Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Maybe in 2.5kSR…

then why not give her a higher cieling? you’ve stated that the ceiling is there, there’s no reason why they couldnt give her more depth. (also when res was earned the impact of a bad mercy vs a good mercy was much higher.)


well if you can give her a skill move that can drastically lift her skill ceiling I’m all ears

You mean like the pacify that Titanium suggested? Increases the skill ceiling without lowering her skill floor.

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pacify is like a moira ult for size it shouldn’t be hard to hit

as you can see that was the point

It’s not the actual aiming part, but the timing and predictions that make it powerful. As I think it was Titanium mentioned above, a well timed pacify can almost mitigate a McCree ult or nullify dragon’s damage when stuck in a grav. A low skill player with poor communications will be able to help a team take less damage, but a higher skill player with more awareness and better comms would be able to shut down an ult dump with the right timing and target.


that is sooo hilarious you have no idea what hitscan means? there is almost no timing involved and no it won’t be shutting down dragon strike do the math you still die just like that might as well save it and use your trance rolf also who uses deadeye it is the worst ult in the game. i mean really pros use it to reload sometimes

Plus: if Pacify ends up being too forgiving, it can be tinkered with to make it more mechanically difficult. It could be made a projectile instead of a hitscan, or/and its hitbox could be reduced.


how about hitscan but it works like every other hitscan in the game

the definition of hit scan is a straight line drawl from you to your opponent if they are hit they get the debuff if not they don’t they don’t you think widow bullet has a hitbox

That works too.


could be a nice quality of life change but the only difference between a mercy and a mercy that can aim is a 30% damage reduction

I main McCree, I know what a hitscan is. If you want to start getting snarky, go ahead but at least attempt to learn more about me, my profile is public.

Could have sworn you’d still need to use the ability and for it to be off cooldown in order for it to proc. Especially considering some hero’s have ohk and insane burst potential, ulting or otherwise.

Pacify + Moira/Ana means you don’t need to rely on transcendence in order to survive the dragonball combo, there would be other options.

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s the easiest way to deal with Valk Mercy, Pharmercy and is a good zoning tool, forcing the other team to group up or hide behind cover. I agree, it’s garbage as is now but it still has impact outside of just reloading.

By the way, the pros are maybe 1% of the playerbase and in no way represent the majority of players.

You think so? How much impact Pacify has will depend on who mercy uses it on, and what they were about to do when they got Pacified.

It’s a mechanical skill ability, but it demands the kind of gamesense and awareness that tempo rez (Q version) did in order for it to make a real difference.

That’s not what is meant by “timing”, and this is part of the reason why Mercy 1.0 was considered to be so low skill and “braindead” - people are going in with the wrong mindset as to what playing her means.

Timing here doesn’t refer to the timing of only when the Pacify hits the target after its shot - it refers to timing in the sense of when it is used in comparison to everything else that is happening on the field, so that it is used where it is most impactful to the fight. This is the same type of “timing” and management that went into original mass rez that people also ignored.

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yes valk mercy that will be gone if the rework goes live and phara who is like so met right now feel the sarcasm

also dragon strike isn’t the only thing killing you in the grav rien hammers, zarya secondaries all of it is going in there also have you noticed that when you are in a grav you teammates are exactly where you are standing. this makes moira’s healing spray obsolete and ana really you mean the single target healer in a grav

also looking at the current meta i have 2 words for you

bio nade

you mean reaction time to what is happening and then shooting like every other hero does

Imagine that, playing Mercy takes some of the same skill that playing any other hero does.

this is what i get for posting stuff about mercy that isn’t praising titanium

go home blizzard your drunk