Why haven't I moved a single rank

So this isn’t a complaint, but rather an annoyance. Don’t go with the forced bs either guys, please and ty. But anyway, when I was diamond 5 I did sets of games 2 times before finally moving up to diamond 4 on the 3rd set. Now that I’m diamond 4, I have done 2 sets and haven’t moved. My last set I had was 7-2 (or 3 idk) but I stayed. I’m in my high-school’s esports team and even my coach doesn’t understand because I’m duoing with my tank player, and playing in high diamond to high masters (somehow) and even gms and t500s from last season. We’ve been winning these games. Now that you know this info, my next bit is the fact that my tank is, in fact, moving up because he moved up to masters 2 last night from masters 4, but I stayed. Why? My coach, a former contenders player, literally just told me that ow just hates Lucio players. I just need help underatanding. Maybe the game wants me to solo q a few games?

It shouldn’t “hate Lucio players” since the only thing that goes into your rank is W/L and breaks. Sorry it’s a bad response but honestly no-one knows. I’d assume you’re close but not quite there yet.

Thank you for actually taking the time to help, that’s all I really needed tbh. You’re the only person who actually said a word even, and I thank you for it. Kinda started feeling like a castaway since we can’t duo anymore, even though I’m the 2nd best on the team. I was also really looking forward to touching masters since I was diamond 1 on console in season 1 (I got a laptop for esports on december 28 or something) and now feel extremely disappointed in myself and underperformed, and to top that, my mom is an absolute ‘b’ about everything to do with vidogames in general, but she let me use MY OWN MONEY TO BUY THIS LAPTOP? Such a hypocrite I can’t stand her comparing me to people saying that gamers don’t go anywhere in life and can’t make a living out of it either. My parents are in their mid/late 50s like what do they know about esports they were in their 40s-50s when esports first started to turn up.

Me: “Why bother I’ll die anyway nothing will change the outcome so I may as well make it happen sooner”.
Also me 2 seconds later: “Oh, wait, I can’t cause then my team will be down their Lucio with their next best player in general being a mid gold/low-mid plat peak.”

I even arranged for them to talk with my coach, once again, a former contenders player, and they still didn’t listen?

Streamers and creators and players etc have made more money from playing not just videogames as a whole, but ow specifically, than my parents will make as a sum for their entire lives, they’re too old to criticize any of this, let alone to do so with no prior research or information on the topics. If I wanted to go for the NFL or some pro league they’d be all in with it, as any parent would with their kid being very good at something. Why do they want to desteoy what I enjoy? I already have a job for what I planned originally to go into before esports came along, and the college I would go to, as well as already having enough money to pay for my entire tuition, and to top that, a possibility of my workplace offering to cover all of my schooling for me.

I’m 16 and I already have my life planned out, why can’t I just see where this goes? I hate this so much.

What am I even doing this isn’t therapy.