Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I started playing Overwatch just a few days ago. Watched all the character videos, tried all the classes in the training room, and have played give or take half of the classes in quick matches. And so I rank healer classes from easy to hard like this: Moira > Lúcio > Brigitte > Ana > Mercy. I like playing Brigitte over Lúcio and Moira, but she’s hard to play because I struggle getting a hit in with my mace against shield/range. With Lúcio I try stay out of sight or skate around the block. With Moira, well, it’s a combination of all the classes I’ve played over the years (Fade from the Half-Life mod Natural Selection being one of them), so I can play her like a tank (with heals).

So far, having played Overwatch, I honestly cannot see the point in Mercy. She is stuck on the ground, she has slow motion movements, has a single target heal and a (rather weak) damage buff that can only affect one person at the time, she is 100% reliable on her team mates keeping her alive (and nobody ever does). OF COURSE, I have only played PUG, and I am ignorant of how to play her, and how to play her well. All I know is that she is incredibly easy to kill (when I play Moira, Brigitte, or Tracer). She has to run away from her team all the time because nobody keeps her alive, and she has no means of keeping herself alive on her own, or so it seems anyway— if you mind me being a noob at the game.

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Please just stop bumping this thread.

Thanks for bumping this thread


I recommend that you watch a few videos of high level Mercy play to see what she can do in the hands of a skilled player

There are many to choose from. I personally prefer Animetic.

I just want her to heal more :disappointed_relieved:
And Valk to be more powerful and impactful :unamused:


Have you taken a look at the Dodo rework?

i should remove the Mercy staf and add damage to the gun to focus her in a more agro dps with 1 Rez each 30s skill insta cast (is like a full heal each 30s)

I have 3 accounts: my tank account, my healer account and my bronze account. I recently played Mercy on my bronze account, and we were losing until I switched to Hanzo – players did not group up properly in that game, no one but me was doing voice, we weren’t covering flanks, so I used a flanker with good recon abilities (aka Hanzo’s sonic arrow).

The biggest role of Mercy is to keep the confidence of the DPS players up. DPS players thrive on confidence, they generally trash-talk the most in voice and text chat, so you just multiply your presence over the many DPS mains who play the game in the lower ELOs using your guardian angel (GA) ability.

GA every 2 seconds (less if you cancel it) is THAT GOOD, it’s one of the best movement abilities in the game, and you shouldn’t have any problems surviving if you GA often to anticipate how the enemy is going to move.

TLDR: just keep the morale of the team always up, that’s what Mercy is good at. Good luck with your games!

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Confidence deflects bullets only in bad movies.

Yeap, but unfortunately, Mercy doesn’t have enough healing to keep tanks up. Her healing at the moment is sufficient for squishies, and she needs her heals to stack with another healer to heal tanks well. That reality redefines her role in the many games I play with her currently (yeap, started playing OW again).

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Even that is questionable.

It is, when DPS knows how to move in and out of LoS, and it’s generally easy for any DPS except for McRee (which is why I’m playing him as my go-to DPS at the moment).

I’m so tired of playing tanks, because they’re so easy to focus right now. At the rate things are going, Overwatch is tuning its game so that every role, regardless of whether it’s tank, support or DPS, needs to move in and out of LoS – the way pros do. It’s annoying, which is why if I’m playing a slow character, I prefer it to be McRee instead of a Reinhardt these days.

It’s weird, but I got Reins in some of my games earlier, and they do so much hiding these days in flanks the way Reaper does that I feel this is a really bad time to play tanks.

I’m just waiting for another game to suck me in, another shooter preferably, because heroes in Overwatch are starting to feel generic to me.

One mans opinion but this perspective is really childish lol

They gave an answer. A long time ago. Theyre not going to answer again just for you


You would still be juggling with the same skillset as you having one beam. Your rework changes nothing because her base kit is already all about juggling, changing the beam to be more beamy with extra beams still makes the beams easier and the same thing you were already doing.


Is it a bad thing tho ? Ana and Lucio don’t suddenly get new things to do when they ult, nor do they get new mechanics
There are a lot of characters who have an ultimate that can be argued about on that part

Ana - has an extremely overly enagaging and impactful kit all game. Therefore, the ult must be simple enough to find a valuae moment to capitalise on. It is like Widow having an ult that is easy to use because her gameplay is already engaging and the biggest value comes from how the player or team makes use of it.

Lucio - the ult does something different. He is simple enough to get value with on his base kit but he has a moment that he does something different. His ult is something he has to think about and use wisely. This thought is part of his skill ceiling, knowing how to save a team is such a crucial part of learning him but saving it to make sure it gets maximum value and can save the point and your team is such a big thing.

Mercy’s kit doesn’t offer complex mechanical gameplay, which means it needs to be given something else exciting to do, think about and master. Raise her skill ceiling with thought of how and when to use things to their greatest effect.
Mechanically easy doesn’t have to mean thoughtless and boring. Excitement can come through thought over mechanical skill.


But then, does it always have to be exciting ? Or different ?
What about Soldier ? Isn’t it enough to just empower your primary ability, and slightly shifting your gameplay on another skill to master ?

Soldier’s ult manages to be pretty strong and challenge him in ways he doesn’t normally experience to that degree. But even Valkyrie doesn’t satisfy this experience.

She already doesn’t get to do that much, at least before she ults.
Like Soldier gets to control himself before going into a state that causes him to have less control but challenge his game sense a lot more.

Mercy is like “hey do this beam juggle and shooting and GA thing and now i am press Q and nothing changes except pretty much everything you could already do except easier and all of your challengez and vulnerabilities are made less complicated to deal with to a fault”


The reason this perspective is childish is because it’s the perspective of a child.


I’m not asking if you think Mercy is fine, I’m asking what is okay, and what should an ultimate provide you, or how should it change your gameplay