Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Again, not my or Blizzard’s problem.

Considering that they are in charge of balancing, it is.


It’s like you still don’t realize that Valkyrie and E Rez took everything away that made her even remotely skillful and therefore the rework made her easier and more boring to play for so many people and it only gets worse with every nerf.

Because if you over nerf a hero whose skill ceiling has been made so damn low, then you can damn well make them practically useless with even the slightest of nerfs but if you put them at where they should be balanced but they never work as balanced, then that means the skill ceiling being too low is ruing the character by making it unable to be balanced and fun. Valkyrie and E Rez have no middle ground, the take away player skills and then no matter which way you try and tilt the scales for balance, it tips one way or the other.

And we are back to:

She needs to have skills that are mostly easily accessible/easy to use, but there needs to be a challenge to it that warrants enough rewards. Valkyrie and E Rez do not do this.

EG. Super Reliable Healing and Damage Beam, it was single target because it raised a challenge of having to spread the beam around to as many people as possible as a main healer, and the better you did earned you more reward and success.
Easy to use, but something to master.


How many times do I have to say it? The fact that you think Mercy is bad or unskilful isn’t my or Blizzard’s problem. How is Valkyrie or E rez easier than Mass rez? Mercy has never taken more skill to play than she does now. Maybe that’s your problem, you don’t want or care to try and learn how to play new Mercy. You won’t even acknowledge that rez with a cast time, 75% slow, and a 5m range is more difficult than mass rez on its own. Less healing outside of Valkyrie is also more difficult to use. Valkyrie is a much better and more difficult ultimate than mass rez.
Edit: Mercy is also more skilful now because she has less healing outside of Valkyrie.

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Ah, good, you’re back. You know, belligerence really isn’t a good look for you.

Time and time again we’ve told you, “this is our opinion, that is yours,” but you continue to respond as though we don’t know what we’re talking about, that we are just salty Mercy mains, that we are over dramatic and crazy, that we are sefish and entitled, and then “gee, look at them getting upset over these hateful things I’m saying LUL keep proving my point.”

I understand you came back because someone tagged you and you feel you should defend yourself - and hey, nothing wrong with that. I’m doing some defending right now myself. But I find you are getting nastier and nastier as time goes on and I really don’t understand why you can’t just agree to disagree agreeably. Folks find Mass Rez was more fun, others are content with Valkyrie, others still are hoping for something completely new. NONE of these opinions are wrong because they are just that: opinions.

Please stop acting as though having a different opinion to yours is some ungodly act.


I say it again… Just no.
She is just more frustrating to use, not more skillful. And extreamly weak on top of that.
The lower healing outside of Val is also to weak midfight potential, Valkyrei is way worse than Mass Res and by far the easiest to use Ult in the entire game, E res is not harder to use properly, These are fact’s and not just a “You problem” and because i already didn’t say that often enough she takes far less skill now and if you have that tiny bit of skill to play her, you better play other sups because she is just way to weak.


This is DEFINITELY Blizzard’s problem. Considering the idea was to make her more of a challenge to allow her in pro play and they utterly failed.

I am pretty sure the OP covers this fairly well.

But quick summary of the issues.
Valkyrie >>> Removes her weaknesses and therefore the challenges that she had to overcome to warrant her even attempting to be used at higher levels of play successfully.
E Rez >>> Took all the important thought from deciding when to use Rez and turned it into “Safe? Yes then Rez, No then don’t do it.”

Or, it makes Mercy players who can’t beam juggle or prioritize properly get easy stats during Valkyrie and guide them to making the easy Rez choice of safe or not. People who know how to use her base kit are just being hindered by a lower skill ceiling in any time that isn’t the base kit.

People aren’t just asking for normal Mass Rez, they want Mass Rez with LOS and a cast time. Slows just go against her kit and make her a super easy pick for people who can’t be bothered to fight a target who can hardly fight back anyway, so that is just BS.
Otherwise, people want Resurrect gone for the sake of her skill floor not being so abysmally low and want her to feel engaging, not M1 as far from the fight as you want behind like, a wall.

Just because it feels like garbage to use because it has ultimate punishments on it to use, the thought process behind it makes it skillless. Just because you are slowed and and casting and still, there is no thought outside of being safe or not.

And I care, I nearly 300 hours care. I am still playing care. And still whining every chance I get because I can feel the skill taken from my own hands every time I press Q and it sucks because I can perform just as well as a hand everything to you ult.

I mean yeah but also no because we had 50hps on Mercy before she had Valk, we had it with Mass Rez and they buffed it for a reason and she still didn’t leave F-tier but it made her actually able to heal like a main support should. So if anything, it doesn’t change the process that people used on 50hps Mercy back in the day.

Ah yes, Valkyrie the weakness voider and easy mode that you can press pretty much whenever you want to avoid enemy ults or like maybe damage boost to do a little push in a non ult team fight, is more difficult than an ult that you had to process everything around you to succeed with if you weren’t using it for a safe tempo rez and if it is given some balance adjustments like people want, will make it easier to counter before it comes out and it was always easy to counter after the fact and challenged players to manage their ults better.

So yet again I say:


Watch this video, then tell me if you still think Mercy takes no skill.

You forgot the passive 5 Charge per second

So 37 seconds for 1950 charge at 60hps

32 seconds for current ptr

4 charge per 5 points of healing means 48 charge per 1 second, plus the 5 charge per second you actually gain 53 charge per second

Times that by 37 you get 1961

Times by 32 you get 1696


Keep playing other heroes then. New Mercy isnt for you.

Mass Rez Mercy is gone for good at this point.

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Ah, I see, I actually never thought of passive charge generation.

Thanks for explaining :slightly_smiling_face:

Incidently with the 50hps we gain 45 charge per second it took us 44 seconds to gain ultimate but this is consistent uninterrupted healing so in reality it could take an extra 10 to 15 seconds to gain it


Mercy as her base kit takes skill.

Valkyrie and E Rez > Lower her skill ceiling and make her easier than previous iterations of her.


Did you even watch the video?

So… Just what i said. Her base kit just as an easy mode. Same for res. Just use if save. The End.
Nothing against the person which made the vid but that stuff could have been explained in less than 2 min.
Because surprise Valkyrie and E res have a skill requirement which is as flat as a table.


Mass rez had a lower skill requirement. It was much easier to use than rez and Valkyrie now. The only thing you had to think about was when to rez.

Skill requirement. O man, lemme just push ult on any DPS and use my low skill requirement ult to wipe the enemy team. Do you know what game you’re playing?


First let us look at this.
The numerical complexities that Titanium went through.

And then we can look at the thought process.

E Rez > Safe or not?

Mass Rez?

If you read the full Resurrection section in the original post, you can read it from start to finish comparing the two and showing you the differences.
Because so far, every point you have made has been disproved in the original post which I am sure you would know if you did read it like you said.


I’m pretty sure that except Moira and Brigitte every other hero is more skillfull

The original post doesn’t prove or disprove anything. Just because it was written in an organised way doesn’t make it valid.