Why Hanzo is so damn bad: A summary

And those weaknesses frequently need to be tweaked, like in any other hero-based game.

Then it’s up to Blizzard.

Every projectile is still bigger than a hitscan bullet so he’s not completely wrong…

Which is why threads like this exist, so the community can discuss what about a character works and what doesn’t. Blizzard appreciates helpful feedback.

I’m a console player. The only reason I quoted the PC stats is because snipers are better on PC up top, where aiming is easier. I chose the situation Hanzo was most likely to have a high winrate and, well, the stats speak for themselves.

That they do as hilarious as it is.

What are you actually arguing here? The devs said “not all that big.” That does not translate to “exactly the same as everyone else.” You can literally test this in the game for yourself.

When I say hitbox, I’m talking about how close your crosshairs have to be to the character model before a hit is registered. I didn’t say that a widow bullet is a physical object that travels through the air. You seem to not want to acknowledge the fact that Hanzo’s arrows require less accuracy than a hitscan hero. And don’t tell me it’s evened out by the fact that it’s a projectile. That might make him harder to use at long range because of the travel time, but that point is virtually irrelevant when he’s so close that tavel time doesn’t matter. At which point the projectile nature of his arrows become a flat advantage, since they have more opportunity to hit a target as they travel.

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If we’re going by skill hanzo takes way more skill than widow if we’re talking about consistency than widow is league’s ahead


Increased projectile speed, a consistent damage ability and an escape will result in a lower pickrate? I really hope you aren’t gonna be one of those people who talk crap about hanzo then lock him off hanzo mains when the rework happens…

Depends on what you mean by consistency. People play Hanzo like he’s Widow with a bow which is the wrong way to play him. If you play him that way of course he isn’t consistent and he shouldn’t be. At close to mid-range Hanzo, despite his projectiles, he’s far better than Widow and his stronger kit reinforces that.

The general problem with Hanzo is he’s not good enough at long range to be better than Widow who is a long ranged hero and he’s not good enough to be better than the majority of other mid-range heroes like McCree. Basically I think he tries to be too much and ends up mediocre at everything. That’s the problem with Hanzo. They need to pick a direction for him to go and go that route. He’s not a sniper so I think they should stop trying to make him one.

Single shot that can kill 2…if you are extremely lucky. One shot two tanks at once, if a tank isn’t one of those you know, 400-600 hp targets…don’t try to argue a point based on forum biased bandwagons against hanzo when you obviously have never played hanzo.

No, what the developers actually said is:

They are tied for the smallest projectile in the game

And I don’t need to test out anything for myself. The people who literally modeled the arrows that Hanzo shoots have weighed in on the matter. The debate is over. If your results are different from the people who have made the game, then you did something wrong in your testing. Period.

You’re right, I don’t want to acknowledge that Hanzo’s arrows require less accuracy than hitscan heroes because I don’t see the relevance. Hitscan weapons, in any video game, are the most accurate by design. It is literally impossible for a projectile to be more accurate. Have you ever played Call of Duty? Because in those games, there are always your hitscan sniping rifles and your projectile-based sniping rifles, and their damage numbers never even approach each other because they function so differently. You’re aiming at where you guess a character will be, rather than where they currently are. In a lot of ways, Hanzo is built around aiming at everywhere where someone isn’t.

I have 300+ hours on Hanzo. I don’t talk crap about him.

I am simply remaining skeptical. At the end of the day, people complained that scatter was OP. People aren’t going to be happy if its replaced by something better. I am simply waiting to see what happens, but I am not as hopeful as you.


just wall climb vs widow hook superjump xD