Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Pfft, all it does is bring people back to life! Lol Zen’s trance is light-years ahead in value right?
I’m sorry but if an ultimate’s main utility is to revive allies it’s safe to say that it probably doesn’t need an aoe heal on top; regardless of the restrictions put in place. I’m okay with the idea of a self heal, armor, or shields upon completion, but an aoe heal is too much. You can’t just make the best ultimate better without taking something big from it.

No… No it does not. Not only is sleep dart projectile, but it’s on a hero with virtually zero mobility, a self heal on a long CD, and it’s effects can be negated by 1 hitpoint of damage. That’s why it’s balanced. Your pitiful proposal is nothing like sleep dart and it’d never be balanced on a hero like Mercy.

Sure, but there is kinda this other hero who’s high pickrate and W/L is highly dependent on the “mediocre” utility of damage boosting. Didn’t this “mediocre” utility just receive a nerf regarding it’s interaction with Hanzo’s ultimate? Mercy’s “mediocre” ability to damage boost allows heroes like McCree to go from C tier to S tier with the press of a button. It completely broke the first iteration of reworked Hanzo, allowing him to oneshot with storm. It allowed Roadhog to oneshot tanks like Reinhardt in the past. The examples are endless, to deny the amazing utility of damage boost is willful ignorance at this point.

Oh yeah parts of specific ultimates. Sure like Dragon blade, Visor, Dragonstrike, deadeye, Tank, riptire, barrage, whole hog, pulse bomb, death blossom, supercharger, and nano included. Because damn me, those ultimates needed more non-ultimate based counters; who better to have it than the most consistent and mobile support that has the ability to revive teammates!

If Mercy were to get Mass Rez back, she would not need more playmaking potential. Just an FYI.

Where have you been? It literally been defining the meta for months now. Damage boosted Hanzo dragons? Zen being the best secondary support?

They aren’t the most OP abilities, but they are for sure some of the best.

Or maybe because of Mercy’s year of tyranny, the devs had to buff most supports to allow them to keep up. Now I’m not denying that Mercy would need a buff, but your suggestion solves nothing and leaves Mercy in the same spot; above the rest of the support cast.

I also doubt that anyone who thinks your suggestions are too weak (of all things lmao) has any semblance of balance. If anything this makes her more powerful.

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im not sure if you saw my edit but

i think you’re idea is closer to the trail of widow’s and ana’s scope shot in a sense that you mentioned a ‘traveling’ animation. most of the animation of 76’s weapon are fairly close to 76’s rifle where as from my understanding the animation for pacify extends further from mercy

You left it out too, because what you said was how powerful res is. I argued that with your changes it wouldn’t be. What you should have argued is how great your mediocre e ability would be to make up for making her ult complete trash. And we 100% know it would be trash because we’ve had that version of res before minus los.

But look, you’ve made it abundantly clear. You want mass res reverted and you don’t care how trash you make Mercy in the process.

Thought we already discussed the difference between a rework and revert…

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I’m talking specifically about the ability, not the hero as a whole

Mass Resurrect is being reverted but you are completely ignoring the significant changes that come with it that make it a rework to mass Resurrect rather than just a revert.

Nope, for the sake of argument I agree, the package as a whole is a rework. I just think the rework makes Mercy absolute trash because of the res revert.

What do you mean by trash? OP or underpowered?

Under powered

20 characters

Indeed, which most did not have a problem with when playing old Mercy. Also, wouldn’t the e ability balance her ”underpowered” ultimate out therefore, making her kit relatively balanced?

I Don’t think so, this would basically make it so she didn’t even have an ult. It would be suicide to use it just like it was before and Mercy’s midgame, even with a decent e ability is not enough at anything above gold.

Here’s the thing. Most of us would rather have a underpowered Mercy for the next few seasons if it ment she would be fun again. Also, if she were to be underpowered for a bit the other healers have a chance to shine, and everyone can stop complaining about Mercy.

Remember this idea will have a flaw or 2 if implemented, but things can change in the future.


But why go straight to something that we know is flawed? Also fun is subjective. Current Mercy is fun to many

Nice strawman.

This tells me that you didn’t actually read the proposals. More was taken away from Resurrect than given to Resurrect.

Resurrect lost:

  • Wall-piercing effects.
  • Invulnerability on the Mercy.
  • Instant cast.

Resurrect gained:

  • AoE burst healing for living allies.

Hence the full disable for 5.5 seconds rather than a damage reduction for 4 seconds.

How does this make a difference?

Pacify is on a hero with virtually zero damage output. That’s great and all, but how is it at all relevant to the discussion?

Except for the brief grace period after its initial impact in which any damage taken doesn’t count. No one in their right mind intentionally shoots at a slept enemy without a plan to eliminate the enemy entirely.

Because it has tradeoffs. Pacify also has tradeoffs. Less powerful than Sleep Dart, but slightly easier to apply.

  • Says an ability is too powerful.
  • Also calls that same ability “pitiful”.

And Hanzo’s position in the meta is unchanged.

Very mediocre.

Let’s throw some perspective into this.

Orisa currently gets 1108 damage amplified/game. She gets this statistic only from her ultimate, Supercharger.

Mercy currently gets 778 damage amplified/game. She gets that statistic from both her damage boost as an alternate fire and Valkyrie.


I do not recall McCree every being S tier. Source?

And in practice, it doesn’t come close to Orisa’s Supercharger alone. To overstate it is hyperbole.

Oh no, a support that has the potential to intervene during enemy ultimates using basic attacks/abilities… like… nearly every other support…

  • Sleep Dart.
  • Biotic Grenade.
  • Discord + some balls.
  • Lucio Blitzkrieg with Amp It Up on Speed Boost.
  • Literally all of Brigitte.

And now it doesn’t work on Hanzo’s ultimate and his pickrate has… stayed the same.


Allow me to introduce you to…


Hey hey, you found it! Good for you!

I want you to talk to this guy:


Let me ask a question to everyone…
Is it really that big of a deal for a hero to perform best in lower elos?
looks at ungod

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You overestimated the total healing by adding the healing done without Valk over 60s and the healing done with Valk over 15s, but you said she did both of these during 60s, which isn’t possible.

Let’s just say that every minute, she has the time to build up Valkyrie from 0% ult charge, and to use it entirely (which is a rather bad aproximation considering Valk cannot be charged during only 45s of uninterupted healing).
Over this minute, she did 45s of classic healing and 15s of Valkeasy healing for a total of 60s.
Assuming she is constantly healing someone, and is constantly healing 5 allies at once during Valkeasy, she did:
50 * 45 = 2250 classic healing.
50 * 5 * 15 = 3750 Valkeasy healing.
2250 + 3750 = 6000 total healing.

That isn’t exact. Lucio does 16,25 hps to nearby allies, but only 12,5 hps to himself. Amp it up follow the same rules, as it heals for 46,8 hps to nearby allies, but only 35,1 to himself.
You also did the same error as with Mercy when calculating total healing.

During 1 minute, Lucio is given 5 times the ability to use amp it up, which has a total duration of 15s (3 * 5). During this 1 minute, he healed without amp it up for a total duration of 45s.

Normal healing:
16.25 healing done to 4 allies over 45s = 2925 healing.
12.5 selfhealing over 45s: 562.5 healing.
Amp it up:
46.8 healing done to 4 allies over 15s = 2808 healing.
35.1 selfhealing over 15s = 526.5 healing.
2925 + 562.5 + 2808 + 526.5 = 6822.

Just wanted the maths to be right :grin:

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What can I say, some of us remember history, some are doomed to repeat it like you and him want to do.

can i ask what is wrong with Mercy being best in low elos?