Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State



It will something interesting to see. I mean as long as it isn’t like pin point accuracy and is useful and handy but not overly OP… Like Mercy should feel quite friendly to use.

As for transition… I think there are stuff that can be learnt and transitioned off of Mercy onto other heroes. Not necessarily Mechanical skill, but rather personal skill such as observation and tactical planning and predicting enemy attacks.

I mean had I not played Mercy, I prob’s wouldn’t have the observational experience to Widowmaker and respond to my surroundings.

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Im so sorry to hear of Titaniums suspension from the forums. This is extremely saddening and definitely eyebrow raising.

Mercy is in a poor state that never needed to happen, and the only response we get of it is a highly notable voice for us all getting suspended.


Tells you a lot about the state of things.


Does anyone know the reason as to why Titanium got suspended anyway? :thinking:


Well, according to the Blizzard Support Team, “Trolling/Spamming.” Also, Could we please refrain from talking about this further? I really would like this thread to stay open, and not locked/404’d.


He was reproted for spamming/trolling

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this is true.

Its just sad that we cant get any kind of open communication about this. A large part of the community has been unhappy with mercy for the last year, and it just feels like we’re all second class citizens tbh. She needs a rework. Even the bigger youtubers are noting it


From personal experience, the situational awareness and gamesense needed for Mercy (especially the levels required during 1.0, which were much higher back then) transfer pretty smoothly to playing most tanks. :sunglasses:

I remember the first time I played Winston, I was already much better off than most first-time winston players simply because I had so much experience watching him closely as Mercy. I already knew a lot about what tactics worked with him, and what didn’t. Monkey see, monkey do :hear_no_evil:


Which is why I was a D.Va/Mercy main lol XD… The moment they stomped on Mercy, I made a more proactive approach to being DPS more often so yeah… able to flex all 3 roles now.

But you’re right the current Mercy is rather lacking.

Titanium’s thesis has gotten 1.4k likes within the span of a month. Talk about impressive!


Bunny has no chill.


Small update; on my blog I arrived to have 259 like, I repeat this is a great result. We have exceeded the 1400 likes, now we reach 1500.
If you agree with the proposal, but even if you want another rework, advertise as much as possible.

None of us Mercy mains do. We lost our chill within the first few hours of playing Mercy, and haven’t gone back.

We went ape**** when the rework was announced over a year ago; and haven’t gone back from that, either.


Adding an aiming mechanic outside of Mercy’s pistol does not instantly make her a 2 star hero. Supports and tanks in general shouldn’t be anything less than 2 star IMO because the level of awareness you must have as a support or a tank is one that involves yourself, your team and your enemy. You must be aware of so much to make the best judgement calls that can choose the fate of your team. A DPS does not deal with this, for the most part, their main focus always tends to be themselves and their targets.
Pacify only begins to have weight the more experienced you are and also allows a newer lower skilled player to learn skills that can carry over more fluidly. Such as learning to sleep dart will become easier in the long run. This is good.


Wise words.

20 character

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The points you make are good.


At this point I feel like I’m just pure salt to be honest.

Also, whatever you do, do no google salty bunny. I should have learned by now that anything other than “cute” or “adorable” in connection with bunny is going to be filthy


I’m gonna google it.
Edit: To be honest, I was expecting worse.

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Well, let’s just say I’m glad there’s no actual images of my first google result… :scream:

I’m still trying to bleach my mind.

Furthermore, I consider that Mercy must be destroyed… wait, I mean fixed!

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