Why i dont play ranked

Didn’t mean to imply all lone wolves were egomaniacs. I apologize for the confusion, I did not convey my idea clearly enough.

As for the rest, I cordially invite you to my clan just to prove to you how wrong you are about needing to prove yourself to a clan to have a good time. I’ll edit in our post here in the forums once I find it. Feel free to ignore it of course, but I’ll put it in anyways.

Edit: And here it is. Hope you’ll check us out!

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I’ll give it look. :slight_smile:


No worry , you did the right choice, in end in comp you get nothing.

In comp you play vs smurfs in qp you play with all kind of ranks

so qp=comp

ye can’t wait to have even more impossible games since if I teamup with someone I end up with other premades aswell (and is fair)

I’m a lone wolf? yes, because if I bring someone around master with me in qp I end up vs another master and is not my idea of the balance of the game, also most of the times if I go with someone that person keep asking me to play this and that hero.

egomaniac? no. I just simply play alone, I don’t think a clan here can work, considering how many toxic people I’ve found around in this community.

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Honestly I only play for gold guns.

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IMO, the smurfs alone ruin competitive.

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You get a ton of CP currency from just doing placements and getting that reward at the end of the season. I usually just do that in competitive.

Just play without getting on chat, you can reach mid diamond without ever having to get on chat. Once you start reaching masters, communication starts becoming more important.

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Don’t join voice, /hidechat

Work on your own gameplay and chill.

As soon as someone starts chatting just mute them, they can still hear your calls but you can’t hear them

I got 4200 without voice, it’s not necessary anywhere it’s just something that helps

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Thats awesome! Congrats on that, I had to start using voice when I got to 3700 to then finally rise to top 500

voice isnt even my main issue. my main issu is i dont want to play a single match for 40 minutes

ranked needs a forfeit option, nothing worse than being held hostage in an unwinnable game for 30mins.

Yep! I’ve seen this in myself. I play far better in QP than in ranked. I KNOW it’s because I care about the points. I dream of reaching diamond someday.

Wish I could make myself not care. Lol

comp is pointless unless you have an actual team (even if its only 1 mate to play with). personally i only do the placements (for golden weapon) and then stick to oldschool qp/arcade.

if you feel that way and really want to try rank then the only option is too find like minded friends and queue up together. a lot of work tho lol and queue times would be long so that sucks.

i would say just stick to quick play if it bothers you that much. i have a friend who is the same way she HARDLY plays comp at all only placements and thats it. only done it for like 2 seasons. she had this game for as long as i have (since release)