Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Yeap, coz he thinks communication such as this is about winning. Which it isn’t. :man_shrugging:

Ditto actually. Who do you main?

I was stuck as a Winston/D.Va during Dive and now I predominantly play Rein.

Agreed. Throw in the blush emojis, the “DPS mains just want supports to be nerfed”, and “Mass rez was balanced and had counterplay, you are just salty they reveresed your precious kills” and you get a recipe for a migraine tbh.

If we want to discuss changes to Mercy, we need to throw away the accusations, over exaggerations, “us versus them”, and just be realistic on how balance and the hero function, and what improvements/changes can actually be made.

EeveeA said it perfectly herself several months ago (and nothing has changed), the reason nothing gets changed about Mercy is because the Mercy community itself can’t agree on anything, they just argue and throw around too many non-realistic ideas, in addition to literally using the forums/Youtube/Twitter to attack and belittle the Devs (y’know, the people who Can change Mercy for the better).

I literally just asked Geoff a question, while being very respectful and nice, and he replied to me that he wanted to buff damage boost somehow but knows he has to be careful. That’s the best, most solid reply we’ve gotten on the hero in months, and it was achieved through clear, positive questioning, not verbal attacks and demands lol.


Wow, people still going in this thread. It’s been 2 years by now. Mercy is viable and she works great. Just because people can’t play her properly doesn’t mean the hero is bad. Also just cause Mercy is not meta right now doesn’t mean she is bad either.


Reinhardt right now, but I also did Winston during the Dive era. I can also Zarya and DVa in a pinch.

I don’t CP anymore, I prefer the relaxed QP games of my younger nieces and nephews (retired military and all that), and I played Mercy in CP on this account to prove to my niece that she’s ok, lol.

What cryptic stuff? I said things in plain English, and you repeatedly ignore them.

I’ve already submitted that YouTube videos are valuable as being literature in academia, you refuse to accept it.

What, do you want a list of every single textbook I’ve ever read in post-secondary education?

I represented myself just fine.

Just because you lack reading comprehension (you’ve repeatedly said “WTF ____” and attempted to call into question specific statements that are clearly context for sentences after in my replies), assert yourself as empathetic when you’ve shown clear signs that you aren’t since you don’t realize how incredibly frustrating you are to speak with, and intentionally contort other people’s arguments into water-downed fake versions so you can trounce upon these fake versions in an attempt to assert dominance, doesn’t make my arguments hold any less water

Again, you’re insinuating I’m playing a game. I’m not.

You’re arguing with an imagined version of me. I’ve said this three times now.

I have not held my tongue for your sake. Believe me.


Truth. Like… This is it, my friend. Like this is the kind of understanding I had HOPED to have reached with BS and MrTyPlz or whatever… That… there is nothing to be gained from nursing this thread out, or the mentality that this thread sort of encourages.

Facts. What I see right now as being the deciding difference between say our approach and those of the people I’ve engaged in this thread is our ability to sort of work BEYOND all this noise you just outlined. We are concerned about the overall viability and how Mercy’s kit interacts with the game as a whole…

A lot of these people don’t seem to give a f… about viability or any of that. They just want to be able to get their endorphin rush when they press Q or whatever. I can’t relate to that.

I see Mercy as a keystone in the continued encouragement of a diverse meta that is mindful of map and if you are attacking/defending. How can you be appreciate of that when all you care about is “muh feelz”? It just doesn’t work.

As much as your feelz are valid, so are everyone that you play the game with. That means all that noise about Mass Rez being unfair or lacking counter play is just as valid as “well I feel empowered when I Q press during ______ with Mass Rez.”

Mass Rez does not make Mercy viable though. It’s a threat, as far as I’m concerned, to her viability. Due to the fact that Mass Rez requires multiple people on your team to be dead. You don’t get away with that s…t in coordinated play.

Again, facts. And I really appreciated that response from Geoff and knowing where they were thinking of going with Mercy. You don’t get that from stuff like this thread, or how these people have responded to me.

It’s annoying.


Well, Mercy was my first main (pre rework, always have to stress that), and I still love her base kit, although the 50 hps feel awful, as like the sluggish rezz. I play her absolute zero now. She is balanced, but not fun to a lot of players who really loved playing her.


When did I say that Mass Rez was balanced? I already said I wasn’t a Mercy main.

I said comparatively to her current status, Mass Rez was more exciting, more expressive, and creative, and that she was objectively more satisfactory for Mercy mains.

Never said she was more balanced.

This sounds so relatable (minus the military part for me). I’m also able to Zarya in a pinch, and started playing more QP than Comp because of my (very casual) friends.


Same, lol. Whenever Mercy players say “We just want Mercy to be fun, we don’t care if she’s good” I’m like hold up, lol, I care if she’s good. It’s not fun maining an underpowered hero, regardless of how shiny her ult is. It’s not a great feeling to know you’re being a detriment to your friends and team by picking them, and especially not fun when your team is flaming you for picking a hero you love.

Exactly. Mercy enables so many important comps to keeping the game diverse, that she needs to be viable so that these comps can be viable as well. Yet, the other supports need to be viable as well, so they can enable their own comps. My favorite games in OWl season 1 were when the attacking and defending team each had specific comps. It was especially common on the stage where Hanamura was in the map pool (and it was also after a Mercy nerf).

Defenders rain Winston Dva dive with an Ana + Zen or Lucio and DPS like Hanzo or Mcree, and attackers ran Mercy + Zen Dive with hitscan DPS like Widow or Solider. It was cool not seeing mirror matchups, and seeing both Mercy and Ana be equally viable depending on the situation.

Yeah…it was quite literally a hindrance to her viability and made he way too niche in higher levels of play, which also extremely aggravating to play against everywhere else. Unfun to play against + unviable was not a good look on her.


… yes you did?

Agreed. Throw in the blush emojis, the “DPS mains just want supports to be nerfed”, and “Mass rez was balanced and had counterplay, you are just salty they reveresed your precious kills” and you get a recipe for a migraine tbh.

Truth. Like… This is it, my friend. Like this is the kind of understanding I had HOPED to have reached with BS and MrTyPlz or whatever… That… there is nothing to be gained from nursing this thread out, or the mentality that this thread sort of encourages.

You agreed with what Ryan said, which is that we’re players that use blush emojis, complain about DPS mains, and say “Mass rez was balanced and had counterplay, you are just salty they reveresed your precious kills” , and then literally namedropped me and MrPlz…

I don’t typically do this… but it seems apt right now…


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Quote please. Should be easy for you to do, unlike the citation of your “literature.”


You realize it wasn’t me that said anything about Mass Rez, right?

And you realize that Ryan talking about Mass Rez in that was way was to allude to how some people approach this subject, yes?

You realize that I did not say YOU believed Mass Rez to be balanced…

Reading comprehension, ya?

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I just did. Scroll up.

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Okay, but if we’re talking about reading comprehension… you do know you just attributed me and Mr by association right?

If you say “Truth” to a statement that highlights a very specific portrayal of a Mercy main who says such things, and then include our names in a commentary about those Mercy mains, it’s generally accepted as true that you just called us that very specific portrayal of a Mercy main…

You do realize that… right?


Same. A lot of what I play nowadays are tanks and supports that work in teams that group up properly. Mercy used to be good in teams which are more spread out, but it tends to devolve into lone wolf missions in a lot of the games I play these days. At least playing Ana or Zen keeps my team focused on maintaining line of sight on me at all times.

Lol, I don’t think there’s anything more casual than the kids I play with. I keep getting requests from my nephew to play Zarya so that he can Tracer pulse bomb or Hanzo dragon the grav – AND HE KEEPS MISSING! I find games on my (low-level) smurfs more fun than the games on my main. :sunny:

Absolutely nothing of my post is mutually exclusive with the creation of a diverse meta or encouraging that diversity.

I was literally only contending with your insistence of handwaving away other Mercy player’s arguments because they have feeling in them?

You were tone policing.

Satisfaction as it relates to fulfilling character design is not “muh feelz”. No matter how much you say this, it is not true.

This is a misunderstanding caused by you.

Any reasonable person would assume you just grouped them with the party in question that you’re mocking if you name drop them within the same sentence…

The whole point of me saying this, specifically with question marks in those posts, is to further clarify this, and also inform you of that fact that you seem to be unaware of the above italicized text.

This was all you.


Sure, sure.
9 characters required.

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Oh snap look who came out the bleachers and took to the field.

YA GIRL! Hey hey, sure sure, ya ya :wink:

You go. You do you.


How about you add;

  • calling people “kid” when you have no information of their age (I don’t care if your 40, 80, or the oldest person alive on the planet)
  • using Twitch emotes on websites that aren’t Twitch
  • using emoji MID SENTENCE
  • using text shorthand like “smh”
  • treating text as if it were verbal communication

Like, you’re not making anyone laugh with your attempts at humor to defuse escalations, and also it’s just an obstacle for communication.

Also, you don’t get to rewrite typical communication conventions just to suit yourself. Especially when you make a miscommunication… Like I said, any reasonable person would come to that conclusion, so own up to it when you make a miscommunication.


I already did.

This is damage control, you realize?

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