Why Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Competitive Play

Do you have that scoreboard thread written yet?

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Iā€™ve written enough threads about scoreboards to get my account suspended for spamming. Not having one is an insult to serious players.

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This indeed. Still waiting for this feature to be added.

They say that your SR is not used in match making only MMR (so not both of them) but what OTHER factors are usedā€¦?

Ping/location probably. And a few flags to prevent you from playing with people you avoid.

This is because while the core of their MM algorithm (or those of other games) is public knowledge (itā€™s a variant of ELO ranking). It is supplemented with extra information or some other expansion/generalisation of ELO, and that information is proprietary.

I also note that I see little reason to ever show MMR AND SR, because if you do, then SR canā€™t serve its purpose at being a filtered view of MMR, protecting our impressions of how MMR/SR should move after a win or loss.

scoreboards would make an already toxic game worse.

Scoreboards would show who doesnā€™t belong at a rank. Scoreboards would show who is trolling or throwing. Scoreboards with (balanced mm) would relieve toxicity.

Man Hots has a scoreboardā€¦

Why they leave this as is is beyond me. They get tons of negative publicity for more then 2 years.

Guess selling second and 3rd accounts makes up for the negative reviewsā€¦

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People have bad games, it happens. Having a team rip into eachother based upon a scoreboard is going to get us nowhere. Positivity and helping eachother will always go further.

Not to mention, sometimes the reason 1 person is doing badly is because someone else isnā€™t doing their role properly.

For example:
It can be very hard for DPS to do their job properly if the tanks never push in.

All a scoreboard would do would cause a team to rip into someone and blame them, rather than adapt and overcome.

You clearly donā€™t understand a scoreboard would relieve toxicity combined with the report system. If a player is having a bad game then nobody is gonna badger them for it, if they do report them for grieving.

One way or another this game ā€œcommunityā€ needs to be polishedā€¦

Man I play other comp games that are far more skill based then OW and they have a scoreboard. If someone is at the bottom people just acknowledge it and move on.

The lack of a scoreboard has caused much of the toxicity in OWā€¦

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are you serious? People use the current system to attack people, let alone one that is in more depth. The community would 100% have a go at people having a bad game.


This is exactly why a scoreboard wonā€™t work. Thereā€™s too much that stats simply canā€™t give you. The medals themselves are too much for people to wrap their heads around. I had a McCree today gloating about his gold medals. I meanā€¦youā€™re doing your basic job? Thanks? Weā€™re losing so youā€™re obviously not doing enough to gloat about.

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Thatā€™s called, ā€œgrouping upā€. Itā€™s been in the game for ages.

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I donā€™t! Iā€™m really sorry for promising this and not delivering. I will try to get back to it.

No problem! Looking forwards to it.

Donā€™t handicap matches so new to the game players that get carried think they are pros at level 25ā€¦ Add a scoreboard like you had in the betaā€¦

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The same argument could be used on every single competitive game, note that I said game not FPS game. They still have a scoreboard, can you guess why?

Have the other games suffered from a self imploding community due to having a scoreboard? No.

Has a scoreboard existed in every competitive shooter since CPL in 2004? Yes.


dude i got my account suspended for spamming as wellā€¦ Literally just trying to explain how the system works

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Have you played LoL?

People get absolutely teared into constantly.

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I have, excellent example as well. In LoL if you are doing well, the rest of your team can see this. This increases the chance of them following your shotcalls, increasing the chance of your victory significantly. I say this as a diamond 2 peak, so yes I do play LoL.

My question now, do you?


Look up a youtube video and make your arguments against a pro player since you are too arrogant and closed minded to listen to a lowly bronze/silver player.

Overwatch: Why The SR System Creates Toxicity - Pro Interview ft. Team USA Jake

All I know is that youā€™ve never played a game with me and stubbornly want to hold onto your beliefs that the SR system isnā€™t flawed. Boosters on the other team have asked me if Iā€™m a smurf. Iā€™ve met gold and above players playing alt accounts that praise my heals and donā€™t know why Iā€™m only bronze. They friended me on their main accounts so I know theyā€™re not full of it.

The difference in accuracy between silver and diamond might be 15% at the most. Mechanical skills arenā€™t that far apart. The players at the higher level understand concepts like countering or getting countered, contesting, controlling and creating space, spawn advantage, recognizing and punishing players out of position, how to bait and draw opponents into making mistakes, then capitalizing on them. Bronze is full of Yolo and bad players in general.

Being a flex player instead of selfishly picking my best characters and one tricking to maximize my stats in a low tier SR is my problem according to this pro player. Good play and high stats can contradict each other. If youā€™re zoning properly and/or poking to charge ult, your accuracy suffers and your SR gets punished. Iā€™m not claiming to be a Masters player or even a plat player, but I know Iā€™m not a bronze player.

I played in a 6 stack this weekend and lost 300 SR.

(In part because we were a team of silver and gold players that let a couple of bronze friends that just arenā€™t very good play with us.

One of which gets gold elims on moira and thinks heā€™s a gold player which heā€™s definitely not. I donā€™t think heā€™s even a silver player so I get your bias toward bronze players that donā€™t think they belong there. The first is a one trick DPS Moira and our 2nd bronze was a 1 trick zen. We had insufficient heals.

Another player one tricks Dva, my strongest tank. Two other players are DPS mains, which limits me to playing main tank which without heals was just miserable. Itā€™s also miserable to know I could grab soldier and deal with enemy pharahs or junkrat to kill enemy bastions which both consistently wrecked our team if the others had any ability to flex. But the SR system punishes flex players. I should have quit playing comp with them, but didnā€™t want to hurt a friendā€™s feelings. xD )

I wish I had watched this vid and learned that the SR system encourages selfish play and discourages premade groups before I did that. Guess itā€™s time to set my Blizz account to offline mode, forget about playing with friends, and go one trick till Blizz fixes the SR system to encourage team play.


I point out flaws with the system fairly regularly. But only if they are legit flaws, and not hallucinations of handicapping and players (below GM) thinking that they are usually the best players on their team.

The video (Overwatch: Why The SR System Creates Toxicity - Pro Interview ft. Team USA Jake - YouTube) has some legitimate points, some of which have been addressed by Blizzard since it came out. I watched it when it was new, but it has been a while. It is long, though. If you want me to address specific points, please tell me at what timestamp they are discussed.

I just canā€™t get excited by this issue. If one-tricking (or more likely maining a hero or role) is optimal play, and you want your SR to go up, one-tricking is what you should do, yes? Iā€™m pretty sure this would be true even if there is no performance SR, as no one will be equally good at all heroes. Choosing heroes players are good at will improve the chances of victory. In most cases, this is true even if it means the comp is less meta.

You have to decide. Is your SR more important, or playing with your friends more important? Probably the best solution is to have two accounts, a solo account and a play with friends account.

If your SR is important, and you want to six stack, you have to be careful who you group with. Donā€™t group with healers that donā€™t heal. Select people for the group that are good at their roles and can play a meta comp. Choosing who to group with is a ā€œskillā€ that gets reflected in your ā€œskill ratingā€.

As of now, the game will try to match six stacks vs six stacks, or higher SR smaller groups, so it is essential when grouping that your group have good synergy. Otherwise, you are likely to lose. I refer to this as the grouping penalty, and is a place where the matchmaker could use some improvement.

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