Why DPS always get the blame

It’s perhaps main issue. Can’t leave whole team to die, because someone somewhere demands personal support. Unless, of course, that one player can win the game on their own with your support - something rare to find.

Simple in goals, but not in execution.

Catch of DPS was always in their position as “least team-reliant role”. As it has opposite side of “if you are bad, no one can make you good”.

For example, what happens, if you got bad Reinhardt? You put more healing in them, and they work. Bad Ana? Players moving in more predictable ways allows them to heal you anyway, so it works.

What happens, if you got bad Widowmaker? You got pretty much useless player, as nothing can make them succeed, besides themselves.


Speaks volumes of this community, when me backfilling the last 60 seconds of a game as a tank get 2 silver and 2 golds just to lose and repeat. I shouldn’t out perform the dps roll as Orisa.

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the dps queue are saturated and I would say that most players do not want to train between the queue

I agree with everything else but I’m not sure about this one. You can get value out of DPS without having to damage and kill something. Tracer for example gets most of her value from forcing the enemy team to peel for their backline, and initiating a 1v2 while her team takes a 5v4. She doesn’t even have to kill anything as long as she keeps the target(s) distracted long enough for her team to win the teamfight.

Unfortunately nobody talks about this kind of scenario because everyone and their dog seems to think that DPS should be farming solo kills every fight.

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I think a few things bias opinions here.

  1. A general misunderstanding of Overwatch

I think this has been covered in their thread but it is a team responsibility to secure a pick. Reinhardt’s and Genji’s alike have wiped teams.

  1. Always looking outward rather than inward for a solution:

People don’t like to hear it but D.va has more eliminations on average than any DPS. Zarya and Sigma have more damage than on average than most of the DPS.

Some people take this as gold damage/eliminations are just what I get sometimes as a tank. Some take it as “all DPS are trash”.

  1. Poor matchmaking leading to unrealistic expectations:

Sometimes you get put in a match with a DPS that wiped the floor with the enemy team. The widow/Genji that gets two picks per-fight. That sole masters player in a diamond match.

“Why can’t my DPS play like that every game?”. Well DPS like that are not your rank. If you want DPS like that, you need to be better than you currently are so you are in their games.

When my one of my tanks is clearly out leveled by the enemy, it’s not their fault - they didn’t ask to be in an unfair game. The only way to win is to play as a team so sometimes, I switch to Mei and play as a pseudo off-tank.

And of course, sometimes I will literally say the enemy DPS is better than me, we need to do something about it. Flaming me doesn’t make me better but finding a team solution might help us win the game.

Sorry, but no “team responsibility” in securing a pick. Just like it’s not “team responsibility” to keep someone alive.

If tank ends up with more kills and more damage, than DPS, it brings us to uncomfortable question about purpose of DPS players on said team. Key word “and” , otherwise they clearly contributed either in damage, or in dealing final hit.

As for “unreasonable expectations” part - DPS getting at least trade(1 kill, 1 death) is perfectly reasonable expectations.

It’s not that hard to farm medals as a tank since It’s only zarya/rein and they’re perfectly capable of snatching that gold
(even though it doesn’t matter!)

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It does look weird though - how role, that isn’t solely designed around kills and has to protect their teammates, ends up being more efficient killer, than role specifically designed for kills and damage.

It’s like Soldier 76 healing more, than Ana.

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It may look weird but this is brawl we’re talking about, rein and zarya can absolutely get in and get kills and damage especially zarya with her easy 100 charge

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That’s what you get for fighting on tank’s terms, in close range.


Of course we’re fighting on tanks terms??? Tanks decide how the fight will go

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Same that lot love doing their own thing and throwing team cohesion to the s**ter

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You support them, if their efforts seem to bring desired results.

If they pick genji/junkrat i won’t.

If they pick sensible characters then I will

I don’t have a strict ‘If you don’t play x character then I won’t heal you’ policy but dps players struggle to not be one tricks it seems (same with dva but i like dva)

It’s not about what they pick, it’s about how they work. So it pays off to observe them bit - if they failed 3 times and show no signs of altering their approach, it’s not someone you want to work with.


Dvas are worse, just a missive pickanick basket for the other team. No peels, just rushing 1v4-6 all match.

Uh I never said dps don’t matter, but if you as a tank player find yourself losing more than you think you should, it’s because you are not as good as you think, not because of players on other roles.

Sometimes good tanks/supports do lose because of bad dps on their team, but the point is, if you feel that happens a lot to you, you are not a good tank/support. That’s all.

As a tank player, I typically blame DPS when the team’s health is in good shape, the tanks are creating safe spaces for the team to operate, and nothing on the enemy team is being damaged.


When you’ve tanked mained and healed enough people that are clearly defensive dps, then we’ll talk. Nothing like a widow or Torbjorn for a push… I can be on fire an entire game as a tank and I’ve outdamaged my dps more times than I can count.

The pain is real, I’ve seen this so many times. Or when they yell for heals and are half way across the map.