Why don't the devs think Ana is an issue?

So, you complain about Ana being good but you don’t see an issue with Sym being bad?

Okay then, I’m afraid nobody will help you understand the subject of your thread until you realize what’s wrong with the statement above.

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Why nerf a hero with a sub 50% win rate?

“Best” is debatable, but the major ones are good. Many other heroes got even better perks.

Simply a lie.

Yeah popular, so we need to gut her according to you. Right?
Great logic.

She’s not. She’s just viable.
She hard counters some tanks. That’s it.
They rework the struggling tanks, not Ana.


Sym being good is just bad for the game, it would lead to an uninteractive game state that nobody other than the person playing Sym would enjoy.

Why is that good for the game?

No point throwing numbers around when they don’t post data like MR does and there’s no reliable sources.

What we can prove with evidence though, is she dominates the t500 leaderboard.

Which other hero do you think received better perks as a whole?

You can log into the client yourself and see, I’m not going to argue reality.

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That’s because unfortunately they don’t care about the tank player experience and never have. They would have never cut a tank if they did.


Y’all really overestimate top500 lol. Most people up there just play what they like. This whole meta slave bullcrap is for players in diamond. Top500 players don’t need that

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Post your replays bro

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Bro, Shutup. You are more than welcome to look at my profile. I honestly don’t care if you don’t believe me that I’m T500. Y’all act like this game is even hard

Ana has usually been pretty balanced and usually had a <50% WR whenever Blizzard usually posted it OR you could see on overbuff. She’s solid and more annoying than overpowered.

the devs only don’t mess with ana because they need a character to keep sustain in check as they refuse to adress it.

lmao why are you so pressed bro? Relax, it’s JUST replays brother.

That’s the thing, isn’t that bad game design? What if Ana isn’t in the match? sustain just auto wins?

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This is what I think it is, not necessarily what I personally believe.

I imagine it’s because in GM+, tank players know how to bait it out and play around it. Additionally, they will run Kiriko in a more efficient manner to counteract whatever it is that Ana does.

Usually if she’s meta, it’s because they have a tank or two that are proving to be too difficult to kill, and having an anti/sleep adds an additional hero who can pressure them with the rest of the team. She isn’t the sole reason, nor a major reason, for why certain heroes aren’t dominant.

Ana comes and goes in their meta, which is probably why they don’t complain about her often or change her. She becomes prevalent when it’s felt she’s needed, and falls off when she isn’t. Whereas in every other rank, she’s a must-pick regardless of what others pick.

So, they can’t nerf a hero who is alright in high ranks.

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This is possible but there’s 2 things.

  1. Ana dominates t500 still, she’s all over the leaderboards, so I’m sure she’s not that weak.

  2. If what you’re saying is true, then I’d understand the reasoning, but they shouldn’t be surprised if people in lower ranks decide to stop playing because of how oppressive Ana feels.

Can’t have your cake and eat it too.

It’s absolutely bad game design (caused by fear of changing how the game works and making a vocal crowd upset) and if I can call it now:

When hero ban comes, the next META has a high chance of revolving around high sustain. We have the DPS passive and Moira’s perk, but they will not be enough to mitigate it.


If you play it smart she’s not an issue, at all. People get too hyper focused on killing thanks in my opinion, one should always remove the back line first

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I think a larger issue is that if you put a Brig or LW with that Ana, it becomes significantly harder to actually kill the backline.

To clarify, I’m not saying she is weak at all.

I think her being meta is in response to other heroes becoming meta; either enabling them, or adding pressure to them. She’s a super strong hero all the time. In high ranks, her being meta is dependent on other heroes being meta.

In lower ranks, it’s just…all the time, always, because we don’t have a “meta”.

This is also fair. I don’t disagree with this. I imagine that is why hero bans are coming. People can dictate, somewhat, the experience they would like to have.


This is true. There was this time in ow1, were Sym was meta… and the meta consisted in literally explode as fast as possible the enemy Sym, or you lose

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Sure, buddy… that’s why when Soj is meta, every leaderboard shows Soj in there… but when she’s not, she’s replaced by someone else 'till next soj microbuff

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I searched in Overbuff and it says that, 4 months ago (the most recent data available in there, so las season or so), you were between low masters and high diamond… so, sorry for being the one that tells you, but the current state of the game and declining player base, even if you reached t500, if you’re not in the t10 or t20 at least… you’re probably just a Master/gm with glorified rank border.

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Ana is a hero that is strong if you leave her alone to do her thing in the backline. But put pressure on her and she is also one of the support heroes that needs the most peel from teammates.

There used to be lots of Ana onetricks, but they all had to branch out to other heroes to stop loosing as much when the enemy team actually exploits her weakness.

Asia region had 1 Ana onetrick in T500, NA and Europe had zero for season 14. The other supports have onetricks still.