Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

End result matters most. Be it Transcendence tanking damage, or mass resurrect bringing dead team back, end result is alive team in both cases.


An to date we have no figures on how often “Hide and Rez” occurred. There is a lot of talk that it happened all the time, but where is the evidence? It just doesn’t exist.
Even one of my first saved Highlights doesn’t show this happening.

Enemy Mercy was around corner, an if I went around there I could have picked her off. But she (he) was brazen by GAing into the middle like that and pulling an ol’ fashion ‘Huge Rez’ (4-5 people Rezed at once).
They got ride of an ‘Oh Sh–’ moment from the game that I think is lacking an should come back.
An what happened to Jeff’s comment that he would not ruin Mercy way back when the Rework was forced down our throats. Sure, Rework Mercy was powerful, too powerful. But now Mercy is not a threat even once she gets her Ultimate of Valkyrie. If it was more like Zenyatta’s Ult, and could save her team, that would at least be something.

Hmm… I’m going off of:


And I don’t see a speed reduction for Valk’s basic movement… Do you have a patch # or something I could look up? Iunno… Oh, maybe that 11 to 9 change was made during the PTR? I’ll have to look into it.

I’ve been using overwatch.gamepedia.com for my numbers. All heroes have a base 5.5m/s speed, Genji and Tracer having a 6m/s. That sight claims the movement speed of Valk to be 9m/s. I’m willing to be wrong.

I don’t think such an increase in general movement speed, let alone the unrestricted 3D movement, is a slight thing. That’s my take at least.

It wasn’t an every game sort of thing. It was a terrible strategy in any sort of coordinated setting, but on ladder I could see it getting some good mileage, capitalizing on the lack of coordination and communication in the same way a smurf Tracer that erases your backline all game does.

I’m down for exploring the option of giving Mercy an increased healing effect on a CD, so long as it’d implemented mindfully. Burst heal on Mercy, especially of the type that could significantly increase her value in Tank heavy compositions, runs a great risk of making her dominant/mandatory.

That’s what I don’t like. That it all hinges on the fact your team is bad enough to die in such a way, and that the enemy has to be bad enough to allow you to live. I didn’t get much opportunity to experience enemy teams just ignoring me while I was scrimming. You were hunted down and killed like a dog, that is if by some miracle they didn’t just drop the ult storm on top of you first.

I understand that in certain settings there was a lot of thrill and intricacy to Mass Rez. I do wish that we could sort of recapture elements of that in current Mercy’s kit. However, it’s important for me that Mercy remains viable in organized settings and higher tiers beyond pocketting Pharah as she is a keystone when it comes to diversifying the meta. She enables not just DPS, but also bunker style and hammond orientated comps and such.

I think a lot about when dive was prominent and people were asking for Rein buffs. Now imagine if he did receive buffs at that time, and then the meta shift to GOATs occurred… In hindsight it’d be pretty ridiculous. At the time though…

This situation with Mercy feels very similar to that for me. I’m afraid if we buff her now, and a meta shift occurs, she can VERY easily become dominant af again, even with just slight adjustment.

I wanna see how these PTR changes play out in comp and organized play, and then make an assessment about Mercy’s state from there.

However, I recognize that does not address the sentiments that are stated in this thread regarding how she feels to play etc. That’s why I reference things like slight adjustments to Valk for less duration and more “oomph” and maybe slight adjustments to other elements like her healing etc.

h ttps://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/mercy-junkrat-nerf-overwatch-20657

It was after it went Live January 2018

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Considering that most players are below gold, making Mercy unviable at higher tiers, but viable in her old quality in lower, would be good for most of the playerbase.

She wasn’t supposed to be “pro oriented” hero anyway. Neither was Symmetra.


That’d be it seems. All I saw mentioned in that article was the reduction of GA speed. From that thread I linked:

  • No longer makes Resurrect instant
  • No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
  • The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been decreased by 50%
  • Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

I don’t see any changes mentioned regarding her base speed in Valk though, only when it comes to her GA speed during Valk.

I guess in a way… But I’d argue it’d be bad for the game overall. I think it’s very important that Mercy remain viable in higher tiers as to encourage diversity in composition. That’s why I was happy to see the notion that Mercy enables DPS orientated compositions and how it was important for her to be viable being shared around this forum.

I am glad people are starting to see how important she is to a healthy state of this game that encourages compositional consideration according to map and if you are either attacking or defending.

Counterpicking isn’t fun, so diversity comes at the cost of fun.

Mercy used to be healer, that is going to work in any composition, as well as lack of one.


I find being able to play different heroes and compositions based on the map and if I’m attacking or defending fun. I find taking those things into consideration fun. Instead of “GO GO GOATS WEEEE!!!” Every and any map :frowning:

For me it’s opposite: I stick to my heroes. Fun is in not being forced to pick different heroes, because game decided to give you different map/enemies.

Goats never existed in my games anyway, due to lack of coordination/supports. Whole “meta” is concern only for higher tiers.


Show me where.
Being better at being a dedicated pocket makes her a bad main support/dedicated healer.

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I think it is a matter of needing both.

A person should be able to play there hero at any time and success should come from how that player uses their hero, but at the same time there should be compositions that just tend to work well together compared to others.

As in some will just inherently work while other versions will require a team dedicated to making it work. All are options. For example, Mercy works well with slightly spread out and or high mobility and more DPS influenced compositions, she is not quite strong with tanky comps. She shouldn’t be able to hold a tank team up the way another support does but she should have the capacity to heal tanks well enough that perhaps someone might use her in the tanky composition but that would require a ton more effort on the players part to see success.
Your hero should not feel like it takes 100% more effort to play compared to another if you are well practiced in said hero.


A good thing that many of the rest of us are not willing to make such a trade

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If you are using her only as a pocket, I can see where you might not agree with her being a main healer anymore

I don’t use her as a dedicated pocket, but I can see where she is better at being one.
When you have to put in more effort to be a dedicated support on Mercy compared to any of the other characters designed to be dedicated supports, even though she is mechanically easy and often does very little damage and boosting per match, it shows great concern.

Ana and Moira can pump out so much more healing but more importantly they pump out healing when it matters most for a team mate. Healing more consistently doesn’t mean being able to heal when it matters and when they lower her base healing while giving her nothing in return and nerf all other aspects of her kit she isn’t given much to deal with a need of greater sources of healing.

She is weak because what good is it to heal someone frequently for 50 when they need a boost to actually stand a chance at surviving some moment of increased damage, IE trying to help a team mate survive a Helix Rocket.

Every other healer is in a better position than her. The effort you have to output for a decent result is beyond reasonable and it is why I have given up playing and only play with my little sister in bot matches now. I will play Mercy in bot matches and even medium bots can destroy through her healing, it is truly a joke and it comes down to very little skill expression and so many stagnant base stats.

Being a pocket is the only reliable way to use her without fail.
You will fail more often playing her the way you want to use her, as a dedicated support. :tea:


What? You mean how you literally get double mobility every GA if you want to increase your evasion even though you already had the near best mobility in the game.

It’s not skillful and full of expression if there are no limitations to its usage.

She needs more than just infinite GA Hop.
Sorry, but it’s just not good enough. She isn’t good enough because she has nothing that makes her any good and she doesn’t have anything that has much skill expression.


I got silenced for a day and I still have no idea why. And the thread that I was silenced for was deleted so I can’t even request why anymore. Sucks dude.

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It’s ok to have good mobility, but mobility is useless by itself, it has to come with decent power in rest of the kit.

Take Genji for example - one of most mobile DPS heroes. Now reduce his damage and make his signature ability(deflect) require him to stand still and not jump. Don’t forget to give him infinite shurikens during ult, instead of dragon blade. Doubt anyone would like that version of Genji.

Or remove ability of Tracer to one-clip anyone, and give her infinite blinks as ult.


I disagree on the healing output of Lucio. Lucio can easy outheal Ana or mercy. But it’s not his primary focus. Higher up , speed is more useful because everyone is utilizing death focused abilities vs extended fight abilities.
Lucio simply isn’t mostly utilized for healing the higher you go. This is in direct contrast to lower rank Lucio who almost exclusively heals


Hi RichC! I was backtracking the thread, and saw your post. One early post you made was Activision-Blizzard’s expansion from just games development to entertainment with the introduction of OWL. It made a big impression (I can’t find the link in Google, dangit), and I’ve followed your posts since then. :+1:

I actually only play Mercy these days as strictly a solo healer now, preferably in all DPS or solo tank-solo healer team compositions. I prefer my team to not group up, but to maintain focus on separate fields of fire that overlap on the point/payload. It’s actually enjoyable to play those games, and as long as my dps team mates die in rezzable spots, it’s a frenetic and fun game for me. :smile:

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One thing that I’ve really noticed about Mercy in the Overwatch League at the moment is how she’s never really mentioned by the casters.

“Ana got an amazing sleep dart onto X”
“Sound barrier saves X”
“Zenyatta killed X”

When do they ever mention Mercy except for when they simply mention her being used or on the rare occasion for a rez? The only other time I’ve really seen myself is when the Ana accidentally nano boosted her…

She may be balanced and I still enjoy playing her, but she seems to lacks that big impact factor that all the other heroes are getting praised for in League. They never seem to look at Mercy’s POV either.