Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Heh heh…

Being beaten because the enemy is better at shooting you in the face?

“Fair” by dps player standards, because it’s a “brawn vs brawn” fight with symmetrical skillsets being pitted against each other. They can handle the concept of needing some extra practice at pew pew.

Getting beaten because the enemy is better at strategy than you?

“Unfair” by dps standards. Supports often use an asymmetrical “work smarter, not harder” to the standard dps skillset of “work harder = more reward”, so being beaten by a support feels like being called out on a lack of intelligence. There is always the option of beating the supports at their own game by practicing strategy in addition to pew pew, but it’s more likely that the dps will dismiss that option as “cheating”.

DPS mentality at its finest.


In curious twist of fate, Blizzard developers used same kind of mentality with SR exploit. It’s still there, it was “fixed” by hard capping maximum resurrect count per game.

Intelligent players are a threat, apparently, as they can find glitch in a system.


It’s like Mercy’s one line, when she kills someone, “You might not want to tell your friends about that.”

Even better, getting 3 or more kills and getting , “I didn’t know I had it in me.”


Wonder when this thread will be locked and tossed into the monumental dumpster fire of other threads players have made about Mercy.

Haters gonna hate, and the only thing they respect is aim and twitch dps skills… they’re gonna hate Mercy as long as she has any autolock abiltiies, and can get value without being a typical dps shooty bang bang character.

Mercy is a pacifistic character with lock on beams, and as long as she continues to be that the haters will continue to hate even if she gets a skill shot E. I don’t see destroying what makes Mercy fun for her players as worth it to get a scrap of respect from a few narrow-minded people that we don’t even respect in the first place because of that narrow mindedness.

I say go lock on like Zarya bubbles, because that would be better for the flow state and I balanced Cleanse’s stats with that in mind anyways.


Well damn…

I’m going to need to read this again later and go through it more and such. It will take time for me to go over this. That said, my first impressions…

Great job.

With your explanations on my previous misunderstandings of where you were coming from and such I have a lot to consider and take in.

Your open mindedness and reactive adaptions are… Unarguably admirable. You’ve presented probably the best piece of argumentation that really challenges my positions. I appreciate that so much.

You have tried to address all concerns in a very holistic way. You beautifull outlined what it was that really a lot of people were attracted to with the prework iterations of Mercy, and you really have created a very mindful approach to resolving those issues. It’s quite amazing.

I’m not in a position, currently, to respond to what you outlined in a way that does it any sort of justice. I’ll have to approach this when I’m not so tired/inebriated. My mind is being drawn to how potential balance changes in the mid ranges of the ladder and such, and how easily it could be shut down in more organized settings. I feel there is potential for it to basically render other healers kind of obsolete. We’d also have to take into consideration a lot how quickly this charges…

I will reapproach this as soon as I can, with a sober second look, and do my best to address everything. As is, after reading it, I’m taken back but the thoughtful consideration you’ve put to so many aspects of Mercy and her ult.

It’s kind of stunned me tbh. I didn’t really expect this to come from this forum. You approached this subject so well…

God, I love you, lmao.

I promise you, my friend. I will give this the response it deserves. I just felt the need to really voice my appreciation of your approach… You did so well…

I will do my best to address literally everything you said in this post with the most open of minds when I am in a position to do so. Attempting to do so now wouldn’t be doing it justice. Regardless of if I end up agreeing or disagreeing with what you outlined, the fact you outlined what you did, in the way you did, is truly admirable.

Thank you, my friend. :slight_smile:


I should probably be replying when I’m not exhausted and fighting off sleep, but I can’t help it…

jfajfl;ajflakfjadfj squeeeee!!! Quest likes it! Quest likes it! I’m so happy!!!

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I think current Mercy is great. It took much longer than it should have to get her to this state… but Im glad we finally got her there.

While the rework took a long time to get right, it was worth it in the end. I still remember the days of having mass rez Mercys on my team every game shouting at everyone to “die on point i have rez” while hiding around the corner. A dark time in Overwatch for sure.

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It was better, than team dying anyway, except now it can’t be fixed.

Way too high cost for independent mobility for 15 seconds.


Btw, from her trailer for new mission, you could expect at least 2 abilities:

  • some kind of flash, blinding enemies;
  • ability to pick up teammates and carry them in the air;

Too bad Torbjorn (which I know is not in that mission) cannot pick up his turret. I’d Valk, grab Torb, an put him an his turret where no one could touch the turret. Then fly him around while he ‘Molten Cored’ all over unsuspecting enemies.

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But he still can drop it in such place.

Hi I really wanted you to see this, and I couldn’t figure out how to make sure that it would happen. So hopefully this works, please read it I think this would be ideal.

The current iteration of Mercy is a heal bot with high mobility. She also has a basic ability that makes the game a 6v7.
I’d propose we take away everything the current Mercy Ult does , BUT possibly keep 1 or 2 things (depending on how the balance turns out) and lower the the duration of the ultimate to somewhere along the lines of 8-12 seconds. During the new shorter duration Ultimate, Mercy would be granted the ability to Resurrect ONE person at a time Instantly, on a 2 Second cool-down.
That’s my Summery. Continue reading to see why I believe this would be great for the game, as well as Mercy, and Mercy players.

The Original Mercy Ult was changed for two reasons:

  1. There was no Counter play. 2. Anti Fun
    Mercy began to be a problem when people started to hide or stay in their base. They would practically just not play the game and afk. This would cause a 5v6 (Anti Fun) and once the team with 6 people blew their team fight Ults (Grav into whatever) Mercy would come flying out of hiding and instantly revive 5 people while also being completely immune to all damage (No Counter play and anti fun)

With the new Mercy ult I have proposed, it would have an element of counter play being that Mercy is vulnerable and isn’t even guaranteed 1 revive.
As far as the Anti-Fun argument goes, for the Mercy player who is playing competitive, with a less then adequate team who has died right when it maters most. That player now has the ability to put the game on their shoulders as a Mercy which hasn’t been possible in a long time. They get that high and rush of knowing that they can win the game based off of their own great game play. For the Enemy Team they are in overtime and just nearly team wiped the team with Mercy. They only have 4 players alive and they hear the enemy mercy ult. THEY KNOW AT THAT POINT ITS GAME TIME EITHER KILL THAT MERCY, OR LOSE THE GAME !
It’s the perfect high and gaming rush for players on both sides, its extremely fair and balanced for everyone who takes part in it.

It presents Counter play and is fun for all parties.
Its rewarding the Mercy player for being aggressive and evasive. While being a high risk high reward option at times.

That’s pretty much it I’ll do a little FAQ at the bottom for questions I’d imagine will come up.

Q: What would you do with the 30 second “Resurrect” ability?
A: Take it out of her kit completely it is no longer needed, and is honestly and hindrance. For balance reasons it needs to have a cast time, and overall it being in her kit just makes balancing her more of a pain. Its also a hindrance for the mercy player because it is clunky and RARELY feels good for the mercy player anyway.

Q: Why lower the ultimate cool down?
A: The idea is that if the stars a line and mercy plays it well shes can pull of 5 resurrects like she used to be able too.

Q: When can she cast her 1st Resurrect?
A: The second she ults her resurrect becomes available to her, once used it goes on a 2 second cool down. Once the ultimate duration is over no more Resurrect.

Q: Why take away everything Mercy does now?
A: To put it simply I’d rather just be able to resurrect more then 1 person at a time again. I want mercy to be more like she used to be. They rushed the mercy rework because she was 100% a problem and needed to be dealt with asap. So they just gave her a bunch of random things, so that she was at least as good as the other support options that were available. With that being said, I’d just like if we got rid of the extra stuff that is no longer needed so we can get mercy back to what she was intended to be from the beginning (A single target heal bot with powerful mobility and the ability to resurrect multiple fallin comrades). Plus if we leave in all the stuff her ult does now, she would be very over tuned.

I hope you all enjoy this post and agree with me. It would be insane if we saw these changes on PTR, I would be so excited.

Also one last thing to note If you would like to look me up on Overwatch Player Search it would be under: Xbox One EpicDBagger

I just made this post, but saw your post I think this is a very simple resolution to the mercy problem. What do you think? I’ll read your post I haven’t read it yet because its super long but if i am asking you to read mine that would be rude of me to not read yours.

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EpicD: Titanium hasn’t been on the forums for close to 3 months, so I dont think he’ll see this

Based on event intro, complete rework of Mercy:

  • GA can be used without teammate, and can be charged to increase range;
  • New passive ability: Guiding Light. More time Mercy spends healing/boosting teammates and less damage she takes, brighter glow from her wings becomes. Can blind enemies within 5 m range, if wings are active(GA or Valkyrie). Blindness lasts 2 seconds, and doesn’t affect movement or shooting.
  • New active ability: Helping hand. Has 5 m range, and allows to pick up one teammate and carry them anywhere you want with GA/Valkyrie. Teammate can press interaction button to set themselves free at any moment, Mercy can use ability again to do the same.

Cinematic effects are not the basis of a rework

Were that the case, doomfist should be able to destroy tracers chest plate in-game

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Very creative ideas, I certainly wouldn’t mind trying that out in game. Helping hand sounds like a fun ability to use, and I like the “team mate release” feature you added in there as well. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


As a Mercy main myself i do not agree with this at all. I get most points and i see where youre coming from but what youre trying to do is make an easy hero, for beginners to pick up, a super heavy meta every-game-pick character. Thats not what mercy is supposed to be. Look at genji, tracer etc, theyre in a bad place right now if countered correctly. Mercy fits into basically any team comp and can manage to stay alive longer than most heroes. Look at Ana. Shes a strong hero, yes, but she requires a high skill ceiling, aim and above good game sense. She doesnt hit every shot and her 75 heals p/s arent consistent as oppose to mercys constant non-reload beam. She is not at the best place but she was never meant to be a high skill ceiling or super high impact character. She has a simple, fun and fast play style and in most games around diamond shes totally fine, masters and gm cant be that bad either. I want res to potentially be her q again because res makes mercy mercy and with the amount of hitscans flying is just unreasonable. Stop seeing mercy as a heavy meta character that needs to be pumped full with abilities. When she had one single shift ability and a broken res most of the mercy players were fine, so why do you complain now? Res was fun yes but it was broken. Do you want a broken hero to feel superior to everyone else and make the game unfun for others? Yet those are the people complaining about other characters being op and needing nerfs usually. I dont know, i dont wanna seem rough but everyone just seems to want mercy to be a hero that shes not supposed to be. At the end of the day shes just that Medic that doesnt want any harm or fighting. Change the ultimate, 55 hps and shes fine :slight_smile:

We want back hero, that never was OP to begin with. No one asks to bring Mercy 2.0 back.

She still wasn’t picked in all games back there, with 60 hps. And even then, 60 hps was minimum for main healer - average for Ana is 75 hps.


Mass rez will hopefully never be restored to the game, given the bad behavior that it resulted in