Why don't we give mercy a rez reset when she activates valkyrie?

not necessarily give her an additional rez, just reset the ability if its on cooldown. Kinda like Genji’s dash. This gives Mercy players options before they commit to a Valk. Do you wait and see if a teammate dies to get two uses out of rez? Or do you activate Valk to help further the push? I think this would add some layers of dynamic to Mercy as well as help distinguish Mercy’s who know what they are doing.
And while we are at it, why not give her a healing boost resource on her reload? maybe it cranks up her healing from 50hps to 65/70hps and drains over 10 seconds and takes 15 to fully recharge? and maybe in Valk it could boost it up to 80hps? (with this change I would say remove chain beams or have chains do 40hps)
idk just things that would help her out a lot currently in game.


So give her an additional rez? That’s why. It didn’t add dynamic, people ulted because 2 were dead and the devs didn’t want multi-rez




Yeah, it’s almost always going to be better to use it for the extra rez, and no one wants that again


Pretty much. I’m not sure why OP thought it wouldn’t be just for the extra rez again.


I think this would be OP, and its not something she needs, in any case, as a well balanced and impactful hero in her current state

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?


As said all it does it add the valk when 2 people die mentality back.
At no point should we have multi-res in any form.


you can say that but it doesn’t always guarantee an extra rez. multi rezes were before the Valk rez nerf, so the enemy could stop her initial rez before Valk and there would still only be one more potential rez.

So rez before you ult and then ult immediately after that to get a second. That is exactly what we had with the last iteration of Valk before they just made mercy single rez.


I actually have looked at that! I still think its probably one of the best proposed changes rn that would just make her a tad more engaging.
as for the rez reset, on paper it sounds like it could be op, but there is still opportunity for enemies to cancel the rezes, resulting in only one or zero rezes.

But that existed in the original Valk too. How is this any different?

No thanks, they tried that and it sucked. I would rather not go back to needing to valk for a res and that being its only value

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I understand that but you aren’t getting my point, it won’t always mean an extra rez when Valk is mostly used as a panic escape for mercy, just adds a little extra utility.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Could you add your comments to the thread in question?

Honestly, they should just put rez on a resource meter. That would give her more skill while still being counterable. This would distinguish “bad” from “good” mercys, and it will also feel good when you do it (like you earned it.)

Although I do think if they were to give her a resource meter, they should lower her cast time by just a smidge-- like a quarter of a second even.

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because original Valk gave you an additional charge no matter what, this one has a requirement of rez to be on cooldown

I am getting your point, I just think you are forgetting we have already had exactly that and the result was that it was used exclusively for the extra rez, not for Mercy to get away.

It is almost always on CD. When an extra rez is possible, people will just wait until 2 are dead.

true true, but again that was before that huge mercy nerf.
I would just like it to be tested a bit because I honestly don’t think that many mercys would constantly hold Valk just for a second rez. and if they do and it becomes a problem then no biggie, just remove it

Tested why though…?
Give a objective reason instead of subjective opinions.
Unless thats all you have…

I’d love to have a res reset for her ultimate.

I believe it makes sense as well. Valkyrie is intended to improve all aspects of Mercy’s kit, but ironically, resurrect is the ability that isn’t improved in any substantial way (unless you would want to consider the “bug” that made it less clunky to use while in valk, which became a “feature.”)

No, I believe more can be done. With how different the game has been since Mercy’s 2 resses, I believe now is as good of a time as ever where Mercy can benefit from a res reset while in Valkyrie - in the very least. I’m all for it! :blush:

I’d take a single stronger beam any day over some sort of chain healing. A burst heal of sorts on her staff reload would be something I’d love to see as well. Good suggestion there.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.