Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Way less, than Valkyrie. If you manage to put your team in 2v1 situation, by resurrecting them at the right moment, you almost certainly will win this. Your teammates may be worse overall, but there are 2 of them against each enemy, so odds are very good.


Why do people in this thread and others keep talking exclusively about mass rez. I mean I do want it back but I’m OK with this mercy too. You heard me right, I love both versions because while rez did make me feel like a god what I want from mercy is high mobility and good heals. Right now I have just one of them. Like today on numbani we had ashe, zen, tracer, dva, mercy, rein. At first this is like a dream comp until I realized that I had to keep juggling heals to not let people die and as a result rein never had enough hp to start freely swinging his hammer and I almost never had time to heal dva up to her armor so she could dive the backlines and though I was playing my favourite hero I just kept getting frustrated and wanted to tell zen to swap. Sure I was accumulating alot of heals for that gold medal but it was trash heals since my tanks spent most team fights at around half hp and couldn’t do their rein and dva stuff. I just want my 60 hps back, blizzard can choke on the rez for all I care.


Many forum members who continue to beat the revert/rework mercy drum do


Valkyrie is engaging, isnt babysitting or being babysat, and takes no agency away

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Ironic when an OW pro player puts Valkyrie in the same level as Earth Shatter.

Once again, ironic when EMP is useless in the lower ranks while EMP is undoubtedly the strongest ultimate along with Trans.

You do you, I guess

Reasonable folks understand that this is a game where the characters can and do change over time, and they move on or adapt when it happens

Soldier got his 20 damage per bullet back cuz blizzard realised it was a mistake to take it away and they will with 60 hps and ill keep reminding them every step of the way


Are you saying (asking, not putting words in your mouth) that adding 1 hp of damage is the same as adding 10 HP of healing, in a game where damage absolutely and necessarily must always greatly exceed healing?

It revives your teammates… It literally revives your teammates that dies in a certain position. After that you just do your normal job as Mercy again.

The positioning is decided by your teammates, the impact is decided by your teammates whether they did a good job or not. Sometimes you don’t even need to use it if your teammates is good.

The fact that you think Mass rez is not dependent on your team is really weird because every other support type ultimate is too enable your team.

Isn’t this a selfish play using such ultimate to benefits Mercy only? What if the ally dies in a dangerous position and you use it without thinking about them.

Mercy has always been teammate dependent since day one. Everything about her is teammate dependent. I don’t understand why you are complaining about it.

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First of all, that raised his effective dps greatly he shoots more than 1 bullet per second. Second of all the initial nerf from 20 was 17.They kept moving it around.

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I would really love it if 60 hps is back to the game. I mean, it’s not what made Mercy so oppressive, why nerf it?


Thats ok, no one is required to answer questions asked of them

That’s all I’m saying. I love mercy with and without mass rez. It’s her movement and heals that I really love so as long as those stay I don’t mind either iteration. I’m not against a revert or a rework nor is that the only option I’ll consider. I just want my heals and my GA.


I literally did. But since you need details cuz you persist with this android persona, here you go. 10 hps is heals per second. Dps is damage per second. Soldier fires 9 rounds per sec. That increase of 1 damage per bullet raised his damage per second by 9. He received a buff of 9dps


Mass Rez is as “dependent on your teammates” as Sound Barrier is. If your team is in trouble, then it’s a good tool to turn the fight around. But Mercy can take her own initiative and use the Rez to turn a battle around.

Unlike Valkyrie, where it LITERALLY depends on her team to get value out of, outside of a battle Mercy situation.

If Mercy dies, the team is down 4 vs 6.

If Mercy Rezzes her teammate, it’s a 6v6 and even they die again, it’s still 5v6.

Using the invulnerability to save herself is literally the most selfless play.


I actually have no problems on Mercy too if she were ever get reworked or reverted. I play her solely for her character design. She is so pretty and her angelic form makes me fall in love at her.

The only kit that I will really defend is her GA. Once there’s this person who wants her GA to be nerfed in exchange for more heals. I strongly disagree in this case. She can be added ammo or resources but not GA nerfs.

so as i read the above, you are equating a tiny damage buff to a huge healing buff


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No. He is equating a tiny hps buff with an almost equal dps buff.


its not remotely close, especially in a game where damage necessarily must greatly exceed healing

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9 dps compared to 10 hps is extremely close


again, this is a game where damage necessarily must greatly exceed healing.

the two are not remotely comparable