Why don't ranks or SR reset every season like some other games?

I’ve wondered this for a while now, and my point was reaffirmed when someone posted about how unusual it was for Overwatch to have a nearly concrete rank placement system that seems to revolve around sticking someone in a tier that they may or may not get out of.

It’s maddening, to me. I know for a fact that I play at least a low gold level in skill because I am frequently and obsessively checking other player’s stats to know who I’m being matched with when it’s not Competitive. Verified over the course of a lot of games, been watching my stats and who I have been matched with before this private profile stuff started happening.

You know what I see? Golds. Platinum players. People around that ranking area.

Yet I’m too embarassed to even share my real SR because the game is convinced I belong in the very low ELO rankings like silver and bronze. I have been teetering between those two ranks for ages despite my best efforts. The worst part of it all is how much the community absolutely despises people in the low ELO too.

The real reason I am making this post at this point is this: I am Bored. I am completely bored, numb, disgusted, demotivated by Competitive Overwatch. None of my victories feel like victories.

I feel like I slipped down a ladder than just lets me climb back up again before I inevitably slip again. What I’m trying to say is that it feels like Blizzard covered the ELO ladder in grease, and it sucks.

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(12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoMLVX_yD4#t=01h01m50s

Those stats you acquired are against other bronze players. You would have a much harder time in gold. If you belong in gold, you can get there by winning more than you lose in bronze and silver.

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Let me get this straight. You deserve to be Gold/Plat. But you can’t have an oppressing presence on games at Silver and below?

Seems legit.

I actually do have sort of an oppressing presence in the games I am in.

I am only a little bit better than where I am ranked, but I can feel it because most of the games seem a little too easy.

Also don’t forget that smurfs are a thing. I don’t run into them often, but smurfs and hackers exist even at lower ELO. I have died to a handful of extremely skilled snipers in upper bronze, and you just KNOW that is suspect. Bronze players do not shoot like that.

I have one alternate account that is gold, but I don’t enjoy using it because I’m tired of being part of that trend of “everyone has an alt, just play on that when you get tired of playing whatever on your main.”

It is true that I have gotten a little worse over time, but I still play at least on a high silver level if anything. I know this because I logged into my alt for the first time in a very long time and immediately adjusted without much problem.

I stick to my original opinion that anyone plat and below should be able to reset their SR/MMR once.

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