Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I’m afraid that data is over a year old and no longer holds true. Overall, across all ranks, Ana beats lucio by a good margin. The higher you go, the further she separates herself from him. Lucio definitely does not keep up with Ana, or Mercy for that matter.

That’s true, and is a good reason she’s a main healer.

No, she’s still a main healer, and in the higher ranks the go to for solo healing comps.

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Might as well explore the possibility, so that your voice can still be heard here ongoing

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Life is but an echo. The impressions you make on those around you resonate as a legacy and through that you are remembered, in a sense, immortalized… Every echo however is restricted by circumstance. The environment allows your words to echo out. Do those people you interact with care about you? Will they remember you? And as time moves on, that echo grows faint. How much do any of us know about our great great grandparents?

So long as the ripples I make in the pond motivate others to swim and rise above, I am happy. What more could I hope for?

Getting into some Tao Te Ching type philosophical perspective here.

I love it :wink: Haha. <3 Megadodo.

It’s true that there’s a lot of heroes who would need re-balanced or even reworked to fit into a 2-2-2 lock… but I view this in the same light as re-breaking a badly healed bone in order to set it properly: painful to start with, but critical to long-term health and vitality.

The developers are having a very difficult time finding a middle ground of balance between pleasing the casuals and the pros right now, and part of that is because there’s no baseline comp to balance around. There’s always the looming threat of “but what if the pros use it in triple whatever”.

Role stacking has made balancing a nightmare: how do you balance a hero so they’re viable in a 2-2-2, but not overpowered in a comp with role stacking? The devs’ attempt to answer this question on various characters has ravaged them to the point where they’re balanced in a role stack composition, but underpowered or clunky in any other composition. Dva and Brigitte are good examples of this.

Role stacking (triple or more of a single role) has shown again again that anything that’s balanced and fun in a “normal” comp can become overpowered if you stack the roles enough. Trying to balance with this in mind alienates the casuals, but trying to ignore it alienates the hardcore crowd.

Tanks and healers have strong synergy on such a foundational level that variations of tank-heavy comps have been meta for nearly the game’s entire lifespan. The only way to prevent pros from stuffing their team comps full of tanks is to either gut tanks into unplayable messes, or physically ban then from tank-stacking with a 2-2-2 lock.

Option one isn’t working. It’s driven a lot of casual players from the game, but at the end of the day pros aren’t playing for fun and they’ll keep playing the high-synergy multitank/healer comp no matter how clunky or joyless it gets…

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Got a fantastic video of just that from, surprise, surprise, Seagull. I have referred to this one before, and shows that staying alive as Mercy is the hard part.

Yeah, he finds it relaxing to play Mercy, which I take to mean he doesn’t know how to play her very well. Plus he dies early and often while playing Mercy, also clearly showing that he doesn’t understand how to play her properly.
Top that off, this is a few months (and Nerfs) ago, an even he is saying that Mercy needs something. A far cry from when he hated Mercy and said “Mercy is always hiding”, which she was not.

It looks like my comments were removed, or are so far down on the list as to be hard to find. But summary:

  • Match 1- Enemy Mercy got off 3 Mass Rezes, THREE. The only way that happens is if Seagull’s team was feeding. An she was not hiding once, she was right behind her teammates giving them healing and support till she couldn’t any more then pulled out Mass Rez, but Tempo Rez. Not a single ‘Huge Rez’ of 4-5 people.
  • Match 2 much the same, but “Mercy is Hiding”, except she was not. She was giving support on the upper platform, and everyone on his team knew it.
  • Match 3- one healer Seagull’s team vs. Mercy/Lucio enemy team. He kept yelling at his teammates to ‘kill Mercy’, but he ended up killing her most often. An when he was trying to kill off a Genji, Mercy kept him alive instead of just healing her Tank players, allowing Genji to take out Seagull. But main problem, once again, was solo healer on his team.

This is a very abbreviated version of posts I have made on this in the Mega-Thread and on that YouTube. Mistakes were made by both teams, heck even Seagull stated that he was Feeding 1st match. Thing is, months after the Rework and several Nerfs Seagull’s tune changed and he noticed after finally playing Mercy that she needed something to make her more viable. An this before several more Nerf’s to Mercy, so who is right?
Mercy is so much less Now than at release, while easy to play Heroes like Soldier 76 which are easy to play but don’t get Reworked then Nerfed to the ground.


What you say is very true. I am reminded of the early days of this game when we had no hero limits and in coordinated settings you ran tf out of double Winston, double Lucio, double Tracer. It was… Something lmao.

When hero limits were introduced, the conversations and discussions taking place then share a lot of parallels to the discussions we are having now when it comes to role Qing and such.

LFG I think sought to remedy some of this, but we’re still stuck with the fact that people don’t want to take the time to deal with it. Like I have a life where… I feel like I’m inconveniencing people if I lfg cuz I might have to dip out after a game and then be able to play like 10 mins later or whatever. Can’t expect other people to tolerate that noise from me.

I’m not sure how they plan to address this whole role Q and like 2-2-2 sort of encouragement thing. I’d personally introduce it slowly, like having it as a secondary option and seeing how much demand there is for it.

I think it’s important that it is solo orientated tho, and that people can simply come and go.

If the game does move toward sort of being centralized around 2-2-2, like it moved toward hero limits as opposed to stack w/e you want, it would simplify balancing a LOT. It might be the best choice…

People gonna complain hard tho. No avoiding that regardless of what’s done.

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Were you playing at release? I mean I totally understand having problems with current Mercy and stuff for sure… But to go so far as to say she “is so much less now than at release” I think is incredibly wrong…

Mass Rez aside, the GA tech alone puts her leagues above how she was at release imo. I think the GA tech is one of the best examples of adding individual player expression without disrupting too heavily the balance of the hero this game has ever had. It’s amazing.

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I’ve played Mercy since the first summer games event in 2016, and I don’t think I could ever go back to a version of Mercy without GA tech :laughing:

I think that if they had given Mercy that tech instead of “invulnerability on rez” to solve the problem of suicide rezzing, they could have streamlined solving Mercy’s problems instead of the train wreck of “let’s throw Mercy changes at the wall and see what sticks” we got instead.


Why yes, yes I was playing Mercy at release, in fact I played her on the PTR the weekend before release.
Not arguing about GA, that has gotten better thanks to the Bunny Hop glitch becoming a part of her game play, among other parts of it.
The problem is with her getting:

  • Healing back down to 50 hps (back to release). Mercy was given the bump of 10 hps to the 60 hps after the release of Ana so that she could keep up with Ana.
  • Mass Rez removal- replaced with a VERY punishing single target Tempo Rez. 1.75 second cast time, slow movement (too keep from overshooting person to be Rezed?), unable to defend herself/heal/damage boost while Rezing, and unable to move away or crouch to help defend herself, an whatever happened to the PTR release(but not Live release) that if bumped off of person she is trying to Rez she could try again? One of the few times something that was on PTR that didn’t go Live.
  • Flight during Valkyrie- very slow flight (slower than Pharah), only slightly faster than running (12.5% of original flight speed).
  • Damage Boost- after latest Nerf, instead of constantly healing Mercy now has to be constantly Damage Boosting or miss out on giving teammate good plays.

Ikr? I can’t imagine going back. The GA tech that was introduced via the rework was GREAT. Like… On so many levels. How it meshes with how the game was played, how it offers individual expression, and the way it is utilized by top tier Mercy’s… I love it. Not just being able to pull off superjump or bunnyhop or whatever, but the chaining of it, and the situational awareness and employment of LOS blockers and mobility around the field to spot heal and such… It’s really just a joy watching Mercy players far better than myself take advantage of it.

I can’t imagine going back.

I have huge problems with how the rework dropped and how adjustment took place after the fact. I’ve come to accept it though. I don’t think Mass Rez’s probleems could be remedied in a way that didn’t prove problematic at some level. Like when I think of coordinated scrims settings, which I spent a LOT of time in, I just can’t see Mass Rez really being all that useful… That’s the big thing for me. And to have an ult so restricted in those settings, on such a pivotal and meta necessary healer… I can’t accept it.

Yeah, the state of the game was something else back then. I’ve always wished that the support/sniper balance patch had went through without Mercy’s -10 hps nerf. I’d love to see how that played out. It did, contrary to popular forum opinion at the time, drop her from dominance, so it’s hard to say if it was unnecessary.

Is what it is.

Ahh… Technically it wasn’t. Technically it was replaced with an instant cast single rez on a 30s CD and when you popped Valk you got a refresh on that instant rez, and the CD was reduced to 10 seconds, and you had a Valk duration of 20s. So you could rez, valk, rez, 10s, rez, 10s rez.

We know how that played out. This part of what you said…

Didn’t come until much later. That’s how powerful tempo rez is. I was one of the people that was arguing that before the rework even went live. I got downvoted into oblivion by people saying Mercy was essentially worthless without Mass Rez. LUL right? Hard to believe people argued that in hindsight, but it was the popular opinion of the time.

Where’d you get this 12.5% from?

Heroes in this game move 5.5m/s. Valk movement is 9m/s last I checked. That’s an increase of 63ish%. 9m/s is not just “slightly” faster than running.

The latest damage boost changes are a mixed bag. For instance take the example of Junkrat. You had to always damage boost him as you never knew when a nade would connect, or how much it would bounce around. Now you can damage boost his clip, then move on, and know that each projectile receives that regardless of when and where it hits.

Do I agree with the damage boost change? :man_shrugging: It does help bunker style comps imo, serves no change to hitscan, tho hinders reactive applications of the boost and such. So… Like I said… Mixed bag.

Tbh I don’t think you’re approaching these things with an open mind. You seem to be arguing a specific narrative pretty hard, regardless of the evidence infront of you.

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Agree: she is less now, than she used to be at release. Played before Mercy got invulnerability.
Tempo rez does nothing in lower tiers, too.



I just don’t see it given GA tech. Was Mass Rez that like huge for you? I scrimmed a lot so like… I can’t relate to Mass Rez being a big deal outside of my adventures into solo Q but solo Q is legit anything goes.

Because I didn’t have issues with old GA, so for me it’s awful deal: losing so much just for new GA.

Oh yeah, I can jump with GA now, fun. Except I do it alone, as rest of the team dies.

Solo Q isn’t “anything goes”, it’s “pick heroes with independent impact, to have a chance to win”.


Hmmm… So you don’t care about the levels of player expression and individual skill that was introduced via the GA tech? That Mass Rez was just so… Impactful I guess in the games you played that you’d be willing to sacrifice that to get it back?

I guess I can understand that. Like to me it screams of player issue and just poor play more than anything. Personally there is next to nothing I’d give up the GA tech for. It’d have to be amazing af and I never found Mass Rez, even in solo Q, to provide that.

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Nothing amazing about being unable to keep rest of the team alive.

I am willing to sacrifice pistol, and whole Valkyrie for it. As well as new GA tech.

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Player issue. Either on you not beam juggling and positioning properly, or on your team mates just eating damage and going derp. Like…

I’d never give up the GA tech that was introduced after rework for Mass Rez. Esp considering all the problems I outlined regarding Mass Rez in one of my previous posts.

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So what, if teammates are going derp? I still can win with old ult, even if teammates are potatoes.

Being chased by enemies feels like waste of time on their side, as I can’t stop them anymore from wiping floor with my team.

No, you can’t. Cuz all you’re doing is bringing back those same potatoes you are saying don’t achieve anything and just feed damage to do the same thing again.

You yourself didn’t do anything. You just brought back the potatoes.

Like… Player issues. Everything you say just screams “people playing poorly” to me.

If you were playing vs me on Tracer, and you rezzed your team, and they are as bad as you make them out to be. I’d solo wipe them again just with left click. So what?

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Yes, I can. If there are 2 potatoes for 1 enemy, we will win.

Really? What if it’s a GM Widow or Tracer you guys are facing? Potatoes going to be potatoes. You gonna die the same.

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