Why/How do people have multiple profiles?

I often read about people having multiple profiles when playing Overwatch. One thing I don’t really understand is why. The biggest reason I can think of is that they are too high level on their main profile and want to play some matches with low level players.

Another thing that puzzles me is “how” they have multiple profiles. I mean I technically know how, they just need to log out of their main one and go through the sign up process again using a different email address. But I thought a single copy of Overwatch could only be matched with one profile. Do those with multiple profiles have to buy the game again for every new profile or what?

Not lower levels but lower ranks, those are called smurf accounts, and about how they do it they buy the game again

People need to buy the game again, unless they are on console (where you can make unlimited accounts). One reason for getting another account is to practice heroes that you don’t normally play. I’m a diamond D.Va/Moira on my main, but I’m practicing Rein and Orisa + some dps on an alt account, that’s in low plat atm.

It’s a shame that they haven’t made an unranked comp mode yet so you could do that very thing in quick play without all the extra drama and saving you $40

That’s just me,but i find it extremely stupid and a waste of money to buy OW a second time. I know lots of people do it bit still…it’s stupid.

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I think the issue with that would be people wouldn’t take it seriously, so it would end up playing more like qp than comp anyway, so wouldn’t help much. I play on console though, so I guess I get the one perk the system has haha…

Some people buy new accounts to get them high rank and auction them on a trading website to make profit.

I agree that they wouldn’t take it seriously, but it would help separate those who want a genuine game without the Sr from those who just wanna play casually.

Whether or not it would help for people who want to learn new heroes isn’t clear, but I do feel like there should be another solution other than fronting another $40 :confused:

not on console though. Their smurf accounts are for free simply because of how consoles work.

Honestly, for most people, buying the game a 2nd time is nothing. You’re also giving the game more support that way; not like we really see that being very effective in OW anyway hue hue.