Why I am quitting Overwatch

Atention: this is not a “I hate Overwatch” rant
I used to love this game. I really did. But now, playing it feels like a chore. I’ve played this game since season 3, and when I got it then, I was so happy that I did. I had so much fun playing, discovering new things, just having fun in general. My friends also got it, and we played quick play a lot, until they asked me to do my placements and play comp. season 3 I got placed gold, and didn’t play comp much. I think the majority of my time was in junk. I had fun, but I lost rank and eventually, I became a silver player. I heard that mercy was broken and started trying to abuse her to get out and just fell farther. I remember raging in SILVER because I kept losing. I eventually started playing rein and Ana though, and I climbed to plat. I met a really nice guy and we played together for a couple of seasons. It was fun, this guy was really nice, didn’t tilt, and just had a good time when playing. (He has also quit the game). When I hit diamond, I was stoked for real team play and more chances to grow as a player and maybe hit masters. Then brig got released. Brig 1.0 was not used that much in diamond, but when she was, it was either a switch brig or we lose kind of game. I went with this for some time, and I kept grinding comp. I hit 3300 as my peak, and I noticed I progressively became more toxic. More characters kept being released, and as a main tank main I was tired of being cc’d. I tried learning hog and Hammond, but when I played them in comp, no one wanted to play main tank so I would have to fill. The game isn’t fun to me when you lose playing your best hero. Maintaining this 4 digit number felt like a chore to me. It was a win loss trade off almost every game and it felt like I was the reason we were losing even though I kept trying my best. Now that I look at the dev updates, I know that there trying to destroy goats, but the reaper buffs are making main tank even LESS fun to play then what it already is. The direction the game is going is not for me, and I think that I might move on. I don’t want to see this game die. But I the view numbers on twitch and the 3 minute que times tell a different story. I hope this game gets better to the point that I can come back to it.

To recap:
Pros: The game is similar to when it came out, but the hero balances seem weird and unusual, with heavy instability to certain areas, making competitive play unstable.

Cons: The game is heavily meta dominated, and the balances are just trying to counter the meta, making the characters much stronger as individuals then as a team

This is why I am quitting Overwatch.
Please be respectful in the responses, this is not a hate rant.


agree actually, main tank is not fun to play because of all the cc

i’m not a tank player but when i play tank it’s annoying getting stunned after stun after stun

i’m not gonna quit the game because i’m still having fun but main tank it’s just a pain


Definitely sounds like you’re burned out. And it happens. Taking a break is definitely a good idea, whether it be a week, a month, or however long. Perhaps someday you’ll be back when you get that itch to play again.

Until then, may your next game be enjoyable!


So now you hate the game. I can’t blame you. I hate the game too, but I’m going to keep playing.


there are lots of things they could do to reduce ‘meta’ comps dominating the game.
hero bans.
reduce hard countering heros.
switch to 5v5, so comps naturally have asymetric strengths and weaknesses that can be counterplayed without mirroring.
they could even make team level stats and buffs that are dependent on what the current comp is. that way you can tone down characters that are OP in certain combinations without nerfing them so bad they become useless in other compositions.
lots of ideas but i dont think the devs even acknowledge there is a problem i think they only care about owl.

Too long text wall…
Time to TL;DR

I use to have fun playing the game.

Had to fill as shield tank, got CCed a lot. Found I wasn’t having fun and started to become toxic.

Latest changes make tanks even less fun to play. Queue times point to game having less players now.

I’m out, but wish you all good luck.


A pretty good summary, except for the part about becoming toxic for which I see no evidence.

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its a bit in the middle. I should edit to say “was becoming more toxic” since it would be less harsh, and it is pretty obvious they are not really a toxic person from the post.

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bye see you tomorrow

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Ahh… apologies, I must have missed it. As you were then.

it was a good call, it was too abrupt, so I edited it. I like the new version more - so thanks :slight_smile:

so you think its fine that ALL of roadhogs abilities can be cancelled by stun… he melts when he has a discord on him, he melts when he gets antihealed, he feeds 24/7…

its not just the main tanks who suffer… every tank player suffers in low elo ladder because blizzard forgets how to keep the game enjoyable for casuals-

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Why do people feel the need to come on the forums to tell everyone they are quitting? Take a break, quit the game, do whatever you want. Literally no one on this forum cares what you do. I take breaks to play other games quite often. Do I feel the need to come to the forum and tell everyone about it? No, because that is pointless.


You are correct. It is pointless. The reason I posted it on the forum was to see if anyone else was going through the same Overwatch burnout as I was. I get your point, but I wanted to tell others why I specifically quit. We all have opinions, and isn’t that what your supposed to do on forums? On “general chat” Forums?


I haven’t noticed reaper that much in my games. He’s still slow with a fat face to click on, and tanks just avoid him as usual. As a tank sometimes you just take the pain. It’s fun man.

Honest question here, why?

When I’m getting burned from a game, I simply stop playing it.

I got bored from OW lately, so I’m having a break and playing something else for a change.

Why continue playing a game when you stopped having fun with it? Why are you doing a thing you clearly don’t like anymore? I’m really curious.


If you dont care why comment on this post? Lol bye.


Just calling it how I see it. :man_shrugging:

If you feel the need to comment how you see it … that means you care to some degree on the “why im quitting ow” posts lol

I care that it’s annoying, and all these posts are just copies of one another. However, I couldn’t care less what he does on his spare time.