voice…


Hey you do what you have to do to feel more comfortable.


When I first started playing OW I wouldn’t speak at all. After a long while I finally downloaded a voice changer. It wasn’t free it was just a trial and after I used it a few times I decided to screw it. I don’t care. Yeah, I get some sexist butt knobs sassing me for my gender but tbh I’d rather make some waves. I’m tired of hiding and I know these games would be more fun if the females involved were comfortable speaking too. We just need to start, and make ourselves known. Maybe if sexist guys get used to it. They’ll… you know… stop? Iunno. But I’m running out of patience.


I’ve never heard complaints like that. Sounds like you probably instigate it.


You know pretending to be a dude is making female players even more hidden from people? Isn’t that just making things worse nobody really cares if you are male or female really it matters if you are good or not.


A lot of people are jerks, if people are hitting on you and saying stuffs just get your male friends to hit on them. Its a lot of fun to make dudes feel as awkward as they just made a women feel.

Thats what blocking is for.


Go look up sexism in Over Watch on youtube and you’ll see how inaccurate that statement is.


Pretending to be a boy only makes things worse.


I really thought once PC processing power started to be a bit over kill voice changers would start to be build into games. Even more so when games started to micro charge for everything, being it would be one more thing to pitch at people.
Being lots of games had voice options for your character anyways so it’s just the next logical step. As long as it’s not a deliberate annoying pitch I’ve never cared if anyone used one before in a game.

random robot sounding voice or whatever? Just adds to the environment of the game on some level. It’s sound board uses that I really hate. Pumping cruddy music and sound effects all the time. Voice change is no big deal.

??? You just gonna ignore my statement? Pretending to be a boy keeps you safe. Staying quite keeps you safe. Being harrassed over and over again? Not everyone can take it and I wouldn’t expect them to.
I say, again, go watch some videos on youtube. A LOT of the sexism is unwarranted and can involve death and rape threats. I don’t blame ANYONE for not wanting to go through that to simply enjoy a game but still be able to communicate with their team.


sup, friendo. i’m a legendary female also. name’s mona. people assume i’m a guy all the time, despite my username. prob b/c the way i write/type. then i’ll randomly use voice chat from time to time and hey, it’s actually a baby girl, wow. there’s usually like a 2 second period of shock, then it fades. it makes no difference to me whether ppl assume i’m a guy or a girl, and it usually makes little difference to said ppl too.

been playing online for over fifteen years. it may just be my desensitized, nonexistent sensitivities, but i’ve never felt “unsafe” or that i “didn’t blend in” due to my gender, full-blown sexism, or what have you. like, stupid jokes and witty banter and all that bs around gender is just for fun. if someone calls out my gender, tells me to go back to the kitchen or that i shouldn’t be the one driving the car b/c women can’t drive lelel, i either play along or throw it back at them in some equally stupid way and we’re best buds after that. that’s what gaming culture is - a giant cesspool of mindless memes and stupid jokes.

look, use your voice mask all you want - i’ve thought about doing it myself from time to time tbh - but don’t make stuff out to be more than what it really is. the internet is full of trolls under the blanket of anon. they can only hurt you if you let them, no matter what your real voice sounds like.