Why haven't we got any news about overwatch 2 on switch yet?

Haven’t seen anything about it

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Top of the page. Nintendo Switch listed alongside the other platforms.


I’m confused to why there would be separated from anything console related since NSwitch…is a console. Consoles can download ow2 several hours prior to launch and it’s about a 30gb download if Ya have ow1 downloaded still.

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OW on the switch struggled to even get 30fps, I’m just curious to see if OW2 runs at 15fps

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Because the switch is less powerful than other consoles.

It’s one of the reasons Jeff cited for going 5v5, less models and skill effects on-screen means better performance

I only have issues when my switch is docked vs handheld and on :poop: internet in general for either dock or handheld. Granted I never dock it as I got the switch for handheld.

Same I’m just wondering what it’s gonna run like

The thing is even with 5v5, OW2 runs worse than OW1 with 6v6 on the same settings, so there will be a performance hit on switch for sure.

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Have you played OW on a different system? Because just for fun I limited my fps to 30 on PC and holy hell the game is unplayable. I suppose if you’re used to 30fps and haven’t played on better, that’s just normal for you, but the fact is performance on the Switch when compared to other consoles, is drastically poorer.

That said, having hopefully learned from the work they did on their original port of the game to Switch, I’m sure they’ve made improvements to the performance for OW2.

Plus, despite having fewer players the number of particle effects seems to have exploded. It’s perfectly playable now (though it may run better on other consoles), but there is so much happening on the screen in OW2 that I’m worried it’s going to start lagging hard. Even the flashing red/blue/orange lights at the edge of the screen whenever you take damage to health/shields/armor is going to really push how much the switch can process since it seems constant.

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Still amazed they got OW1 to run on the Switch in the first place. I swear that system has less processing power than a toaster. :smile:

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I’m not joking when I say that the LoL mobile port Wild Rift looks and often runs better than OW1 Switch. I don’t know enough about how video games work to know if that’s a totally fair comparison, but just comparing the hero galleries the amount of detail I can get on my phone versus the switch is astounding.

It’s not surprising actually. Nintendo has been known for decades for putting out underpowered systems, but making up for it with high quality first party games. It’s their hallmark. If it’s working, good on them!

it’s cus they freed up processing power after removing 2 players… and used the budget on fancier VFX. so it’s just as taxing if not slightly more.

what was the point? :unamused:

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I play xbox1 elsewise than NSwitch. PC is not my preferred style. Again, I still see no problem. I don’t mess with settings except player controls. The fps issue is only while docked or :poop: internet for me. Get same issues when the internet is bad for the Xbox.

I guess my bad vision and I don’t care what elitist think.

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