Why Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Competitive Play

Overwatch - SR System is BROKEN and Your Rank is Not Accurate

another youtube vid


At the upper tiers mechanical skills are not far apart, but at the silver region? They are VERY far apart. Diamond players can absolutely wreck Silver players purely because they won’t miss every other shot. I still remember during the off-season seeing one or two bronze/silver players paired up with high ranked ones in a diamond game; they were blatant weak-links on their team, and even as easy-mode characters like Moira their mechanics were horrendous and easily exploited.

The difference between Masters and Diamond is big enough, let alone Diamond to silver.

This is true, but the topic discussed at hand is the skill disparity within the lower brackets itself, which I fully believe can be wide. Many plat players have diamond+ mechanics, it’s just their decision making and awareness keeping themselves at their rank.


There isn’t much a gaming company can do about that though. It happens in the lower ranks.

Plenty they can do, as they use a forced bell curve distribution to ensure what % of players are in Silver etc.

They could force that spread to be wider. Have more players in plat and above.


How is it forced? Please explain in detail.

Unfortunqtely explaining it would take more words than I am interested in typing. Simply put, the two times they released SR distribution to the public the % of players in each division was the same. As new players can place anywhere on the scale this implies a forced distribution.


You don’t know what a bell curve is, do you?

It’s a natural, mathematical distribution of events. It is impossible to force a bell curve.

If you take 100 humans and see which is the “best” and “worst” at anything, say, skee ball, or writing legal briefs, or changing their underwear, you will get (roughly) 1/3 of the population in the middle, and 1/3 on either side, with those numbers tapering down to +1, +2, +3 standard deviations.

A bell curve CANNOT be forced. You can make there be no bronze or silver ranks, but there is a still a bell curve where the lowest part of gold (in this instance) would be the bottom 10%, mid gold would be the bottom 20-30%, plat would be the average, and so forth and so on.

You’ve changed nothing about the bell curve–you’ve merely labeled it differently–there’s still the exact same distribution, but it’s a lot less clear to see.

TL;DR a bell curve cannot be forced–it is a mathematical expression used to gauge any given population against an average.

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Yet how you distribute SR across player base is totally in Bliz control. And look at the distribution given by Jeff.
If you build a graph of this distribution, you will see, that right tail is very long and very low, meaning: the distribution center is shifted. No doubt, artificially.
Silver and Gold should have subdivisions. Skill difference is too far apart on the ends of these ranges.


HALLELUJAH hallelujah praise this post :raised_hands:t3:


There are 4502 skill subdivisions. Below 500 plus 500-5000.

There are 7 labels or groups, but those groups are completely arbitrary. They could make me a GM tomorrow, technically, by lowering the threshold of that label, but it wouldn’t make my skill any better.

MOST people realize this, but I’m still an advocate for getting rid of the overly specific SR numbers and just using “high gold”, “mid silver”, etc.

But, you’d still have a bell curve. You could center it at any rank, in theory, but why would you want a low bronze population but a high GM population? People that work hard for GM should get that recognition of being in the top 3% or whatever. No one should care of you are in the bottom 3 vs. the bottom 10%.

Yes, getting rid of numbers is ok, too.
And I’m not saying, that we live without the bell curve. The distribution form is not an issue. Issue is - placing new accounts into gold, by making so completely diminishing the value of “average” of the distribution. Issue is - having 50% of player base in two ranks lower than middle of the distribution. This, and the entire distribution shift, is clearly done on purpose, to separate extremely good players from anyone else, and not giving a slightest pinch of care about that majority of player base.
With manipulations like these you could claim (and in fact, should claim), that there is power distribution in place, and not bell. It is a well researched phenomenon - people performance forms not bell, but power law curve.


This 1,000,000 times. I pray the devs fix comp. I love this game and would really enjoy a proper competitive ladder.


They absolutely could do a gamewide reset for seasons twice a year. There’s really no reason for the fact that people can buy new accounts, place and maintain higher and absolutely struggle to climb on their main. The reason for this is matchmaker trying to group based on skill. The main problem with this is from accounts that have been around for 4+ seasons that have tanked in SR. You aren’t playing with brand new bronze players at the same SR for the most part. You’re playing against other people who have tanked for one reason or another.

What then happens is many people you’re grouped with are so irritated with losing so much SR, they will intentionally throw or just leave. Why? They too have another account and instead of trying to dig this one out of the grave, they’d rather ruin the game for others.

This fallacy that everything evens out as far as leavers on both sides is one huge disservice to the state of the game. Yesterday I lost 8 games with a leaver on my team. In 3 of those games, multiple people left. Know the amount of leavers on the other team for the day? 3. I ended up climbing in SR from having more wins overall, but this garbage is absolutely destroying lower ranks. That’s 6-8 losses (3-6 due to the wins from the leavers on the enemy team) in one day that I have to now win due directly to leavers on top of what I already need to actually climb.

It’s the exact same thing with people intentionally trolling, though that’s harder to spot on the enemy team depending on what they’re doing. That’s just one day. Every single day I’ve played this season, I have had more leavers on my teams than the enemy teams I’ve faced.

Acting like Blizzard can’t do anything about this is foolish. People have given suggestions. Some would work, some wouldn’t. People outright denying that there’s an issue with comp period, though… that’s just burying one’s head in the sand.


By using MMR to achieve a theoretical 50/50 outcome it is pushing everyone to 50% saying win percentage has nothing to do with an algorithm designed to achieve a 50/50 outcome is beyond disingenuous…It’s like a casino saying the games aren’t fixed against a single player…well technically no the entire casino is rigged…why not give players the option on how they would like to be matched? MMR adjusted ladder and a strictly SR balance ladder?


A bell curve can’t be forced? Who told you this? I’m not saying this is how OW matchmaking works, I’m responding to your outspoken statement that a bell curve can’t be forced, seriously who told you that? I could actually draw a bell curve right now and take everyone who has posted in this thread and randomly distribute them across the bell curve and say that it’s my ranking system of how well people can construct posts.

Are you meaning to say something else?

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Nature told me that.

A bell curve is a natural by-product of probability. To see it in action, roll 2 dice 100 or so times, record your data (how many 2s, how many 6s, how many 10s etc.) and you will see a bell curve. You may have some noise in it after 100 rolls, but do it a million times and it will be accurate to 100s of percentage points.

Overwatch ranking is very similar. There is a median skill (variance). It’s pretty easy to figure out what the median skill is for several reasons, but the easiest to understand is that most players will gravitate toward it since, by definition, average is exactly average. Just as two dice rolled 10000s of times will tend toward 7.

You can stretch the curve however you like. You can flatten it (everyone trending toward 2500). You can inflate one end (only 1% of people in bronze and 20% in GM). You can spike the middle (90% of people in gold with very 10% in all the other ranks).

But it is still the same curve with the exact same standard deviations. The only thing that changes is the definition of your rank. In the last example, for instance, the difference between a 2000 and a 2500 would insanely large since 90% of the population would be there–not a particularly good system.

Bell curves are naturally occurring phenomena, and we used maths to figure out how to express them.

As to you “ranking” posts and putting them in a bell curve (gonna assume I’ll get a zero from you), that’s just opinion. But IF you were somehow able to rate every single post on an empirical and impartial scale taking into account grammar, logic, humor, toxicity, follow-through, etc etc etc etc, then you would see that not only would all posts “grade” follow a bell curve, it is impossible for them to do anything else.

Even if there more FAR more s-posts than “excellent” posts, the s-posts would STILL be better or worse than one another.


lol so you don’t know. If you are going to claim the system is rigged you need to provide proof that it is.

what?!?! how does the distribution among ranks and new account placements prove a forced bell curve?

First: the % of players in each division are absolutely not the same… not even close

Previous released player distribution:


Second: it is more a log-normal distribution than normal distribution(see links below) and it’s just a display % in X rank. There will always be a peak in any of the distribution types

Log-Normal Distribution:


Normal Distribution:


Third: new players do not place anywhere, they place where their MMR(from QP) and placement matches put them. This is just too ridiculous…

I mean…I assume you realize that “average” by definition means that 50% is lower?

How can it possibly be any kind of problem that the middle is in the middle? Plus, the average is actually mid-gold, so you have 2.5 of 7 ranks below average and 4.5 above average. Which, let the GMs have their rank. It’s ok to have a top rank be a small percent.

Now, IF we grouped by rank rather than MMR I could see this as a problem, but we don’t do that. If you’re 1999, the chances are high that your team and opponents will be between very low gold and very high silver. They’re not 1500-1999. Except for groups, of course, which screws up the matchmaking.