So I don’t know if blizzard even cares about this game especially the console version but their has been a huge issue that I think any console player in diamond or above can vouch for and that’s dosing I can guarantee that if you play ow on Xbox for 10 games you will run into one I’ve had occasions were I got 2 in a row they’ve been everywhere lately and besides other people on the dosers team throwing it’s basically impossible to win even when you get them on your own team it doesn’t feel rewarding I’ve been with this game through their highs and lows played from season 3 to now and this is the only time I can say that I don’t even enjoy playing because of it and the worst part besides losing 50 rank points is I’ve had whole teams report them for ddosing under game sabotage and cheating and nothing happens I’ve also seen blizzard flat out deny that this is happening saying that it’s impossible for someone to boot a single player off and to them I say go on Xbox get on overwatch ranked and play 10 games better yet ask the people in voice chat I’m sure they would be happy to tell you their 2021 ow experience but if this gets fixed I would gladly come back and play if not then I hope ow 2 isn’t like this
Blizzard has addressed this issue before. Simply put, if you use the Xbox Party Chat feature at all, your IP address may be exposed to others. You can learn more about this and how to work around it here: