Why DVA is BAD and why it feels HORRIBLE playing tank

Ever heard of not diving someone alone?
Diving with Winston, Genji, Tracer, getting covered by an Ana, Bap or Mercy?
This is not a 1vs1 Game.

I agree with most of what the OP says, although they seem to have a fascination with Hanzo.

They have degraded people’s ability to put in their own effort in this game so much you can’t do anything but rely on your teammates, which is the worst thing to do, you should be playing WITH them, not relying on them to carry you, and these new metas keep forcing you to do that.


Look man I think the dps hate is a but overblown too but saying that those nerfs had a major impact on the characters is like saying that when the doctor nerfed your pp with a circumcision that it had a major impact on your ability to use it the same way

Obviously you can but it doesn’t feel as good

McCree’s FTH and Reaper’s Life Steal nerfs were mostly done to make them less oppressive in lower ranks, so these nerfs did had a large impact.

But this was not the point I was trying to make.
I only wanted to correct OP’s claim how none of these heroes got a single nerf in an entire year. That’s just wrong.

Fair enough


None of those changes mattered at all, Reaper still out heals tank DPS, Mei’s Wall still takes too long to destroy and FTH still wrecks Orisa/Sigma barriers in 2 to 3 clicks all while Mei caught a laundry list of buffs, Reaper got a useable teleport and McCree got a machine gun fire rate.

Still doesn’t change that fact that these heroes got nerfed in an entire year, which is the point I’m making here, and not how effective it was.

And I already stated how the McCree and Reaper nerfs did affected the game much in a comment above, so I recommend you to read that.

And what you stated was kind of irrelevant, the Mei wall health change had absolutely zero affect on the game. Each one of those characters is exceeding a critical threshold in one way or another, by how much doesn’t really matter once you break it.

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DVA is fine (20 char)

It’s not irrelevant buddy.

  • OP claim these heroes didn’t got nerfed in an entire year.
  • I correct him and point out what the nerfs were what they did received in a year time.
  • You claim it’s irrelevant, but it’s me responding to something what OP said.
    (What you are doing right now is irrelevant though :man_shrugging:)

Again, it’s not about how effective the nerfs were.
It’s merely me pointing out a wrong claim of OP.

The fact is that they did got nerfed in a year time.

They buffed DPS because they are afraid to nerf healers. Tanks have finally received a small nerf, so that shows that Blizzard is not “absolutely clueless”. They just refuse to deal with the core problem: healers are easy and too effective.

If a nerf does nothing to affect a character, then it isn’t really a nerf by definition. The “well actually” argument is a waste of time, while Reaper/Mei still ROFL stomp ladder.

But it did.

Why were Reaper and McCree nerfed in the first place? Because they were too oppressive/too strong in lower ranks and QP.

This happens to be largest group in the game, and not by a small margin either. Because of this is it safe to say that it DID affected the character, albeit not in high ranks.

But it doesn’t make it any less irrelevant to this topic buddy.

Also, Mei’s and Reaper’s viability are in a decline after the latest patch, especially Reaper.

Saying they are ROLF stomping the ladder is nothing but an exaggeration at this point, one that is most likely based on feelings or old stats, and not on recent stats. Most likely.

People still haven’t figured out that the meta was solved on the PTR a month ago, and all of the OWL team’s are scrimming the exact same thing in the off season. Reaper/Mei are God Tier right now just for being a walking Bastion vs the barrier nerfs and less barriers to block freeze - double snipers still can’t deal with double shields and Ice Wall regardess of the lower mitigation because total coverage is what matters.

The McCree nerf for sure did nothing in those ranks, he has always been a net loser at low ranks so there was no reason to nerf him for the purpose that you mentioned.

I mean, by all means keep saying they were “nerfed” if you’re trying to score the “well actually” points - the reality is DPS creep in 222 is still a huge issue.

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According to this post (Every balance change by hero logged)

mccree has received 7 patch changes, all of them being HARD BUFFS. I think the fth revert is more of bug fixing an extremely broken part of his kit that was a disastrous mistake.

Reaper’s life steal got toned down??? I have no idea what game you’re talking about, unfortunately the changes you make in your custom games are not the same as in the patch notes. His life steal has ONLY received insane buffs that were a big mistake.

Mei’s wall got nerfed? where in the patch notes for mei did you read that? Unfortunately what you write down on the chalk board in your bedroom don’t make it to the patch notes. Even IF IT DID get nerfed, the nerf was more insignificant than a soldier in 2019 against orisa rein sigma and sym ult.

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I’m a former DVA one trick in competitive. She feels like a clunky mess now and is not fun AT ALL. She’s pure crap actually

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She is currently one of the WORST heroes.

Remember when torb used to be a throw pick? dva is probably a lot worse of a throwpick than torb ever was


These were symbolic at best and did nothing to address the actual problems

That post is a troll/spam. They didn’t do anything. I went and checked the past patches for mccree, reaper, mei. They literally received nothing but buffs.

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The OP is right, the Blizzard Balance team, more importantly whoever is in charge of it is a lovely blend of incompetence, malice, laziness, and blatant hypocrisy

We ended up with GOATS and all the tank heavy comps because they refused to do their jobs and balance the snipers, so you had to run characters that couldn’t be deleted by Widow spamming partial charge body shots, or Hanzo being Hanzo

Instead they handed out massive buffs to Mei and Reaper, because that is smart.

They then come out with 2/2/2, and a powerful barrier tank WITHOUT fixing the Snipers or reverting any of the anti-tank buffs that are no longer needed because 2/2/2 removes tank comps, and to the surprise of no one but them we end up with Double Barriers

Balance Team: Surprise Pikachu Face

So we “balance” that not by finally balancing snipers, and removing the anti-tank buffs, but by nerfing barriers

And now we have either Mei Reaper watch, where Mei has a superior version of hack on her fracking primary fire, Reaper can just herp derp at you spamming shots because of his stupid broken sustain, or sniper watch where Widow can spam partial charge shots and Hanzo is Hanzo

Everyone else in the roster can enjoy being frozen, having Reaper out heal your damage, getting randomly deleted by broken snipers that you can’t even dive because they also have evades AND better close combat options than some chars primary fire (compare Widow’s SMG and Sombra’s only fire option).

The other thing is the blatant hypocrisy.


Mei’s freeze that is vastly superior in every way?

Oh that’s fine

Pre-rework Brig has sustain? REEEEEEE NERF NERF NERF

Reaper having 40% life steal as well as better everything else?

Tots fine