Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Make a new one? Its not like we cant keep this up.

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Of course, but…

I don’t really know how to explain… I feel like 10.000 posts without any response or at least acknowledgement from the devs is just wrong.

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Well… The official feedback threads have gone how long? Third iteration filled with posts and no dev response?

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looks at Mercy megathreads

Yeah I get that. Dont think that Jeff Kaplan or anybody will ever answer this directly since they are cowards. Maybe in a dev update if Blizzard doesnt go down before that.

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In his last post, Jeff said something about “little surprise”. Couple of hours later we literally had sites hyping it up as “Overwatch’s BIG incoming surprise”, setting up everyone stupid enough to not check sources (so, almost everyone) for a big disappointment which then reflects poorly on Blizzard. Later he said what I interpreted as an innocent comparison on stream and it got blown out of proportions as well.

So, I don’t exactly blame Jeff or devs for being silent, in fact that’s likely the right decision marketing wise. On the other hand, there’s a saying in my town, “let us reveal ourselves more by our actions rather than our words”. Meaning I’ll take the silent treatment forever for the sake of marketing and PR, that’s very important as well, however, the lack of action is much more troublesome and indicates lack of care or capability much more so than the lack of communication.


If anything, I’m disapointed that devs dare say they “read [the megathread] daily”, and that over more than a year they failed to acknowledge our mains concerns.


They just choose not to, because it goes against what pro players demand.


Factually, what I stated was intended as sarcasm, as indicated by the quotation marks and eye-rolling emoji. Taking it as a literal statement is either a failure of understanding or intentional misinterpretation.


Personally, I did not see sarcasm; and I dont see double quote marks as a sign of sarcasm, but rather an act of quoting someone

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Then it’s a failure of understanding. Good to know.


Factually, reading a thread and responding to it are two entirely different things

One can do the former without ever doing the latter

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I dont understand how quote marks promoted the intended understanding

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With apologies, I don’t understand how this is related to my post, as I did not mention responses from devs.


Factually, it is related to the quoted post

specifically as follows “devs dare say they “read [the megathread] daily”, and that over more than a year they failed to acknowledge our mains concerns”

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Factually, I did not.

They can acknowledge people’s concerns without posting in a thread. They can do so in streams, interviews, videos (dev update), and via various other ways.


I think if you understood in the first place that the post was not intended to be taken literally, as denoted by said quotation marks and the eye-roll emoji, then you would understand. An honest question, if you will: do you find that you struggle to understand the connotative and non-literal elements of language?


Factually, I said “respond to it”

Devs (anyone, really) can indeed respond to a thread in a variety of ways, and you’ve highlighted several of these in the post above

Factually, one can read any thread on these forums and choose not to respond to it. The absence of a response does not provide a basis to claim that a thread was never read

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I do not find that I struggle with any element of the english language.

I struggle with understanding quote marks as delineating sarcasm, when these are generally used to delineate quotations of statement smade by others

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But of course! Why would that be refuted?

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